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Ñïàñèáî çà Âàøó î÷åíü íóæíóþ ðàáîòó!

À íå áóäóò ëè òàê ëþáåçíû óâàæàåìûå äæèíû ïîìî÷ü ëþäÿì, ðàáîòàþùèì çà ÷¸ðíî-áåëûìè ìîíèòîðàìè? Òàê, ÿ áû õîòåë èìåòü âîçìîæíîñòü ðàçðåøèòü 2 ïðîáëåìû:

1. (Ñàìàÿ ãëàâíàÿ!) Ãåëüçÿ ëè äëÿ Òåòðèñ/Ãåíòèêñ ïîëó÷èòü âîçìîæíîñòü ñìåíèòü öâåòà ôèãóð? Äåëî â òîì, ÷òî íà ÷/á ìîíèòîðå êðàñíûå êâàäðàòû íå î÷åíü-òî ðàçëè÷àþòñÿ íà ÷¸ðíîì ôîíå ñòàêàíà... Ìåíÿ áû âïîëíå óñòðîèë, íàïðèìåð, ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü â ïàðàìåòðàõ èãðû "Îäíîöâåòíûå ôèãóðû" (÷òîáû íå ñèëüíî Âàñ çàãðóæàòü!), íî, æåëàòåëüíî, ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ çàäàíèÿ ýòîãî öâåòà...

2. Ãèêàê íå óäà¸òñÿ ïåðåêðàñèòü óêàçàòåëü êîììàíäíîé ñòðîêè (C:\DN>)...


Ãèêîãäà íå ðàññòàíóñü ñ DOS Navigator!!!

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I am sorry! This is English version (with riders):



Thanks for Your very important job!

Is it possible to help the people who operate at black-white displays? So, I would like to have an opportunity to resolve 2 problems:

1. (The most important!) Whether Is it possible to have an opportunity to replace color of figures in the "Tetris"/"Pentix"? The point is that on the b/w display red squares differ not very much on a black background of a cup?... For example, I whould be satisfied with the switch in game parameters "Single-colour figures" (I hope it will not be a great burden to You), but, it is desirable, with an opportunity to assign this color...

2. In any way I can not recolour the command line cursor (C: \DN>)...

3. Whether Is it possible to exclude a space at the end of the command line when pressing CTRL+ENTER on the directory?

4. By search, the end of a line is selected enstead of entry for some reason…


I will never be apart from DOS Navigator!!!


Russian: Äîïîëíåíèÿ ê Jul 21 2005, 11:40 AM:

3. Ãåëüçÿ ëè íå äîáàâëÿòü ïðîáåë â êîíåö êîìàíäíîé ñòðîêè ïî íàæàòèþ CTRL+ENTER íà êàòàëîãå?

4. Ãðè ïîèñêå ïî÷åìó-òî âûäåëÿåòñÿ íå âõîæäåíèå, à êîíåö ñòðîêè…

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êñòàòè î èçìåíåíèè öâåòà òåòðèñà ýòî õîðîùàÿ èäåÿ...

>Ãðè ïîèñêå ïî÷åìó-òî âûäåëÿåòñÿ íå âõîæäåíèå, à êîíåö ñòðîêè

Ãòî áàòåíüêà îò óñòàíîâîê çàâèñèò

Ãàñòðîéêè -> Êîíôèãóðàöèÿ->Ãåäàêòîð... 
[ ] Âûäåëÿòü íàéäåííîå



about change color of tetris figure - it is good idea


do it inthe pallete or .ini file?

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"Ãòî áàòåíüêà îò óñòàíîâîê çàâèñèò" - âèíîâàò, ïðîñìîòðåë...


1. À âîò ïàññèâíûé êóðñîð ó ìåíÿ îñòà¸òñÿ âûäåëåííûì íå ñìîòðÿ íà íà-ñòðîéêè â "Óñòàíîâêè ìåíåäæåðà ôàéëîâ"/"Âûäåëÿòü ïàññèâíûé êóðñîð": ïðè íà-ëè÷èè êðåñòèêà - îäíèì öâåòîì, ïðè îòñóòñòâèè - ðàçíûìè (íàâåðíîå, â çàâèñè-ìîñòè îò öâåòîâ ãðóïï ôàéëîâ, õîòÿ è ïîäñâåòêà ôàéëîâ çàïðåùåíà)...

2. Ãàñòðîéêè ðåäàêòîðà, îòñóòñòâóþùèå â "Êîíôèãóðà-öèÿ"/"Ãåäàêòîð"/"Ãàñòðîéêè ðåäàêòîðà" (íàïðèìåð, "Ãîäñâåòêà ñèíòàêñèñà"="Ãåò"), íå çàïîìèíàþòñÿ ïî "Ãàñòðîéêè"/"Çàïîìíèòü ñîñòîÿíèå"...

3. ÃÃ¥ ñìîòðÿ íà íàñòðîéêè ðåäàêòîðà "Îïöèè"/"Ãîäñâåòêà ñèíòàêñèñà"="Ãåò", ïðè óñòàíîâêå êóðñîðà (íàïðèìåð, íà îòêðûòóþ ñêîáêó) âûäåëÿåòñÿ çàêðûâàþùàÿ è íàîáîðîò. Ãòî ìîæíî îòêëþ÷èòü?


1. The passive cursor remains selecte in passive panel without regarding the settings in "File manager"/"File manager setup"/"Show passive cursor": if checkbox = true the cur-sor is selected by a some color, if checkbox = false the cursor is selected by different col-ors (probably, it depends on groups files colors but files highlight is disabled)...

2. The editor settings which are absent in "Option"/"Configuration"/"Editor setup" (for example, "Syntax highlight"), are not saved through "Options"/"Save desktop"...

3. Without regarding the editor setup "Option"/"Syntax highlight" = "Off" when moving the cursor (for example, to the open bracket), the close bracket is selected and vice versa. Can it be disabled?

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"About change color of tetris figure - it is good idea

do it inthe pallete or .ini file?"


I do not understand: what is the odds? If it is possible, I want to change the colors in window "Navigator's game"/"Setup"...


To the point, why the window is named "Navigator's game" instead of "Tetris"?

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1. À âîò ïàññèâíûé êóðñîð ó ìåíÿ îñòà¸òñÿ âûäåëåííûì íå ñìîòðÿ íà íà-ñòðîéêè â "Óñòàíîâêè ìåíåäæåðà ôàéëîâ"/"Âûäåëÿòü ïàññèâíûé êóðñîð": ïðè íà-ëè÷èè êðåñòèêà - îäíèì öâåòîì, ïðè îòñóòñòâèè - ðàçíûìè (íàâåðíîå, â çàâèñè-ìîñòè îò öâåòîâ ãðóïï ôàéëîâ, õîòÿ è ïîäñâåòêà ôàéëîâ çàïðåùåíà)...

Ãîïðîáóé ñìåíèòü öâåòîâóþ ñõåìó íà êàêóþ-íèáóäü äðóãóþ(íàäî ïîäóìàòü íàñ÷¸ò âûêëàäûâàíèÿ ãîòîâûõ íàñòðîåê)


2. Ãàñòðîéêè ðåäàêòîðà, îòñóòñòâóþùèå â "Êîíôèãóðà-öèÿ"/"Ãåäàêòîð"/"Ãàñòðîéêè ðåäàêòîðà" (íàïðèìåð, "Ãîäñâåòêà ñèíòàêñèñà"="Ãåò"), íå çàïîìèíàþòñÿ ïî "Ãàñòðîéêè"/"Çàïîìíèòü ñîñòîÿíèå"...

Ãòè íàñòðîéêè áåðóòñÿ èç ndn.hgl , ïðîïèñûâàþòñÿ äëÿ êàæäîãî òèïàà ôàéëà è åñòåñòâåííî íå ñîõðàíÿþòñÿ


3. ÃÃ¥ ñìîòðÿ íà íàñòðîéêè ðåäàêòîðà "Îïöèè"/"Ãîäñâåòêà ñèíòàêñèñà"="Ãåò", ïðè óñòàíîâêå êóðñîðà (íàïðèìåð, íà îòêðûòóþ ñêîáêó) âûäåëÿåòñÿ çàêðûâàþùàÿ è íàîáîðîò. Ãòî ìîæíî îòêëþ÷èòü?

Âñ¸ äåëî â òîì ÷òî ïîäñâåòêà ïàðíûõ ñêîáîê çàâÿçàíà íà Generalflags


(F1->F1->Ãîäñâåòêà ñèíòàêñèñà)

Generalflags (÷èñëî) - áèòîâîå ïîëå, îïèñûâàþùåå ïàðàìåòðû ïîäñâåòêè:

1 - Ó÷èòûâàòü ðåãèñòð - òîëüêî â òîì ðåãèñòðå òàê êàê ïðîïèñàíî â

2 - ÃÃ¥ ïîäñâå÷èâàòü ÷èñëà

4 - ÃÃ¥ ïîäñâå÷èâàòü ñèìâîëû

8 - ÃÃ¥ ïîäñâå÷èâàòü ñòðîêè çàêëþ÷åííûå â '' èëè ""

16 - Ãîäñâåòêà öèôð ôîðìàòà 0x#### êàê â Ñè (C-Style numbe

32 - Ãîäñâåòêà öèôð ôîðìàòà ($####) êàê â Ãàñêàëå

64 - Ãîäñâåòêà öèôð ôîðìàòà (#.#e#) êàê â Ãàñêàëå/C (Float numbers

128 - Ãîäñâåòêà öèôð ôîðìàòà (.#e#) îïöèÿ (Short float)

256 - Ãîäñâåòêà öèôð ôîðìàòà (###ul) (C-Suffix)

512 - Îòêëþ÷åíèå ïîäñâåòêè ïàðíûõ ñêîáîê


Ñàìûé ïðîñòîé ndn.hgl áåç ïîäñâåòêè ïàðíûõ ñêîáîê

GeneralFlags 512




1. The passive cursor remains selecte in passive panel without regarding the settings in "File manager"/"File manager setup"/"Show passive cursor": if checkbox = true the cur-sor is selected by a some color, if checkbox = false the cursor is selected by different col-ors (probably, it depends on groups files colors but files highlight is disabled)...

try to change color pallete

2. The editor settings which are absent in "Option"/"Configuration"/"Editor setup" (for example, "Syntax highlight"), are not saved through "Options"/"Save desktop"...

thats settings gived from ndn.hgl and not save on command "Save desktop"

3. Without regarding the editor setup "Option"/"Syntax highlight" = "Off" when moving the cursor (for example, to the open bracket), the close bracket is selected and vice versa. Can it be disabled?


edit your ndn.hgl

see help on Generalflags

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1. "Ãîïðîáóé ñìåíèòü öâåòîâóþ ñõåìó íà êàêóþ-íèáóäü äðóãóþ (íàäî ïîäóìàòü íàñ÷¸ò âûêëàäûâàíèÿ ãîòîâûõ íàñòðîåê)" - ÿ íå ðàáîòàþ ñî ñòàíäàðòíûìè ñõåìàìè...

2. Ãðîøó ïðîùåíèÿ: çàáûë óêàçàòü, ÷òî âñå îïèñàííûå ìíîþ ïðîáëåìû íàáëþäàëèñü ïðè óäàë¸ííîì ndn.hgl... Ãîäîçðåâàþ, ÷òî ó Âàñ â îòñóòñòâèå ndn.hgl âñòóïàþò â ñèëó êàêèå-òî íàñòðîéêè ïî óìîë÷àíèþ...


1. "Try to change the color palette for some other (it is necessary to think about availability of ready palette) " - I do not work with the standard palette...

2. I am sorry: I have forgotten to specify that all the described problems were observed under removed ndn.hgl... I suppose, that in DN the same default settings are applied under missing ndn.hgl...

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hi Ìèøà


1. (The most important!) Whether Is it possible to have an opportunity to replace color of figures in the "Tetris"/"Pentix"? The point is that on the b/w display red squares differ not very much on a black background of a cup?... For example, I whould be satisfied with the switch in game parameters "Single-colour figures" (I hope it will not be a great burden to You), but, it is desirable, with an opportunity to assign this color...

2. In any way I can not recolour the command line cursor (C: \DN>)...

3. Whether Is it possible to exclude a space at the end of the command line when pressing CTRL+ENTER on the directory?

4. By search, the end of a line is selected enstead of entry for some reason…


1. i will write this down, but without any promise on when this will be done

2. hm, i'll look into this too, should be implemented if not possible

3.i can add an option for this

4. you mean in editor? i have a entry for that in the todo already



Stefan / AH

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