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Posts posted by haman

  1. Hello everybody,


    When I'm installing NDN on new workstation or I loose my configuration because of whatever reason, I need to adapt NDN configuration to fit my needs.


    So here are the changes I do after default installation:

    (current version in use: Necromancer's Dos Navigator v2.31.2699/WIN32 )


    1. Options / Configuration / System setup / Enable keyboard macros (Shift+Alt+number to record macro, Ctrl+Alt+number to play macro)
    2. Panel Options (Alt+S) / Sort by group index - enable (to have archives, executables, pictures, etc. listed in group
    3. Options / File Manager / Setup / Beep after copy - disable (Sound was annoying - also slowed down a computer in some situations)
    4. Options / Configuration / Load Palette - Norton (i'm the old school guy)
    5. Options / File Manager / Hightlight groups - Change color of pictures group (.jpg, .bmp, .gif, etc) - becase in default it's same like a background color, so they are hidden. I accidently deleted directory with JPG files!
    6. Options / Configuration /Miscellaneous setups / Keyboard setup / Use WordStar "diamond" - Enable - This enables shortcuts Ctrl+E / Ctrl+X for listing through history of commandline commands
    7. Shift+F12 - Change video mode to 94 collumns (To see description field)

    I'm sure I modify also other default options, but now I don't remember.


    What are your modifications of default options?



  2. On Windows XP, moving a few hundred files and directories with NDN on the same disk is very slow. Windows Explorer moves the same files in 1-2 seconds.

    I think, NDN does not try to copy files, but it's a fact, that NDN's move routine is very slow.


    Even if you try to move 1 folder with many files inside it to different location on same drive, it is slow.

    Because NDN tries to move every file inside that folder separately, one by one. Windows or Far moves only the actual folder.


    Honestly, I don't use NDN to move many files. I use FAR or Windows for that.


    I would like to fix this as a top priority.



  3. Hi All,


    I figured out that I cannot print from NDN. I have Printer setup inactive in Configuration.


    There is no info in DOC, and there is no similar topic i this forum.


    I just found in popup Help that - "Printer Setup - D32 Only!" - the more detailed explantation is missing.


    I think this will be easy one for you out there. For me, it's big mystery. Who will answer first? :)



  4. HI all,


    0. thanks for revealing me the "autodetect scope" option. there are plenty of options I don't know of ;)


    1. I vote for this modifed option: If "autodetect scope" is set, set origin to "entire scope" when block is selected and only when cursor is OUT of block!


    this would satisfy potential users (do they even exist?) which needs to use "AutoScope=ON"+"selected block"+"from cursor" combination. If they need to search From Cursor they logically need to go with cursor into block somewhere.


    2. AH: Persistant blocks Off - why this option even exists? I NEVER used it. someone please explain me the real usage of this option.


    Someone, who searches in Block and From Cursor , he can't have Persistant block set OFF !! . so, we don't need to consider Persistant blocks in this issue. or am I mistaken?


    3. AH, no don't ignore, let the option be there and working, because someone will start complaing in the future ;)



  5. HI all,


    there is similar Wish topic about this: http://forums.muxe.com/index.php?showtopic=550 .


    dandv: about Shift+Ctrl+left/rightArrow (and Ctrl+left/rightArrow), it should stop after serie consisting only of {[a-z],[A-Z],[0-9],_} characters. maybe user could define which he wants (cfg or option)


    AH: I don't use auto wrap for editing, but dandv and Basil/2 (and maybe others) are talking about keeping CR/LFs untouched. I suggest to make this as an option (milions of options ;) :

    AutoReformat On/OFF in Editor/Options.


    AutoReformat ON - as now. after Save, CR/LFs on all lines are saved.


    AutoReformat OFF should keep the CR/LFs from file, but the user should be able to Add or Delete CR/LFs somehow:


    to Add CR/LF - Shift+Enter (does this combination something else than simple Enter?)

    to Remove CR/LF - Shift+Backspace on the start of line (does this combination something else than simple Backspace?)


    and the CR/LFs should be somehow highlighted/marked to differ them from wrapped virtual CR/LFs.



    and i vote for wrapping only on space. if user needs different approach, he should consider serious text editor.



  6. Garl: what a drastic macro :)


    AH: the autorepeating macro is cool! I even figured out how to keep running it without pressing CTRL and I don't mean to put mouse or something heavy over CTRL key :)


    Try running macro in repeat mode (hold CTRL after running) and while holding CTRL click with mouse cursor outside of NDN window. after that, you can release CTRL key and activate NDN window with mouse clicking on taskbar.


    you will see the macro keeps going :)



    it's extreme cool, AH pls keep it like that :)



  7. Hi All,


    in old DN was possible to "recurse" macro to itself to make it repeating automatically and very fast.


    at the end of recording of macro, user pressed Ctrl+Alt+number (i'm not sure of this keystroke, maybe it was similar) before of Shift+Alt+number (end recording) DN remembered that this macro is "recursive":


    user pressed Ctrl+Alt+number and then holds only CTRL and the macro repeated.


    in NDN I can't reproduce this with any other similar keystroke. Can you make it possible AngelsHolocaust ?


    because I have long files (2000+ lines ) and I need to apply macros on every line. it's not user friendly to hold Ctrl+Alt+number and wait for complete macros for all lines.


    and btw, in old DN the macro evaluating was much faster. hm?




    PS.: calling macro from macro would be also cool, to produce complex macros.

  8. hi All,


    the old DN (god bless him) handled Vertical blocks little differently.


    when I had for example this 3 lines:






    and I marked first 2 lines into vertical block and I continued marking that block to the right until reaching last column of 3rd line, the trailing spaces were copied when pressed Ctrl+Ins. remember, I mean to mark only 2 lines, not touching 3rd line! just making the block wider.


    NDN ingores trailing spaces.


    I need to copy trailing spaces in many situations, for example:










    I want to enter 1 space before each line. I can:


    1) do a makro - slow for many lines

    2) copy trailing spaces and paste it before 1st character using vertical blocks in old DN.



  9. hi All,


    I used to have Alt+Enter (now Alt+Home) menu designed for directiories in old DOS Navigator.


    I did it like this:


    ??? [ >1 zip this dir

    zipit.bat !



    the ??? extension is because directiories doesn't have extensions in most cases, but with ??? it doesn't worked.


    but this don't work in last NDN beta (v.2.15.4360/W32) .


    is someone here, who managed to invoke Alt+Home menu (or Shift+Enter command ) on directory?



  10. Hi all,


    i'm using latest beta: 2.15.4360/W32 and I'm working a lot with DBF files.


    I noticed that in DBF view the Search in All fields is crazy:


    * it don't find all occurences.

    * it finds different occurences when starting from different positions.

    * sometimes it finds only current visible occurence!

    * sometimes it finds only when the cursor is 1 line above the occurence.


    in other words: Search in All fields function is useless.



  11. hi All and mainly admin of this forum,


    I'm getting new mail everytime when someone starts new topic, informing me about Forum Subscription New Topic Notification.


    I don't want to get these mails! In mails it stands:




    You can unsubscribe at any time by logging into your control panel and

    clicking on the "View Subscriptions" link.



    So, I went to My Controls/Subscriptions/View Forums, but I don't want to unsubscribe NDN forums !!


    Is there some way to keep registerered in the forums and don't receive any mails?


