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About Avchent

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  • Город
    Russia, Moscow (Zelenograd)
  • Интересы
    English, travel
  1. Hi there! Can someone explain to me, how replace 2 empty lines to 1 with RegExp ? Or how can I concatenate 2 lines into 1 ? For example, I have text file: === Cut === First Second === Cut === After each word there is 0xD, 0xA. I would like to get new line: === cut === First Second === cut === How can I do that ?
  2. Editor Mark Line Bug ?

    Hello all! I'm afraid Editor of NDN has bug. Versions NDN W32 v.230.3339+ (v230.3829, v230.4464) (note: old version NDN W32 v.215.8058 - OK) Edit file like below: 1. This is 1st Line 2. Mark 2nd line with SHFT + CursorDown 3. Ummark line with CTRL+K+H 4. Mark 3rd line with SHFT + CursorDown 5. Ummark lines with CTRL+K+H 6. Mark next line with SHFT + CursorDown As you can see from item 4 you mark not only required line but previous line(-s) too.
  3. BETA 2.30.3829 has bug with TAB in Viewer

    Thank you, but I mean that Viewer doesn't show TAB like " " Instead NDN's viewer makes New_Line when it sees TAB. You can check it if you create file with TAB-char: label:_TAB_mov_TAB_ax,3 lab2:_TAB_mov_TAB_bx,ax where _TAB_ has code 9 When you view (F3) that file you'll see something like that: label: mov ax,3 lab2: mov bx,ax but when you edit (F4) that file you'll see: label: mov ax,3 lab2: mov bx,ax If my English is not clear, I'm going to write in Russian: Â ðåæèìå View (F3) NDN íå ïîêà çûâà åò ñèìâîë òà áóëÿöèè TAB êà ê ïîëîæåíî (äëèíîé â íåñêîëüêî ïðîáåëîâ). Âìåñòî ýòîãî ñèìâîë TAB òðà êòóåòñÿ êà ê ïåðåíîñ ñòðîêè. Â ðåæèìå Edit (F4) âñå ðà áîòà åò êà ê íà äî.
  4. Hello everyone, Current Beta version 2.30.3829 w32 has bug with TAB in internal Viewer. NDN shows TAB as CR/LF in Viewer again. See old thread: http://forums.muxe.com/index.php?showtopic=867 At least v2.15.7555+ (inluding v2.30.3339) has it too. But old release v2.15.4000 w32 doesn't have such bug.
  5. Hello all, I would like to change color for 2nd word (MyWord) in such structure for Forth language: Code MyWord ; ( size -- x ) In this connection I write to Highlight file (*.hgl) FILES *.F32 RegKeywords Color Brown ^Code[ \t]+(\b\S+) but that way I set color for both words: "Code MyWord" How can I set color for any word after "Code"
  6. Hello all, How can I use TabSize in the Highlight file (*.hgl) ? For example, I would like to use TAB with size 2 spaces for *.ASM so should I add string "TABSIZE 9 2" ? === FILES *.ASM ; TABSIZE <BYTE> (1-100) TABSIZE 9 2 === If I make so NDN replace TAB to 8 spaces not 2. What's wrong ?
  7. Hi Garl, I checked it but v2.30.2939 Win32 doesn't work too. It seems like NDN use TAB as CR/LF. You can check it if you create file with TAB-char: label:_TAB_mov_TAB_ax,3 lab2:_TAB_mov_TAB_bx,ax where _TAB_ has code 9 When you view (F3) that file you'll see something like that: label: mov ax,3 lab2: mov bx,ax but when you edit (F4) that file you'll see: label: mov ax,3 lab2: mov bx,ax I'm afraid all of the Win32 versions have TAB-problem. Best regards, Alexander
  8. Hello there! If file has TAB between words I can see such file as follow: 1) View mode (F3) ╔═[3]═════════════ ║ ║putb ║MACRO adr,dat ║ ║mov ║al,dat ║ ║mov ║dx,adr ║ELSE ║ ║mov ║al,adr ║ENDIF 2) Edit mode (F4) ╔═[3]══════════════════ ║ File Edit Search ║ ║putb MACRO adr,dat ║ mov al,dat ║ mov dx,adr ║ELSE ║ mov al,adr ║ENDIF ║ It seems like NDN doesn't show TAB char. How can I fix it ? Best regards, Alexander
  9. Hi there! How can I send text file to network printer ? Is it possible to print text file with F5 - copy file to PRN or LPT1 or something like that? I saw NDN has "Ctlr+F9print" combination. I pressed that but nothing happend.
  10. FindFile, RegExp, Trouble

    Hi GPFault! Thank you for you reply. >Your regexp "when\s*(\w\S*\s*)*dram" produce extremely large >search tree. And very low speed of search as consequence. Really it worked with low speed. >Try to use "when\s*(\w\S*\s+)*dram" - it is extremly faster and works fine. I tried it - cool! Thank you. Of course there had to be "\s+" - at least one space (tab) must be. >Also replace "\s" with "[ \t]" if you don`t want multiline matches. Yes, i meant exactly SPACE or TAB between words. Thanks a lot. Your explanations were very useful. Sorry for my wrong conclusion about RegExp in NDN. I was not right.
  11. Hello All! I often use "Find File" for search in the NDN. But there is a little trouble. For example, I would like to find files with pattern like that: <when>...<####>....<dram> For that purpose I press Alt-F7, type RegExp: "when\s*(\w\S*\s*)*dram" and press <Enter>. File "bootrom.inc" (see attached file) has this pattern (Line 210), but "Find File" command can't find it. As far as I know "Find file" command uses "viewer"-mode for search. Indeed if I open "bootrom.inc" in an internal viewer (F3) then I can't find pattern, but if I open "bootrom.inc" in an editor (F4) then I can do it. I have checked NDN v2.15.4000(ENG) and v2.15.7555(ENG). Both have this trouble. Conclusion: if you use "Find File" command (Alt-F7) you can't be sure about results of search. You may find less files than there are in fact. BOOTROM.ZIP
  12. Run *.pdf file like in FAR ?

    Hi GPFault! >I see 3 ways to do it in NDN: >... Thanks.
  13. Hi there! Can I run different files in NDN like in FAR ? For example, I would like to run *.pdf - I select this pdf-file and press <Enter>. NDN launches Acrobat Reader with selected pdf-file but NDN has black screen and I can't use NDN while I use Acrobat. If I do the same in FAR Manager I can use FAR and Acrobat in the same time.