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About AndyRay

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  1. Feature request :)

    Hi. What if check time from last rereading of file and reread only ones in second? I think that intellectual way is exist but complex to implement :) I saw this feature in DN OSP and it was very nice feature. I don't know witche(? i don't remember right word) way it was implement. I've just tell you about my wishes. You are auther. Do what you think best to do.
  2. Few bugs

    Also one bug with viewer: 1. Create new file (Shift-F4) 2. Write 10 lines "a\tb\tc" where \t = Tab button 3. Save this file 4. Exit this file 5. View this file by F3. I see a\nb\nc\na\nb\nc\n and so on. (\n - new line, or end of line in C)
  3. Few bugs

    1. I've found this way too :) 3. Nothing can help me :( Syntax higlight is off, Alt-F3 insted F3, file on local hdd and viewer buff is $10000. 30 sec to open and about 2Gb of data read by taskmng.
  4. Reread file in viewer when user press Ctrl-PgDn, or reread just the end of file, or reread end of file by changefile event when you at the end of file.
  5. Few bugs

    1. Some time on files with size about 1 Mb I can't scroll more than 51-52%. I just push F3 on such files, then F2*2(to enter warp mode) and than only PgDn. I think that exist limit about 512 Kb. It is repeateble bug. If you want I can send you 2 files that I have. Warp mode is ">W<". in ohters modes all ok. 2. In warp mode >W< or >=< when I push PgDn and then PgUp I don't reach line in text where i was before. I think that it is bug in line counter. 3. I view log files with size more than 30 Mb rather frequently. They are opening very slowly. What shoul I do? Thanks. Upd: I'm openening(F3) my log file and taskmng show(I/O Read Bytes) me that ndn.exe has read about 2Gb(!!!). File size is 30 Mb! And I think that ndn.exe can't read 2Gb from disk during 30 sec (60Mb/sec it is good speed but when I copy from this disk to another it is only 30 Mb/sec). What happend??? Hmm... (Idea): Ndn read this file many times, and windows cache it in memory therefore speed about 60 Mb/sec can be reached...
  6. New drive has appear when I use flash-drive. But list of drives doesn't update ;) Could you update drive list by windows event or every time when user press Alt-{F1 | F2} Could you update filepanel automaticly when some files updates? For example: my programm write logs but filesize and file timestamp aren't change and I have to reenter dir. This feature was in DN OSP. Bug: Choose the same drive on the both filepanels, than delete some file in dir. Free space change only on that panel where we delete file :)
  7. �ðåäëîæåíèå

    Ãðî êîïèðîâà íèå ñ ïîìîùüþ êëèïáîà ðäà - ýòî âñå íîðìà ëüíî, òîëüêî äîëãî, à â èñòîðèè ìîæíî âòîðóþ ïîçèöèþ ñäåëà òü íå èñòîðè÷åñêîé :), íó òà ì öâåòîì âûäåëèòü, èëè åùå êà ê. Õîòÿ ìíå êà çà ëîñü ÷òî òà ì íå ñîâñåì èñòîðèÿ, ìíå êà çà ëîñü ÷òî âòîðà ÿ ïîçèöèÿ - ïðîñòî èìÿ ôà éëà . Ã’.Ã¥. ÷òî-òî òèïà êîïèè â ñà ìîãî ñåáÿ, âîò âìåñòî íåå ÿ è ïðåäëîæèë ñäåëà òü êîïèþ ïîâåðõ ôà éëà â äðóãîé ïà íåëè. Ãóäó î÷åíü ïðèçíà òåëåí çà íà äëåæà ùèé ïåðåâîä, à òî ìîé à íãëèéñêè îñòà âëÿåò æåëëà òü ëó÷øåãî, ÿ ïîáîÿëñÿ ÷òî íå ñìîãó îáúÿñíèòü âñå ÷òî õîòåë ñêà çà òü.
  8. Èíîãäà ìíå íà äî çà ìåíèòü îäèí ôà éë äðóãèì. Ãðåäëîæåíèå: êîãäà íà æèìà åøü F5 ÷òî áû â âûïà äà þùåì ñïèñêå íà âòîðîì ìåñòå áûëî áû ïóòü è èìÿ ôà éëà êîòîðûé ñåé÷à ñ âûäåëåí â äðóãîé ïà íåëè. Ã’.Ã¥. åñëè íà äî ïðîñòî ñêîïèðîâà òü ôà éë, òî æìåøü F5 è åíòåð, à åñëè íà äî çà ìåíèòü ôà éë, òî æìåøü F5, ñòðåëêó âíèç è Enter (ìîæåò áûòü 2 ðà çà ). Ñåé÷à ñ íà äî ââîäèòü èìÿ ôà éë ïîâåðõ êòîðîãî òû õî÷åøü ñêîïèðîâà òü âðó÷íóþ, ÷òî èíîãäà áûâà åò íå óäîáíî. Ãåðåâåäèòå ïîæà ëóéñòà ýòî íà à íãëèéñêèé.
  9. Èñõîäíèêè íå äîñòóïíû äëÿ ñâîáîäíîãî ðà ñïðîñòðà íåíèÿ. Ãòî îòâåò íà âñå âîïðîñû, ÿ äóìà þ.
  10. http://www.freepascal.org/news.html
  11. Problem with start dir and some others bugs

    3. I use "Old style file renaming" in Options->Configuration->Interface->Others
  12. Problem with start dir and some others bugs

    I want that my ndn start always from the same dir's (right panel c:\ and left panel f:\). Therefore all items are unchecked. I have meant Alt-F6 - rename. gray background (in all color schems) under filename is this bug or feature? 6. 1)go to ftp panel 2)push F4 on first ftp server (by the way: why ftp.microsoft.com have color like *.com file?) 3)do some chages in URL and apply it 4)go to file mode in this panel 5)push gray+ (select file by extension) 6)ftp.microsoft.com is in file mask string
  13. 1. Left panel after ndn starts is always c:\Document and Settings\MyUserName. What should I do? I tryed to save desktop, but it wasn't help. In ndn.exe fileproperties i try to set work dir as a c:\ but it isn't help too. 2. When I change color pallete, screen hasn't done full redraw, frames at the edges haven't redraw. 3. When I push Alt-F6, background color is the same in different color schems (I think that it is default pallete color). 4. Does some hotkey exist for show/hide tab-, 0x0D-, 0x0A- chars in editor/viewer? Maybe it is good idea to make view as a table. For example: I have some data that are rows with cells that separate by tabs or spaces, but have differen length. In this case the best way to view this data is using something like MS Excel, but this way isn't convenient. 5. In my configuration there are 31 char in one colomn in file panel and 23 in archive panel. Some time (I can't stable reproduce it) when I change archive mode to file-panel mode (by Alt-F1 or Alt-F2) amount of chars in colomn don't change. 6. Try to change ftp-server to another (change all lines in FTP Host Setup window) and then in file-panel mode push Gray+. There is line that looks like ftp://user:passs@host:port/dir in File Mask string. How can I turn in ftp-server mode by hot-keys? (something like Alt-F1 and chosing line "FTP") Thanks in advance.
  14. Problem with replace in editor

    Ok. May be the problem is to turn off "Show replacement". I have found another bug. When I use replace in editor all ok, but in viewer there wasn't progress bar (but process go :))!
  15. Problem with replace in editor

    Replace in editor work slow because of show each repalce. Try to repalce 16000 ',' by '.'. Size of file 120 kb. Time to work about 2 min. thanks in advance.