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Guest man

How work with network?

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Guest man   
Guest man



1) I can't goto network resource from command line. I'm typing "\\server\path" or "cd \\server\path" but it's don't work. Why?


2) If I do "ALT+F1/F2->Network Resources" NDN do "Scaning Network..." a lot time.

I think because NDN immediately scaning shares. For what? Why not like FAR?



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Garl    0
1) I can't goto network resource from command line. I'm typing "\\server\path" or "cd \\server\path" but it's don't work. Why?


"cd \\server\data\ <ENTER>" work fine

check firewall config


can you enter into the \\server\data\ in Windows Explorer?

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Minimus    0
"cd \\server\data\ <ENTER>" work fine

check firewall config


can you enter into the \\server\data\ in Windows Explorer?


1. When i'm not logon on network computer (don't open \\server\data\ in Windows Explorer and not enter username and passwd) NDN simply don't open network path. Why NDN don't ask login and password?


2. When i am do rename (press F6 on selected files) from network path - the chosen files are copied, but do not deleted. On local files all work fine. What can it be?

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Garl    0
1. When i'm not logon on network computer (don't open \\server\data\ in Windows Explorer and not enter username and passwd) NDN simply don't open network path. Why NDN don't ask login and password?

yes NDN is not support autorisation in network yet (must be in ToDo list)

you hane only one way to use this resource (like i do) : login into windows explorer and after that use it in NDN.


2. When i am do rename (press F6 on selected files) from network path - the chosen files are copied, but do not deleted. On local files all work fine. What can it be?


Rename is Alt-F6

F6 - is Move

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Minimus    0
yes NDN is not support autorisation in network yet (must be in ToDo list)

you hane only one way to use this resource (like i do) : login into windows explorer and after that use it in NDN.

I shall wait.


Rename is Alt-F6

F6 - is Move


At carry from a network folder I press F6 on a file, the file copies, but does not delete. That is on a network folder after that on a file it is necessary to press F8. Checked on three versions NDN. (Now use v2.30.4464/WIN32). Something can at me in properties not so?


The same on Russian:

Ãëèí, ïëîõî â øêîëå àíãëèöêèé ó÷èë. ;)

Ãðè ïåðåíîñå ñ ñåòåâîé ïàïêè æìó F6 íà ôàéëå(àõ), ôàéë(û) êîïèðóåò, íî íå óäàëÿåò. Òî åñòü íà ñåòåâîé ïàïêå ïîñëå ýòîãî íà ôàéëå(àõ) ïðèõîäèòñÿ íàæèìàòü F8. Ãðîâåðÿë íà òðåõ âåðñèÿõ NDN.

(Ñåé÷àñ ñòîèò v2.30.4464/WIN32). Ìîæåò ó ìåíÿ â íàñòðîéêàõ ÷å íå òàê?

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I hardly use the network part, I only did it for Necromancer.

I will not put to much work into this feature at the moment because it is windows only.


I added the authorisation to the TODO list.


The MOVE bug from UNC drives is fixed for the next release.



Stefan / AH

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