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Posts posted by Basil/2

  1. (all with WIN32 version on Windows 2000 Rus SP4)


    1. Large thanks for "Ctrl-K,A" feature!!


    Continuing this course, DN is already works with Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V and Ctrl-X; what about pure Ctrl-A?

    (may be optional; I know Ctrl-A now works as Ctrl-Left)


    Windows editors hotkeys (Word, Visual C++ editor, C++ Builder editor) look pretty good; may be NDN should have 2 keysets? (old(DOS) and win)


    2. "Selected replace" is unfortunatelly still incorrect; it IGNORES "selected text" option and replaces through whole text.


    3. Archives bug fixed, good.


    4. In text-mode, your new MouseWheel feature looks impressive! I thing, you should slightly upgrade it. The point is that Windows DO NOT USE wheel for SELECTING, it USE it for SCROLLING. (Windows Explorer, for example). So I guess wheel should not move cursor through files but scroll files in panel, keeping current selection. Why so? If I see the file I needed in panel, I can point it by mouse cursor (without wheel). And if the file I needed is out of panel, I need a scrolling - I need a wheel!

    In Explorer (not IE - just Explorer), one wheel "click" scrolls the whole page. In IE, it scrolls several lines (3..5). In NDN, I suppose, wheel should act as PgUp/PgDn. It makes wheel support less impressive but more useful.

    I think so but I can be wrong, certainly.

  2. > the directory bug in archives is fixed since the last 2

    > (backspace was fixed on sunday)



    > yes, the editor stuff is still unfixed, it is still in my TODO LIST in ah_news.txt


    I revealed incorrect Enter behaviour (it presents in 8164 release too):

    Provider->Hash(Data2, DataSize, Buf2);
       assertNonEquals(Buf1, Buf2, "Hash");_1
    Provider->Hash(Data1, DataSize, Buf2);_2
       assertEquals(Buf1, Buf2, "Hash2");


    1. Put cursor is at '_' position marked "1".

    2. Press Enter, cursor jumps to the next line at pos under "assert" (correct).

    3. Move cursor to _2. Press Enter.

    4. Bug: cursor moves to the next line NOT under "Provider" (1-pos) but under "assert" (4-pos)


    P.S. Bug doesn't happend w/o 1. and 2. items.

  3. List of the bugs are still present in beta (w32):




    1. In "Find" dialog, "selected text" option doesn't work - global search is always processed (both "Find" and "Replace" dialogs).


    2. "Smart Backspace" still unworks:

    if (NeedPIN)
      if (CurrOp == BEELINE)
         safeStrcat(PINcmd, MSIMPIN2, sizeof(PINcmd)); // MTS

    If cursor is at '_' position and I press Backspace, cursor jumps to the first position, not under '{' above it.


    3. "Cancel" button doesn't work in "search progress" dialog IN VIEWER when direction is BACKWARD. It works perfectly if direction is "forward" or in editor.


    File Manager


    1. In "copy" dialog (F5), when I type "a:" and press enter - NDN doesn't react or can't copy file. The only "A:\" works.


    2. NDN multiplies (doubles, triples, etc..) directories when showing an archive in panel (both zip and rar; see dpmi32_lfs_279.rar for instance).


    3. NDN shows "red screen" when copying from archives. How to reproduce:


    a. Enter the archive (I used _w32.rar with 9988 beta)

    b. Select SEVERAL files.

    c. Press F5.

    d. Press Enter or Escape - red screen:


    "Exception 0D8h at address 004981e3 in E:\NDN\SOURCE\flpanel.pas

    Line 1100 Access violation"




    3-colored progress indicator is very nice! :)

  4. ((?!yy).)*xx((?!yy).)*


    I used so:




    to find strings like


    00:00:39.533 ERROR! SOCK PKTFAIL 9987 006F1470,SS,,WSALE=10035.
    00:00:39.533 ERROR! SOCK PKTFAIL 9987 006F1470,SS,,WSALE=10042.


    The result is, hm, untypical:


    NDN (both editor/viewer) searches ALL strings with "pktfail", but it selects (dedicates by color) up to "WSALE=" in "0035" strings and up to "WSALE=10042." otherwise.

  5. - try deleting your config files (in case you installed the beta in the old directory)


    Deleting of ndn.dsk helped me.

    Keyb. macros work perfectly.



    P.S. May be, you should do betas (not releases) WITHOUT user files like .ini, .hgl, .ext and etc. I always have to CAREFULLY select files in beta archive to update, to prevent updating my settings files. Releases should be full, certainly.

  6. Yes, that's russian XP, but what matter? Hotkeys don't work on us keyboard layot.

    When on russian layot, Ctrl-[ combinations don't work indeed! On english (US) layot, they work perfectly. It (work and unwork) is on my Windows'2000 Rus SP4 with any w32-version of NDN (DN OSP too).


    Looks like it's XP specialty.

  7. Elfy, your NDN version and OS?


    In new beta 9501 on my Win'2000, for instance, Ctrl-K-[, Ctrl-K-C and Ctrl-K-B combinations work perfectly (instead of Ctrl-J :) ).



    But, a new bug revealed in this beta editor:


    "Replace" dialog, "Selected text" mode doesn't work - "scope: selected text" radiobutton selected but search is always through WHOLE text, not selected part. Just "find" dialog too.

  8. Thanks for the build, this beta looks to be VERY good!


    Large couple of bugs fixed (output window, dirs saving, ctrl-Backspace); I was impressed that bugs I reported were corrected so quickly. The future of NDN promises to be happy, I'm sure other bugs will be corrected in a such way.



  9. See an example, '_' means cursor position

         if (SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine, 1) == 0)
             logMain.Add(PR_HI, "ERROR! Handler set FAILED!");

    With SmartBackIndent, after BackSpace cursor shold jump to the "if" position, but now it jumps to the start of line.



    P.S. Strange, [ CODE ] directive doens't switch font to monotype.

  10. 1. "Cancel" button doesn't work in "Search progress" dialog, if search is BACKWARD (in viewer).


    2. In viewer, if search is "Backward" and origin is "Entire score", the search immediatelly returns "Search string not found" without any searching. (editor search works perfectly)



    Version v2.14.8486/ENG

    (14-09-2004) WIN32 (W9x/WinNT)

    Windows 2000 SP4

  11. > 1. what shadows do you mean? do you mean the color?

    Original DN had a shadowed buttons (they looked like they having a shadow). I guess, they were made BY COLOR (due to text-mode), so you are right - color.


    > 2. all keys regarding ENTER are used already in NDN

    > you can assign SHIFT+ENTER in OPTIONS.EXTENSION_FILE with this code:

    > *( @start !.! )

    Good, it works; but it doesn't work with NDN command line.


    >6.i dont know why always the root directory is shown

    >it should work correctly

    Ok, I'll try to locate this bug more exactly.


    > 3, 4

    Thanks a lot, it helps.

  12. > i have no all 3 bug

    > i have Win98 and DPMI version!

    May be, you use Win'98 operating system instead of Windows'2000 which I have.


    Moreover, I think DPMI version cannot have this bug, because launching programs in DOS differs a lot from Windows (in DOS, both NDN and launched program have the same screen).


    > NDN work fine!

    Certainly it works fine, but some bugs annoying. :)

  13. new beta 2.14.8486


    Garl, should this Build correct errors described above? (I tried - no)


    So, a new insteresting bug revealed during installation:


    1. Open this archive at right panel (left panel presents too)

    2. Select several (not single!) files in archive

    3. Press F5 (copy), Enter.

    4. Bug: NDN crash



       Exception 0D8h at address 00499d37   
         in E:\NDN\SOURCE\flpanel.pas      
                  Line 1086                
               Access violation            
           Please report to author:        
            email: ho1459@bnhof.de        


  14. System:

    NDN v2.14.8168/ENG (07-09-2004) WIN32 (W9x/WinNT)

    Windows 2000 Rus SP4





    When working with one panel, NDN doesn't update output window under closed panel.


    How to reproduce:


    1. Start NDN

    2. Close left panel (Ctrl-F1)

    3. Type "dir", press Enter

    4. Bug: output is NOT updated!

    5. Press Ctrl-F1 twice (open/close panel)

    6. Output was updated!


    7. Type "cls", press Enter.

    8. Bug: output is not updated!

    9. Press "Esc" twice

    10. Window is still not updated

    11. Press Ctrl-O twice

    12. Window updated!


    I mostly use DN with one panel and hard command line working, so it's very annoying for me.






    After switching from NDN to any other application by Alt-Tab, NDN enables quick search.


    How to reproduce:


    1. Start NDN

    2. Start any other appl, e.g. Internet explorer (in which you are reading this post :)

    3. Switch to NDN

    4. Switch from NDN to that application by pressing Alt-Tab.

    5. Switch back to NDN (any method - keyboard or mouse)

    6. Bug: quick search is in progess, cursor is blinking at file panel


    I prefer switching by keyboard to switching by mouse (like most of NDN users, I think), so it's quite annoying too.






    Strange, but I cannot see color selection panels during "Option - File manager - Highlight groups - Modify Item dialog". So I have to use hgroups.ini for editing group colors.


    This bug is not important to me, but may be it will be important to some users.



    Wbr, Basil Starostin.


    P.S. Should I better write Russian or it doesn't matter?

  15. I have changed my DN OSP to NDN, so I have got lots of questions:


    0. Official FAQ/DOC location? (URL)


    1. How to make a shadow for buttons like DN?

    I found "Shadow X/Y" params in Configuration but I don't know how to operate them.


    2. How to launch a program in separate window like shift-Enter in FAR? (instead of using "start" in cmd-line)


    3. How to include files without ext in color group? ("*.;" doesn't work)


    4. How can I make ALL of my files sorted by ext, but with exe's and arc's first?


    5. I need "AND" search in text files (for example, I need to find words "file" and "error" SIMULTANEOUSLY in ONE line). So can I do it with NDN's regular expressions?


    (I know, it has an "OR" find, but what about "AND"?)


    6. When I changing disk, my NDN always shows the root of disk. How can I make NDN to show PREVIOUS (last accessed) directory on this disk?

    Param "Auto change directory" do nothing with with.



    Wbr, Basil Starostin.
