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Posts posted by Crimso

  1. I have a directory (with subdirectories) on NTFS volume under Win XP.

    I try to rename it to the same name but with different cases (for example, QUEEN to Queen) using F6 key.

    NDN has an unpredictable reaction, mostly making long line of nested directories (like QUEEN\QUEEN\QUEEN\...) until it not bump into "too long name for directory".

    Alt-F6 works OK.



  2. When I press Ctrl-\ in file manager to jump to the top-level catalog, it works good except that selection (cursor?) positioned on the first file of the top-level catalog. Wouldn't it be better if it will be placed on the catalog from the depth of which I just jumped? Like in the case when I simply going into this catalog from one-level-lower catalog pressing Enter on the '..' entry.

  3. When file copy is in progress, it would be very good to print value of overall progress in the NDN window caption, close to the beginning as possible. Something like "54% - NDN - Copying ..."

    It will give a possibility to control progress even in hidden window, folded down or obstructed by other windows, by looking at caption in taskbar.




  4. When I press Alt-F6 in File Manager I get a window "Quick file rename..."

    When I begin to type something sub-window with input history opens... and hide input line completely! I don't see what I am editing, and history window neither resizable nor movable :( Of course, I can close it with mouse, but this is not what I want :) And it not close when I press Esc - instead, whole "Quick file rename..." window closes.

  5. This time log is


    _DoChange start

    Directoryname: "C:\NDNX" Target: "Z:\DISTR\GRANSMETA\LIVEUPDATE"



    Target: "z:\distr\gransmeta\liveupdate\."

    GotoFile start


    ReadDirectory start


    0 ..

    1 PlugIns

    2 Reports

    3 Scripts

    4 Templates

    5 files.ini

    6 FromErkt.dll

    7 GranSmeta.chm

    8 gransmeta.exe

    9 GranUpdate.dll

    10 History.ini

    11 import.ini

    12 instruction.doc



    ReadDirectory _end

    Name: "."

    GotoFile end

    Directoryname: "Z:\DISTR\GRANSMETA\LIVEUPDATE" OldD: "C:\NDNX"

    _DoChange end



    Maybe you are searching in wrong place. Current directory is not damaged, all file operations (copy, compare etc.) works OK. I think something damaged in displaying of prompt (that part of command line that before an '>' sign), it got non-printing characters....



  6. Do the following, after you installed it to a new directory (not over your original installation):

    - add the network disk to your quick dirs

    - goto the quick dir the same way as in the old version

    - do you see the error again?

    - send me the file C:\vp_debug_logfile.txt

    Yes, error is exists.

    Logfile is:


    _DoChange start






    _DoChange end



  7. Is "z:\distr\gransmeta\liveupdate" the bad directory?

    And it only happens if you change the directory by quickdirs?


    I have two quick-dirs on this disk, an both of them make the whole disk "bad" when I jump into them by quickdirs.

    If I select this dirs manually, not by quickdirs, all working OK.


    Can you recreate this error?

    If yes, I could try to make a debug version which would save information

    on what is wrong when accessing this directory.


    It recreates every time when I jump into that dirs by quickdirs.



  8. I have one network disk on which Quick-dirs list works very bad.

    After the start of NDN (Windows wersion) I can go into folder on the disk "by hands" and it all looks OK. But if I go into that folder using Quick-dir, whole disk became to be bad.

    Command prompt on this disk filled (I think) with garbage, contained some very special symbols and looks like that

    ... >

    When I work in normal panel (say, right) and press Tab to jump into that bad panel (left), cursor jumping to the left panel ... and jump back to the right panel.

    If I open "bad" folders in both panels and press Tab - cursor begin to jump between panels eternally.

    If I jump into bad panel using mouse - it works ok, and I can navigate between folders of this disk, but command prompt looks equally bad except the root od the disk, where it looks normal ( z:\> )

    Disk remains to be "bad" until I restart NDN.

    Screen grabber doesn't work if that "bad" prompt is in the area of grabbing (in the printscreen in the end of letter I inserted that line manually)

    First time I found it after installing last release (2.31.1909), previous release seems worked OK.

    This error appears not at all network disks, but only on one.


    If you will need more info - I'm ready to give it, just ask me what you need.


    ╔═[1]════ z:\distr\gransmeta\liveupdate ═════════╗╔═══════════════ c:\work\MapRuler ═══════════[]═╗
    ║                      Name                      ║         Name          │         Name           ║
    ║..                                              ▒║fAttrArrayMulti.dfm    │fAttrDate.pas           ║
    ║PlugIns                                         ▒║fAttrCheck.dfm         │fAttrNum.pas            ║
    ║Reports                                         ▒║fAttrDate.dfm          │fAttrSearch.pas         ║
    ║Scripts                                         ▒║fAttrNum.dfm           │fAttrString.pas         ║
    ║                                                ▒║fAttrArrayMulti.pas    │                        ║
    ║                                                ║fAttrCheck.pas         │                        ║
    ║───────────────────────────────── 15_766_214/8 ─║║───────────────────────┴─────── 28_292_156/117 ─║
    ║GranSmeta.chm             429_589  1.09.03 18:05║║SelectGrid.pas              2_535  3.11.06 17:05║
    ║GranSmeta.chm                                   ║║SelectGrid.pas                                  ║
    ║         8_355M free bytes on drive Z:          ║║         13_351M free bytes on drive C:         ║
    ╚[ A C D J N O P S T X Z * ? # : ]═══════════════╝╚[ A C D J N O P S T X Z * ? # : ]═══════════════┘
                                        ...                                >                               
    1Left   2Right  3ViwAlt 4EdtAlt 5UsrScr 6RenFas 7FindF  8CmdHis 9Tetris10Video1 BSort   CDrive

  9. Hello Stefan!


    Thank you for answer.

    I forgot that there can be people not only from Russia who use Dos Navigator :D

    Yes, I use that russian charset for russian users ;) and it seems that default WIN charset is slightly differs from standard Win-1251 charset.

    Please, look at the picture


    First table is seen from NDN, second from Notepad and third is from DN OSP. You can find that two last tables has similar marked parts, but in that from NDN symbol "No" stand in another place.

    It would be very great if this symbol will be placed on the right place in default WIN charset, because it prevents (at least me) from using NDN in some cases...


    P.S. Are you That Same Stefan Who Made The NDN ? :) If yes, then take my respects - it is became to be the very great program!



  10. Symbol "No" (Number) in Windows encoding is on the wrong place. If you will open file xlt\test.txt in Notepad you will see this symbol on the 19 row, 27 character (code F9), but in the NDN it's on the 30 place (code FC).

    I don't quite understand, how should I edit .xlt file to set it in the right place, please help me someone!

    And second question: what .xlt file should I edit to replace standard Win-encoding in NDN (that which turning on by pressin F8 key, not by Ctrl-F8) ?


    Thank you!

    I used DN OSP before, and just recently discover for myself this version of DN. It is very interesting version, and I just happy that it still developing.

    But this little mis-encoding is very unpleasant, as I often edit files with this symbol...
