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Posts posted by AngelsHolocaust

  1. Hi Adam!




    You know what? I have never looked at it ever...


    It is used in a Hotkey() lookup function, where it works as the XLAT code in the internal VIEWER.

    But it only is used in the dialog code (labels, buttons, boxes).


    Still, this should be in the help and the country setup.


    About your O problem:

    i have an idea what could be wrong.

    here is (yet) another test version for you, it's W32 and it will print the keycode, scancode and charcode of each pressed key.

    can you give me the values of the o,alt-o,alt-shift-o key combinations?

    maybe it helps me identifying th problem (there should be a charcode returned when you press alt-shift-o...)




    thanks again

    Stefan / AH

  2. Hi!


    Ok, here is the new D32 version with updated LFN code.

    It works very well now (some other errors are gone too...).

    This should have been done a long time ago.


    Please test this version as good as possible.


    To anyone interested in D32 development:

    it is very helpful to provide me with a FD boot image, which can reproduce the error, so if you have a DOS

    that is not 100% compatible to NDN please provide me with this...




    thanks Admin,

    Stefan / AH

  3. Hi Admin/deus!


    @deus: hm, maybe it happened because I replied from work.

    (which I usually never do....)



    Booting from CD:

    EDR-DOS: starting from boot screen immediately reboots my laptop

    LZ-DOS: CD access works without problems


    Booting from extracted FD image via GRUB4DOS:

    EDR-DOS: works, but the unpacking process with UHARC takes AGES

    about 20 minutes for the complete package

    i could not yet test the CD access since it hangs often depending on the executed commands

    the loading time prevents me from debugging quickly...

    LZ-DOS: hangs up after choosing a boot option


    I will do some more tests later, probably trying to copy the EDR-DOS/LZ-DOS stuff to HD...


    Stefan / AH

  4. Hello Adam!


    Are you talking about the W32 version?

    or D32?


    The difference in left/right Alt is not handled by NDN, but the system keyboard driver.

    The german keyboard also has special AltGr/right Alt chars, which work for me.


    If you are using DOS:

    Is it possible for you to make a floppy boot disk which contains programs to start a simple DOS and the polish keyboard setup?


    if Windows:

    what codepage is polish?

    how can i try the polish keyboard setup in windows?


    Stefan / AH

  5. Hi!


    The idea of using diff is not bad, but will not improve or speed up the developing process:


    - i have to do a diff with the original file(s) everytime before i pack the files;

    packing and uploading the current build is as fast and a bit easier for me

    - users will have to download the original files and the diffs and then patch it, not very nice for users

    which want to test or try a new version quickly


    - all release i made the past 2 years were so called betas, i don't need another level of abstraction because it would not speed up my development process, one upload/month is sufficient IMO



    thanks for your ideas

    Stefan / AH

  6. Hi again!


    I think i have fixed the problem:


    chars will not convert again after two TOUPPER or TOLOWER operations.

    At least this worked for the example files you provided to me:


    lower: bÆåd ìma gæ× sÆoñce który ªrebak duºy

    upper: B£ÅD òMA GÉÿ S£OÑCE KTúRY áREBAK DUíY


    So, please test the version here:



    @EVERYONE who can test this: please do so, I don't want to break any working code.

    @Adam: please tell me if it worked ASAP so i can finish the fix


    if there are (new) problems, please give me another detailed bug report


    Stefan / AH

  7. Hi everyone.


    I would like to ask some of you to test a few improvments to the NDN LNX port:


    a) GPM in the console:

    NDN will now interface GPM if it is installed;

    it should also support the mouse wheel, but i was not able to get it to work in my VTs,

    hopefully someone of you can test this


    B) X11/terminal mouse:

    the mouse should now be fully working depending on your terminal emulator

    (mouse wheel as well as drag/drop operations)


    c) X11 keyboard:

    finally, with the help of GPFault, I was able to access the X11 library and can now

    use X11 events. The version below has most hotkeys working in X11.


    I am working with Ubuntu 6.06 / dapper drake, so I would like to hear about some

    other distros as well...


    here's the newest version: (only resources and exe)



    thank you for any reports

    Stefan / AH

  8. Hi Dan!


    Where have you been? :P


    Thanks a lot for both and congratulations for being the very first on that donation page. :)

    And there are now 9 votes.


    I just tried for 30 minutes to do something about the german page that is opened when clicking the button,

    but I failed to change anything about it, at least for me it still shows german.


    You may try again, maybe it now works different for you.

    If someone has knowledge on this subject (I have read the paypal help...) let me know.


    Have a nice weekend.

    Stefan / AH
