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Posts posted by AngelsHolocaust

  1. hi!




    i think it isn't/wasn't


    if NDN cannot find highlight data when opening the file then this option is OFF and it is saved in the file specific options, you have to turn it on manually



  2. hi again!


    > You're right, if I run notepad.EXE it will work as expected, but why do I have to type ".exe"?


    because NDN does not try to guess what you typed on the commandline, you are free to type what you want and that is executed

    no checks are performed except for CD


    in fact, the code that i copied from DNOSP (to check for a GUI program with quite some modifications) does indeed check for .EXE of the given string, which it shouldnt

    (this is why notepad.exe works, compared to notepad, not to mention notepad.exe mytext.ext)


    you know, it is a bit dangerous to GUESS that you want to start NOTEPAD.EXE when you only type NOTEPAD

    how shall i know if you want to start NOTEPAD.EXE



    i can savely assume that you want to have a program correctly started when you hit enter in filepanel on any exe program(or ELF in LNX) and what to do with it

    same goes for external viewers and editors (which is already a BIT dangerous, but works fine until now, dont you agree? ;) btw, that was your report too, right? :)


    anyway, i know that the exe code is not 100% perfect, but it is working well

    and, if you have the time to write notepad myfile.ext

    you can maybe add START to it? :)




    PS: i will try to rework the exec code once more, to have an easier layout and maybe it is ok to check for the first file in any string if it is exe or not and start it according to

  3. hi!


    with 5661 i introduced new drive handling code, to support linux drives/partitions/mounts the same way we do in dos


    the only thing that changed is that i now gather all information on drives at startup, and not only when AltF1/F2 is pressed


    the same delay can be witnessed when you have a CDROM inserted in your CD DRIVE (at least here i can see the delay)


    i probably have to change something in the RTL of the windows code of VP



  4. ...what the SmartBackindent option does/should do?


    i can only see ONE result:

    a string ' test string' becomes 'test string


    is it supposed to work like SMART TABS, just in reverse direction?


    it is copied code from 2.13 of ChemoDun, it has the same behaviour in his and my version



  5. Hi! :)



    052 [e]

    alt-leftArrow, alt-rightArrow for gone to open/close bracket conflicts with block moving. ((((


    well, it doesnt conflict - if blocks are off then brackets


    do you work with persistent blocks?

    necromancer does, he didnt complain about this feature (which is quite *old* by now) yet, and if he doesnt complain then there is usual no need to work on it :P



    053 wish

    "*FREE* " strings in status line are excess. Even if you like NC interface

    with hardplaced "buttons" in status line this text is not needed.

    Moreover, I think that this inteface feature is not good idea at all and

    it is unpractical space usage. In any case my thanks to Garl for lack

    of it in russian resources.


    this is a reminder for me that the statuslines are not finished, of course it is not needed, but it also doesnt bother me at all

    the idea is that maybe some people (or myself) have a good ideas on what function to place there

    almost all functions that do not use Fx-keys will be removed from Statusline sooner or later as soon as i need the space


    i want NDN to look as professional as possible

    and hardplaced buttons with strlen = 6 are part of it

    of course, *FREE* is not perfect

    therefore i changed it to ' '




  6. Hi!


    i do use the function, BUT in the past year i hardly worked with NDN except for programming itself :P


    so i do not recognize bugs or operation behaviour changes when they happen


    i didn't know that SHIFT was the PATH selector, and ALT the LFN/SFN selector


    i will change it back now



  7. Hi Every1!



    yes, i know that the simple bracket difference is not the best solution, BUT it is the easiest

    (example: RadioButtons and Checkboxes (also no big difference)) because TV already has provided functions to change the bracket layout

    especially when we take in consideration that every addition takes up memory and runtime; at the mmoent the new CheckBoxesE only added a few 100 bytes and almost no modification of existing code, BUT a big enhancement of comfortability


    Dan, the last version was a public release :)


    Elfy, copying filenames:

    Garl informed me that there was SHIFT-ALT mixed up when copying LFN with(out) PATH in the last version

    i fixed that, but probably changed ALT and SHIFT in the wrong direction to make it work

    (btw, ???+ENTER and ???+INS now wotk exactly the same way except for the destination the string is copied to)

    it would be no problem to exchange SHIFt and ALT


    my suggestion:

    i will make an option where you can choose wether you want to have SHIFT do the LFN/SFN or the PATH/w/o PATH copy operation?


