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Posts posted by GPFault

  1. hi AH!

    All LNX bugs (except 1) that I reported were tested in TEXT mode, not under X

    I use X quite rare so it is not critical to me.



    About gentoo 2006 livecd: when asked for kernel parameters to boot faster you may try "gentoo nox" or "gentoo nox nodetect"

    On my system (it`s old too) booting it taked:

    to text ~7 min ("gentoo nox" )

    to Gnome ~30min :) (this livecd is extremly slow) ("gentoo")


    I install the system from this livecd and cmdline problem disappear!(maybe because my installation was very broken, partly and buggy)

    So the bug is seen only when booting from the CD.

  2. Cmdline problems(Gentoo 2006 livecd):

    I type somthing (f.e. bash) in cmdline and press enter.

    NDN do following:

    -panels disappear

    -the line "/mnt/livecd>bash" appears in terminal

    -panels reappear

    -enter key is evaluted again(i tried many times, it may be keyboard hadling problems):

    file under cursor is executed successfully(no this bug)/or dir changed if cursor on dir



    May be it is problem of wrong stdout setting (????) - i`ll try to test if the process appear a little later

  3. Hm, strange.

    I have this bug in windows and linux, on both panels, on to different computers with default and customized NDN settings. Note: it doesn`t appear if the deleted entry was the last.

    (I mean the bottom entry in panel with many entries, not the last(single) entry)!


    Step by step reproduce:

    Start new installed ndn distributive.(W32)

    OK (in about window)

    click # - goto FTP(right panel)

    click last entry garbo.uwasa.fi


    OK - crash here (or nothing is selected)

    F8 - or here



    VER :Necromancer's Dos Navigator WIN32 mode

    ADD :v2.15.8193 (06-04-2006)

    ERR :D8h (216)


    MSG :TCollection.Error: Code=-1 Info=4

    OSD :16 (100x44)

    SYS :WinNT


    MEM :83782900742F8B45FC8B80E8FBFFFF8B (at CS:IP)

    CS :001B

    DS :0023

    SS :0023

    SP :C8E0




    May be it is related to this bug:

    When you press F5, F6, etc in search mode(after alt) current file selection is removed from panel while dialog is shown

    When you press F5, F6, etc in normal mode current file selection is not removed from panel while dialog is shown

  4. Hi!

    Selection in hex text doesn`t use horizontal scroll position

    To reproduce:


    Text to find: 12345678901234567890



    right(cursor under 3)

    Shift-right until scrolling begin - you see 2 first entries in hex are never selected


    I`d experimented with resizing search dialogs and found following:

    If input is quite long hex input is shown as in hex view mode - with | and symbols after it

    example from veiwer:

       Èñêàòü òåêñò                                                        
      63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 | cdefghijklmnopqr


    Also it seems strange to me that in .dnr there are hsFindText and hsViewFind styles.(maybe i hadn`t noticed somthing...)


    AH, you said you want some LNX bugs :)

    Here are some bugs i had, but i`m afraid i can`t provide enough info to reproduce.


    1. Crash with Ctrl-O under X(gnome-terminal,rxvt,xterm). Esc work fine - screen is showed. In fullscreen in the same system there is no crash. (but there is garbage - terminal is dumb (mc show nothing on Ctrl-O so it`s not bug)).

    (sorry for old 7555 version)


    VER :Necromancer's Dos Navigator LINUX mode

    ADD :v2.15.7555 (24-02-2006)

    ERR :C8h (200)


    MSG :Division by zero

    OSD :32 (88x39)

    SYS :Linux


    MEM :F7F93BF07D2D8B0D041C52008B85F8FD (at CS:IP)

    CS :0023

    DS :002B

    SS :002B

    SP :D220



    in .err file all screen except menu and statusline is filled with 0x0E

    (Mandrake 8.?)


    2. Problems with cmdline: on some systems nothing happen(Gentoo 2006 livecd) on execution, on some other(Mandrake 8.?)new started programs has stdin assigned to smth other than terminal - so they can`t read input(all except man).


    3. Alt alone never work as start search even if pressing it switches statusline correctly - so NDN get it.


    If there is no solution for this problem even in case when NDN get it, a hot key for search will be useful.(MC use Ctrl-S)


    4. cd command without argument should go to user`s $home. (like cd ~). imho it is *nix standard.


    Do you use ncurses lib for console output?

    It may be solution for some output problems.

    Now ndn on starting in console do somthing really awful with charset. in some cases i get latin letters instead of pseudographic lines.

    In Mandrake 8.? i use command "charset G1 user" when some program (not NDN) damages terminal charset.

    After it all programs with pseudographic work fine, but ndn doesn`t.

    ndn work wrong even there wasn`t damage before "charset G1 user" command - so it`s NDN bug.

    (i keep silent about problems with russian)


    P.S. Problems 2 (and 3) make NDN completly unusable for me on some systems as file manager(but i use it as editor :))

  5. To reproduce:

    in ndn.dnr in line 3707 ("System Setup" Window, search "VMID")

    There is

    CheckBoxesE 2, 8, 69, 11, 6, 32, ofPostProcess, ofPreProcess

    Enlarge 11 to 12 to make 'Enhanced Wildcards (Copy/Move)' option visible without scrolling

    Compile resource

    Open "System Setup"

    Make different settings for some some first drives

    Now you can notice that switching between CheckBoxesE elements switch disk in "Current drive options" too.


    A suggestion about dialogs:

    Now all fast access keys are assigned in resources as ~k~

    What about some simple runtime assigning algorithm? So you`ll can forget completly about them in .dnr file.

    (i speak only about dialogs, not about other fast access keys and hotkeys)

  6. 7. sorry, i cannot reproduce

    Try following:

    Drag the central divider to make left panel narrow enough not to show your columns: name, size etc..

    Ensure that cmdline is empty

    Try to drag with mouse name column divider(vertical line near extensions) - all OK

    now press right arrow - panel move (because panel is too narrow)

    Try to drag name column now - see bug - it can be dragged at it`s old position

    NDN 2058, ALL settings default(1-st run from distributive)

  7. Hi!

    1.search hang(thanks to DN/2 ver2 buglist):(appears when search one symbol as entire word)

    to reproduce:

    create empty file in editor

    press z,z,Space


    serch for "z" backward, whole word, from cursor

    start search - view hang(press Esc to stop)


    2.'~' in fast search in panels(thanks to DN/2 ver2 buglist):

    to reproduce:

    create z~z file

    press alt

    type z~z - notice that ~ is not displayed - it switch color


    3.click with mouse on last button in statusline - highlight in statusline is wrong


    4.editor:pressing right mouse button to show ruler move cursor after releasing(or it isn`t bug?)


    5.editor:bracket pair highlighting: highlight for pasted () appear only after cursor move

    to reproduce:

    copy () to clipboard

    paste it in file with bracket pair highliht enabled - there is no bracket highlighting(it appears only after cursor moving)


    6.double click in panel work as enter:

    to reproduce:

    type smth in cmdline

    double-click folder - cmdline is executed

    (is it bug? if not should this behaviour be optional?)


    7.changing name column size with mouse work wrong if panel content was moved horizontally with arrows


    8.editor: after Ctrl-j, Ctrl-k etc and before next key mouse input is completely disabled

  8. Hi!

    2AH: I`m very sorry: you`ve included my C/C++ hgl in distribution, and just yesterday i`ve found AWFUL bug in it(see below)


    2All: to highlight simple floats like 0.0 replace in hgl (C and C++ sections)

    regkeywords color lightcyan        \.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?[fFlL]?\b,\b\d+\.


    regkeywords color lightcyan (?<!\w)\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?[fFlL]?\b,\b\d+\.(?!\w)

  9. I have similar bug. One day i`ve found that ALL settings in Options" -> "Configuration" -> "viewer Setup" (including buffer size) are set to nothing/not selected. All values in [Viewer Defaults] in ndn.ini were blank. But i can`t reproduce that. Maybe i was reconfiguring editor that day too, but i`m not sure...

  10. Hi AH!

    4. i think the user itself should handle such problems
    There is ColorKeywords option in NDN hgl. It produce keywords of all 16 colors. Obviously one of them is invisible. Or I may want to define color-scheme independent HTML keywords like "black","white", and ~200 keywords more.


    do you mean that RegKeyWords1-8 should use the highlight colors from the color setup?


    RegKeyWord color (comment|string|symbol|number) should usethe color setup colors
    Yes. And "RegKeyWords color normal" also may be useful if you want some words that are affected by regkeyword regexp not to be keywords. I really want to use such a highlight for txt files(with flags to turn off ' highlight):

    ;Do not treat words like   isn't   as start of string
    RegKeyWords color normal \wn't
    ;highlight other strings in '
    RegKeyWords color string '[^']*'

    you also redefine numbers with RegKeyWords

    can you tell me why?

    I redefined numbers in C/C++ because internally NDN support ul postfix and doesn`t support ull postfix. Also i want to highligh numbers beginning with 0 with different color because they are treated by C/C++ as octal (i hate octal). And some other: 0x0.02p-2f is a valid number in C (hex float) :). imho a special flags to handle different preffixes are obsolete. RegExps are more powerful.

  11. Hi!

    1. Beginning with build 2.15.7883 comments, keywords aren`t highlighted in current line if "Current line highlight" is on. I don`t know is this bug or feature, but if it`s new feature - imho it should be made optional...


    2. There is an color option Editor-Highlight/current line-comments. It seems to be ignored by NDN now. Should it work or be removed? I prefer removing, but it`s only imho.


    3. Logic in current line highlighting:

    In 2.15.7555- versions color of text is changed only if it differ from normal color. I like this behaviour. But:

    a.Why this logic isn`t applied to current column highlight?

    b.Why this logic isn`t applied to background(i mean that now current line BG is changed in keywords with non-default BG(maybe optionally))?


    4. Some words may have same text and bg color(one of colorkeywords for exaple). Should this be checked at the last stage of selecting color of symbol in editor?(after current line processing)


    5. I think it would be useful to add following commands to NDN.hgl:


    RegKeywords color comment

    RegKeywords color symbol

    RegKeywords color string

    RegKeywords color number

    (for using colors defined in color scheme)

    This`ll make HGL files logical and much more portable between different color schemes.


    Note: all except 1 are only wishes

  12. Hi Avchent!

    Your regexp "when\s*(\w\S*\s*)*dram" produce extremely large search tree. And very low speed of search as consequence.

    Also notice that in viewer line ends are treated as \s.

    In bootrom.inc file the word "when" appears much before the line you search for and NDN regexp engine (as i know it`s PCRE lib) reach recursion limit before it finds "dram".

    There is no such problem in editor because it search separately in each line.

    Try to use "when\s*(\w\S*\s+)*dram" - it is extremly faster and works fine.

    (+ means >=1 times)

    If you want really 100% equivalent to your search pattern try "when\s*(\w\S*\s+)*(\w\S*)?dram". It works fast too.

    Strictly saying that`s a bug that NDN fail on your regexp but i tried to search for same pattern in your file in PsPad editor - it hangs.

    So i`m not sure if your regexp is supported by some regexp engine...

    Also replace "\s" with "[ \t]" if you don`t want multiline matches, like in

    when there
    some other text
    is no dram

  13. Hi Avchent!

    I see 3 ways to do it in NDN:

    1. Replace *{ @"!.!" } in the end of ndn.ext (Options->Extension file) with code like in *.*(...) and keep { @"!.!" } for extensions you want to run syncronuously. Example:

      @echo off
      IF "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" GOTO w32
      start "!:!\!.!"
      goto end
      start "" "!:!\!.!"

    Now Enter key execute acyncronously everything except pas, vbs, console exe`s, cmd, bat, com

    (you may leave only the line corresponding to your OS - with extra "" in NT+ or without in 9x/ME)


    2. You may use Shift+Enter instead of Enter - it launches asyncronously by default


    3. You can press Ctrl+Break when yo see blank screen of NDN (NDN reappeares, Acrobat do NOT be closed).

  14. NDN v2.15.7555 bugs:


    1. Editor: cancelling save confirmation

    Open any file in editor

    Modify it

    Esc - Confirmation window appeares

    Esc - Confirmation window disappeares

    after that

    w32: press backspace - NDN goes to tab position(act as backspace in insert mode inside empty line - bug)


    d32: the keyboard become unusable in current instance of editor...



    2. Highlight in editor: comma should be escaped only after odd number of \


    Files *.bug
    RegKeywords color red bug\\,bug2

    This will be interpreted as a single keyword bug\,bug2

    (imho it shuold mean 2 keywords bug\ and bug2)



    3. Menus: pressing PgDn when no item is selected in menu lead to crash

    To reproduce:

    with mouse click on menu bar(do NOT release button) - the menu popuped

    press PgDn - view crash

    This bug can appear in more real situaition if "options/cofiguration/mouse/Track in menus" is on

  15. Hi!


    To dandv:

    I had the same problem and found a way to solve it.

    Create file winrargui.bat:

    @start /wait "" "e:\program files\winrar\winrar.exe" %*

    (on non-NT systems remove first "" and replace %* with %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 )

    Put this file on path an set it as archiver in NDN.

    On my system addition/deletion works even with 2.15.7555 on XP

    I hope this works on other systems too...


    To AH:

    or, we could disable this feature for certain execution actions, like archivers

    but, some users might want this behaviour

    Can you imagine a situation where it is useful?

    (executing a GUI prog with archive as parameter by F5 etc.

    opening archive in different program can be assigned to Ctrl/Shift+Enter)

    imho this behaviour can be treated as not-bug only if you really can imagine that situation.

    i can`t but i`m not sure that it is completely impossible.

  16. NDN 2.15.7104 w32

    Auto restore standard mode works wrong when panels are hidden


    press Ctrl+O to hide panel

    Alt+/ - go to [] mode

    execute any command

    after executing visually ndn stay in [] mode but logically it is in standard mode.


    press Ctrl+O to hide panel

    Alt+/ - go to time mode

    execute any command

    after executing ndn stay in {} mode.(Ctrl+O shows panel and cancels this mode - it`s bug)

    This behaviour is different from when panels are visible.(or is this a feature? - imho both behaviours are useful)


    The default value for user mode #1

    start -max command /c

    didn`t work in NT+ systems because

    w32: start in NT support /max not -max

    So i suggest to change '-' to '/'


    d32: because start is internal of cmd.exe and is not internal of command.com

    the only way i find to start new window in d32 under NT+ is

    cmd /c start %comspec% /c

    this don`t work in non-NT and is very ugly.


    Also imho default shell should be used intead of command. So i suggest

    start /max %comspec% /c as default for User mode #1

    It works in w32 under NT4 and XP.

    Unfortuantly, i have no possibility to test in 9x/ME.

    (i hope it works in w32 and d32 under 9x/ME)


    d32 command execution bug under NT+:

    (tested in NDN 2.15.7104 d32 under NT4 and XP SP1)

    windows GUI programs can`t be run by Enter or from cmdline without parameters.(notepad for exapmle)

    Bad command or file name error from command.com

    But they run normally from cmd line with parameters or if typed without .exe!

    Win32 console programs run normally.

    this bug seems not to be affected by "Fast command execution" or * entry in ext file.

  17. Hi!

    NDN dump/hex mode is designed as greatest hex editor i know, but unfortuantly it is VERY buggy.

    AH, do you plan to copletely rewrite it some day(so dump/hex bugreports are quite useless now), or it will be improved step by step (so bugreports are useful)?

    Some bugs are listed below.



    Tested in 2.15.7104(w32) in XP SP1

    1.1 dump/hex mode:

    copy some text into clipboard

    create empty file, position on it


    Shift+Ins - if there is not a crash you a lucky - you can see 2 more bugs :)


    Shift+Ins - last char is lost and there is extra 0 at the end(1st bug)

    (this will be for any block even 1 byte, this bug is seemed not to be related to buffer size)

    Press Esc and lose your changes without confirmation(2nd bug)


    1.2 dump/hex mode:

    If file is or become empty pressing a key results in crash


    1.3 dump/hex mode:

    After / in statusline is shown last offset

    We have 0 there for empty files and for 1-byte files too - it seems strange to me

    What about showing size there?(i`ve never seen another program that show last offset somewhere, but may be somebody find it useful - so it`s only an idea to think about)


    i suppose that bugs above are consequences of a global ndn hex/dump mode bug - absence of after-end-position of cursor

    imho hex editors that support inserting should had after-end-position of cursor. (as any text editors has)

    Logically in file with N symbols there is N+1 positions to insert char/block

    Original DN hadn`t this position, but it hadn`t insert/delete features in dump too.


    buffer-related bugs:


    2.1 dump/hex mode:

    Block delete(Ctrl+Del) delete extra symbol after block too if file size is greater than buffer size


    2.2 dump/hex mode:

    Block copy(Ctrl+Ins) may crash. To reproduce:

    clear view history(if this file was viewed before)

    open a file much greater than buffer size;

    (for default buffer size 65536 65566-byte file is enough, for some other sizes even size+10000 is not enough - so take a big file)

    F4 (to DUMP mode)


    Ctrl+Ins - crash


    2.3 dump/hex mode:

    Wrong block selection position for files that are greater than buffer. To reproduce:

    clear view history

    open file greater than buffer size

    F4 (to DUMP mode)


    Shift-Left - block begins to be selected at quite random place


    2.4 all view modes:

    Last char in (buffersize+1)byte file is always shown as #0


    2.5 all view modes:

    If buffer size is set to small value (100) files with size more than buffer but less than 32768 are shown as empty files

  18. Hi, dandv!

    in 2.15.5814 this bug appears in viewer if in the file at offset $7FFF there is $0D (cr) byte

    take any big file and change this byte in hex mode - the file will load in viewer very slow

    it seems that this bug:

    doesn`t disappear when changing view buffer size in options

    doesn`t appear if $0D is at offset $7FFF+n*$8000, n>0

    doesn`t appear if at offset $7FFF there is $0A


    To avoid waiting when viewing such files press Esc while "loading" - the file will be shown immediately

  19. Maybe this bug is really 2 bugs:

    1. NDN skip space at the beginning of line

    regkeywords color green \ bug

    ("\ " mean space in regexp - it works)

    this`ll highlight only first line of this file:

    x bug


    2. the ^ symbol at the beginning of highlighter is seemed to be parsed by NDN and isn`t send to PCRE lib.

    regkeywords color green ^bug1, (^)bug2

    (^) is equivalent to ^ in PCRE lib - i`ve tested it in pcre 5.0.

    but in this file:

    bug1 bug2
    bug2 bug1

    bug2 is highlighted everywhere(incorrect), and bug1 only at the beginning(correct)

    in help is written that NDN uses pcre 5 lib. So it seems to me that pcre_exec is called by highlighter with part of string as subject parameter and 0 as startoffset

    it may fix bug above if pcre_exec is called with entire string as subject and current analizing pos as startoffset.

    (also lookbehinds become possible).

    if i had failed to guess usage of pcre_exec i apologize about my strange suggestion...

  20. Hi!

    i was very surprised, when i found that ndn.hgl can`t highlight C++ correctly

    (the highlighter for C and C++ was the same)

    So highlighter for C++ and some others(ndn configs, batch) was created/enchanced.

    IMHO all highlightings in file below are improved, but i understand that someone may think opposite - there is some ambiguous changes, so i offer it here, even if they won`t be included in NDN package i hope they may be useful for users.

    (the file is attached to this post - forum forbids hgl extension)


    There is many compicated regexps in highlighter, but it seems that highlighter speed doesn`t depend on complication of highlighter - it`s as slow as with highlighter with only 1 keyword


    my main principles in hihghliters are:

    1.highlighter should highlight only keywords, not often used words

    (it may highlight often use words, but in another color and ALL or NONE words of this type(system lib, standard constants etc.))

    2.A highlighter highlights correct construction. A GOOD highlighter doesn`t highlight wrong construction.


    unfortuantly, ndn highlighter now isn`t so great to make 2 possible, but i`ve made some attempts


    Main changes:



    colorkeywords is now set to on and colors names are removed from keywords2

    the problem is that color identical to bg is invisible

    keywords3 added

    macros rewritten


    NDN configs highlighting completly rewritten(really created)


    .bat rewritten - enhanced, but also try to be Windows 9x compatible (for NT+ exist .cmd - maybe i`ll create enhanced highlighter for it a little later)

    config.sys - rewritten/created


    C/C++: why was "autobrackets off" in hgl file?????(other languages too)

    imho, if user don`t want them he may disable in menu.

    i`ve commented it.

    do while pair in C/C++ is not added as a bracket pair because while may be used independent


    note:C/C++ Trigraphs (??= insted of #) and alternative tokens like %: instead of # are not highlighted

    i`ve never see a code with it


    C: (1999 ISO standard)

    (i don`t mean that highlight conform standard, standard was only used as source of information - so there is no any extension-keywords etc.(asm, for example))

    note: _Bool,_Complex,_Imaginary are from standard!

    preprocessor highlight enchanced

    no nested commanets

    L"string" L'C' support

    ll number suffix support

    macros rewritten


    C++:(created) (2003 ISO standard)

    (i don`t mean that highlight conform standard, standard was only used as source of information - so there is no any extension-keywords etc.(typeof, for exapmple))

    C++ keywords, and see C above


    Sorry for some very long lines in hgl file. i`ve tired of resplitting them after minor changes. Also i hope it may improve perfomance.

    i checked they are less than 255 - the may-lead-to-bugs-everywhere number :)
