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Everything posted by AngelsHolocaust

  1. Vote and donate (slightly off topic)

    Hi Dan! Where have you been? :P Thanks a lot for both and congratulations for being the very first on that donation page. :) And there are now 9 votes. I just tried for 30 minutes to do something about the german page that is opened when clicking the button, but I failed to change anything about it, at least for me it still shows german. You may try again, maybe it now works different for you. If someone has knowledge on this subject (I have read the paypal help...) let me know. Have a nice weekend. Stefan / AH
  2. NDN DPMI32 2.30.3829 w32 wrong show week day

    Hi! Please test this version and tell me if it works: http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/ndn_d32_wod.rar Btw, "NDN DPMI32 2.30.3829 w32" was not very helpful... :P Bye Stefan / AH
  3. about copy/move dialog

    Hi Added to the list, but with very low priority. Stefan / AH
  4. Hi! Sorry, i don't tihnk it is a good idea to add another hotkey plus extra option for this. I personally NEVER use DEL to delete files, and i cannot change a hotkey which has been in use for so long. Experienced users ill miss it and complain. When (someday) users will be able to configure hotkeys in NDN as they want you can assign any key to it. bye Stefan / AH
  5. Hi Everything is possible. I wrote it to the todo list. But please don't expect your wish to happen very soon, since it is a very specific and D32/DOS only operation. Stefan / AH
  6. NDN DPMI32 2.30.3829 w32 wrong show week day

    Hey! I can imagine what it is: about 1 year ago i changed the GetDate code from pure DOS calls to BIOS/PORT code. I think there is the problem located. Thank you both, Stefan / AH
  7. NDN DPMI32 2.30.3829 w32 wrong show week day

    Hi!! I cannot confirm this. Maybe you can give me more information on your system. Stefan / AH
  8. Add ALL function from Calc to spreadsheet

    Hi AdminZ Both issues added to the todo list. There's no code in NDN to make a XLS out of the spreadsheets. I don't know if this is possible at all. Stefan / AH
  9. BETA 2.30.3829 has bug with TAB in Viewer

    Hi Avchent! Yes, the bug still exists because I haven't fixed it yet. Please always consult the whatsnew.txt file for bug fixes. Bye Stefan / AH
  10. some .exe/.bat files wont launch

    Hi! Hm, is "Command or filename not recognized" the official error from Caldera DOS? You can try to lock NDN and look at some temporary BAT files in the temporary directory. Maybe the problem can be located from those files. Stefan / AH
  11. new release: 2.30.3829

    Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope the last release in 2006 will satisfy everyone of you. See you in 2007. :) whatsnew: [!] Merry Christmas to everyone! [*] HGL improved the XML (Dandv) and TcL data [*] renamed dnotify to notifyd [*] moved updview.TUpdView.SetUpdTicks(Sec) to views.TView.SetUpdTicks(Sec) [*] fileio.GetFileTime() opened files which didn't work if a file was locked; now uses fileio.GetFileTimes() internally which uses FindFirst/Next [+] PCRE 7.0: multiline (not only LF) support, new options multiline support might need more work on the NDN side [*] Name completion: [TAB] to confirm selected keyword/name in completion dialog like [sPACE] and [ENTER] -> added kbTab handling to namecomp.TNameComp.HandleEvent() and namecomp.TNameComp.Execute() [+] type "exit" to exit ndn (stonehead) -> dnexec._ExecCommandLine(): commandline check for exit [*] added mouse wheel: scroll through months -> calendar.TCalendarView.HandleEvent() FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] W32/LNX: erase/copy files only refreshed with the autofresh code (BmW) [A] -> AutoRefresh/CTRL-R or any other reread cannot be allowed to the panel where the operation happens (the SOURCE directory) -> removed flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.ChangeLocked from fltools.CM_(EraseFiles|CopyFiles|Dropped): the reread happened inside the drive erase/copy code, therefore no reread was possible like in previous versions -> moved the ChangeLocked code into the drive code EDITOR [-] line swap only worked on shortstrings [A] -> microed6.EditorHandleEvent.cmSwapLine used a shortstring instead of an ansistring [*] added code to en- and disable StoreUndoInfo() in sub functions -> TFileEditor.StoreUndoEnable()|StoreUndoDisable()|StoreUndoDisabled [+] swap words command -> added micro_3.EdSwapCode() which handles Lines and Words, used in microed6.EditorHandleEvent() -> commands.cmSwapLine, ALT-F8/ALT-SHIFT-F8 -> Alternate swap: words with based on whitechars -> added a Swap menu with normal and alt swap [*] added syntax highlight macro commands (edcom.dnr): SwapLines, SwapWords(Alt) [-] Horizontal blocks, block delete (DEL, CTRL-DEL) in overwrite mode did not insert spaces but behaved like in insert mode (with bad undo/redo) (erno) [A] -> micro_1.EdDeleteBlock() now handles overwrite mode with horiz. blocks -> micro_2.EdMakeUndo() (EdConvert4Do) created unsuitable udDelBlock Redo data and micro_2.EdMakeRedo() did not handle overwrite mode for horizontal blocks [+] selectable line number display: every line, 5th, 10th (Vladimir Bochkarev) -> added commands.edlnEvery(5th|10th)Line, used in microed7.EditorDraw(), startup.TEditorDefaultsData.LineNumDisplay [+] added 2 operations: Goto Next/Previous Paragraph -> added commands.cmFind(Next|Prev)Para, corresponding macro commands -> modified micro_3.EdFindParagraph(), added micro_3.FindParagraph() -> added a (temporary!) hook of the ALT-LEFT/RIGHT keycodes in microed6.EditorHandleEvent() -> hotkeys: [CTRL-ALT-LEFT/RIGHT] [CTRL-P Q/W] -> added both to the Editor Menu.Paragraph [-] char/word count used shortstrings instead of ansi strings [A] -> micro_3.EdCountCharsWords() got the strings from the collection via .At() and not .AtString() [-] CTRL+<first_key> <second_key> combinations didn't allow any input but keypresses after the <first_key> [DNOC] (GPFault) -> microed6.EditorHandleEvent().ConvertKeycodeToCommand() gets all inputs and handles non-keypresses too VIEWER [-] writemodify().CantWrite() msgbox were invisible (desktop locked) [] see TV MessageBox() update [-] killed modified flag even if it couldn't write to file [DNOC] -> fviewer.WriteModify(), HandleEvent().cmSave using Retry/ok/Cancel [-] switching to editor couldn't be cancelled when file couldn't be saved [DNOC] EDITOR/VIEWER [+] detect file changes and reload file (internal viewer and editor only) -> added notifyf, stdefine.FILECHANGENOTIFY, commands.cfHandleModReload -> internal editor and viewer only (requires cmReload) -> Off/1-5 second configuration in Options.Configuration.System Options -> added confirmation: check modified flag on reload (viewer, editor) Options.Configuration.Confirmations."Handle modified on reload"; enabled by default [-] the can't write error notification lost file changes since it couldn't abort the previous save operation (reload...), it continued after pressing OK [DNOC] -> continue asking for retry until user chooses ok/cancel in: editor: microed6.EditorAskSave(), microed2.EditorSaveFile(As)(), microed.TFileEditor.SaveFile(As)() viewer: fviewer.TFileViewer.WriteModify() -> see TV messages.CantWrite() updates [+] operation: goto file [sHIFT-ENTER] like in FIND VFS -> sending cmFindGotoFile with dnapp.GlobalEvent() from: microed6.EditorHandleEvent().cmEnter, fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent().kbEnter, dbfview.TDBViewer.HandleEvent().kbEnter -> added microed6.EditorHandleEvent().cmFindGotoFile, menu entry "Goto file", edcom.cmFindGotoFile/GotoFile macro command [+] option to sort bookmarks after position -> added commands.cmSortBookmarks [CTRL-0] -> microed6.EditorHandleEvent().cmSortBookmarks fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent().cmSortBookmarks microed.TBookMarkLine.Sort() SYNTAX HIGHLIGHT [-] syntax highlight did not display black (Garl) [A] -> highlite.InitHighLight.GetCurrentColor() used 0 as signal that no color was found, but 0 == black -> changed signal to $ff -> removed usage and commented highlite.InitHighLight.LoCaseColors [-] crash if multiline comments exceeded internal conversion buffer size (Dandv) [NC] -> highlite.InitHighLight().AppendString() copied more data than the given buffer size was -> see the updated help for the actual buffer size (Dan!) TURBOVISION: VIEWS/DIALOGS/MENUS/OBJECTS [*] messages.MessageBox() will check and handle locked Desktop internally; removed all manual locked/lock/unlock checks (fviewer,microed6,vfs_arcv) [*] improved messages.CantWrite() to receive the button setup -> added (commands|ndn.dnl).dlRetryButton [+] added objects.(TPoint|TRect).Swap() [+] added views.GetMaskedEvent(var Event: TEvent; Mask: Integer) to get custom events, like Mouse AND Keypresses - see TView.KeyEvent() VIRTUAL FILE SYSTEMS (VFS) [-] FTP: adding a new FTP server to the list didn't save options and first 2 timeouts (Garl) [A] -> vfs_ftp.TFTPDrive.UseFile().cmXEditFile overwrote the first values in the TFileRec.AddData storage; added HostDlgAddData() which is used in cmXEditFile and cmEditFile FILE PANEL [-] context menu & help -> help didn't disappear [A] -> contextm.p_OpenWinMenuInTV() used (for some reason) P.Execute() and helper code instead of the views.TGroup.ExecView() code; hopefully i introduced no problems with making this change HELP [-] help window open, non dialog, open dialog, open help -> help window cannot be closed anymore [A] -> added helpfile.THelpWindow.CanBeInserted(), used in helpfile.THelpViewer.HandleEvent().cmHelp and dnutil.TDnApplication.HandleCommand().cmHelp: check whether we are allowed to use the existing window or we have to open a new one Stefan / AH download: http://ndn.muxe.com/beta.php (even if the beta page is not yet updated don't worry, the links point to the new version already)
  12. new release: 2.30.3339

    hey all not as much news as last time, but enough to release it :) [*] added fileio.Exists() which can be used to check wether a file or dir exists -> added fileio.ExistMain() which returns a boolean and attributes: Exists(), ExistFile() and ExistDir() all use this method internally [*] LNX: disabled "Edit OS environment" since it's not yet supported [*] D32 merged several duplicated functions from the main code back with the modifications into vpsysd32: disk._SysGetValidDrives, disk._SysGetDriveType, winclp.(_SysClipCanPaste|_SysClipCopy|_SysClipPaste) [*] added standard header macros to HGL file: LINUX shell scripts: #!/bin/bash ANSI C/C++ sources: include, main() PASCAL: program uses begin end / unit interface implementation end. JAVA: package import public class public static void main C#: using System public class main static void Main() ASM: TASM TINY and FLAT IDEAL modes [*] HGL: improved the VB *.FRM definition -> disable '' string highlight [*] D32: replaced all "Sound(5000); DelayTics(1); NoSound;" implementations with the standard "SysBeepEx(5000, 1000);" -> dialogs, filecopy, histries -> commented advance0.(Sound|NoSound) functions FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [*] Eraser: beep if operation took longer than 30s {G} -> eraser.EraseFiles() uses BeepAfterCopy() [-] DW32: readonly flags from subdirectories were never cleared [A] -> filecopy.FilesCopy().CopyF() did not clear r/o [+] copy/move: added clear readonly option -> filecopy: added cpoClearRO option check wherever CDROM checks were made DBF VIEWER [*] quite some updates to the db viewer {G} HELP [*] added CSV file topic {G} FILE PANEL [+] auto driveline refresh (AndyRay) -> added commands.cmDriveLineRefresh, handled by flpanel.TFilePanel.HandleEvent() and sent by disk.TDriveInfo.UpdateTimer if a drive change happened -> added disk.TDriveInfo.UpdateTimer + UpdView -> refresh timer option setup to options.file manager.setup: startup.TFMSetup.DriveLineRefresh, default = 3 seconds -> LNX counts the lines in /etc/mounts to detect changes, DW32 use SysGetValidDrives -> added updview.SetUpdTicks() and SetUpdTicksSec() [+] auto update of [ALT-F1/F2] / drive selection windows and update via [F3] (Garl) -> modified filescol.SelectDrive(), added filescol.SelectDrive().UpdateMenu, added event callback handling to close the menu from SelectDrive() code [+] W32/LNX: panel auto refresh on directory changes (local drives) (AndyRay) -> added dnotify which holds all the notification interface code W32: Find(First|Next|Close)ChangeNotification LNX: fcntl(), F_SETSIG|F_NOTIFY -> some ideas from DNOSPW: NotifyResume|Suspend, NotifierCollection (but I added a reference count for each directory) -> added stdefine.DIRCHANGENOTIFY -> setup in Options.File Manager.Setup -> added ChangeLocked check to flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.CommandHandle.(_ForceRescan|_DoRereadDir) -> added ChangeLocked set to fltools.(CM_CopyFiles|CM_Dropped) [*] QuickDir window [ALT-SHIFT-0] uses the X size of the Desktop -> dnutil.TDnApplication.HandleCommand.DoQuickChange() TURBOVISION: VIEWS/DIALOGS/MENUS/OBJECTS [+] added TView.HandleEvent() to menus.TMenuView.HandleEvent() [+] added.views.TView.EventCallbackHandler : function (View: PView; var Event: TEvent): boolean; used in views.TView.HandleEvent(), can be used to handle events from outside of a view [-] delta was not used to track mouse in menus [A] -> menus.THugeMenuBox.GetItemRect() now uses Delta instead of BeyondTop() KEYBOARD [*] the dead key delay (ALT and CTRL at the moment) is disabled if one of the 2 keys is selected as quicksearch hotkey (BmW/Dandv) -> drivers.GetKeyMouseEvent().IsDeadKey() SCREEN/VIDEOMODES [+] edit video mode operation -> added commands.cmEditVideoMode, [F4] to menus.TVideoMenuBox.Execute() -> modified dnutil.TDnApplication.HandleCommand().ChScreenMode() by adding new code -> video.AddVideoMode() returns the created PVideoMode SYNTAX HIGHLIGHT [*] if there are no single line comments but multiline comments the HGL code will use multiline comments automatically -> highlite.TCommentTypeCollection.CommentSingle holds single line comments until we can decide if we use multiline or single line commenting [-] filenames without wildcards did never match [A] -> highlite.InitHighLight().FileMatch() did provide the complete filename with path, now only gives the name to the wild card matching code DNEXEC/EXTERNAL VIEWER/EDITOR DNEXEC.EXECUTEFILEEXT/LOCAL_GLOBAL_MENUS [-] LNX: checked %[0-9] replacing in usermenus etc. -> previous %3 -> $$3 replacing in usermenu.(ExecUserMenu|QuickExecExternal) was removed, updated help: in LINUX $$[0-9] is equivalent to %[0-9] [*] NC style user menu: added NC style comments to nc menu files: "'" HISTORIES [+] MsgBox when histories are empty and tried to open it -> added (ndn.dnl|commands).dlHistoryEmpty -> used in histries.(EditHistoryMenu|ViewHistoryMenu|CmdHistory|DirHistoryMenu) have fun Stefan / AH download: http://ndn.muxe.com/beta.php (even if the beta page is not yet updated don't worry, the links point to the new version already)
  13. Highlight file (*.hgl), TabSize

    Hi! The correct syntax is: TabSize <byte> TabSize 2 should work. If you type "9 2" NDN cannot read a valid value and will default to 8. Hopefully this works for you Stefan / AH
  14. About bugs and suggestions

    Hi again. a. Try SHIFT-F4 b. Ok, i will look into it, maybe it can be resolved and it's indeed a bug in the directory code bye Stefan / AH
  15. About bugs and suggestions

    Hello naX! Thanks for your interest. I have added all interesting information to my todo list. You mean a new file option that simply creates a file with no content? No, the color of the numbers is the same as the line, i don't think it would be very useful to have different colors for line and numbers. The reason is that if you have a directory open in NDN it is locked and you cannot remove the drive (data loss). This is no NDN feature but depends on the operating system. Bye Stefan / AH
  16. command line to clipboard

    Hi u125 There is no selection in the commandline (yet?). You can only copy the complete comand line. bye Stefan / AH
  17. Crash on editing files with multiple COMMENTs

    Hey dan. using mutliple COMMENT statements works, the problem with the PERL hgl definition is the "a_unique...." string the internal collection buffer is limited to $30 characters. comments are not supposed to be that big, so the buffer size is suffucient there was a bad implementation in the highlight code which filled the buffer over it's limits, that crashed the system i changed the unique string to _-_-_ best wishes Stefan / AH
  18. Alt-Enter, Alt-Tab under WindowsXP

    Hi! As far as I know there is no way to do that! maybe you can get used to CTRL-TAB instead of ALT-TAB and ALT ENTER = ALT HOME Sorry, Stefan / AH
  19. ... some features...

    hey naX hm, of course it is, but you can also do it ith ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES try "%userprofile%\my documents" very good idea! i will add this to the list sorry, this is not possible from inside a console program i am afraid at least i haven't found any WIN API call related to this have a nice weekend Stefan / AH
  20. default files highlight list

    Hi BmW! Sure, this is always a good idea. thank you Stefan / AH
  21. WishList

    hey garl 1. good idea, but highlight fd as removable too 2. i only read the context menu from windows, with some bugs obviously adding new code is not easy at all and i don't want to do that i suggest adding it from windows no way to read the context menu from dpmi :( 3. hm.... is it really useful? does it help the user? isn't it easier to look it up on the internet? thank you Stefan / AH
  22. Can't see TAB in NDN Win32 v.2.15.7555

    Hi confirmed, thanks Stefan / AH
  23. wishes for editor block commands

    hi erno. wish 2. well, i am not sure, i cannot add more options concerning this, else it ill be too confusing there is also the possiblity to move blocks with alt+up/down .... wish 3. i dont see the sense behind this option, as i sad above, there are already TOO many confusing options concerning blocks this new option/operation: how to call it? how to turn it on off? what is the reason for implementing it? the swap words idea is nice, i don't know why to do the "keep all marked" operation (it's more than just an option) block behaviour: because there are so many options you should provicde more information on your editor setup thank you Stefan/ AH
  24. Strange renaming(F6) in branch/find panel

    Hi Hunter. The behaviour is not strange because the current directory is "c:\test". maybe this should be different, i will add it to the list... thanks Stefan / AH
  25. Windows context menu BUG

    Hi Hunter i can open context menus on '..' without a crash, although i just tried on a very big directory and you are right, ndn just left without error message does it work on smaller directories? and opening any operation on '..' makes the operation work on all files in that drectory that is standard in NDN thanks for the hint Stefan / AH