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Everything posted by AngelsHolocaust

  1. Unraring NDN in Ubuntu

    Hi! No, sorry, there's no other package provided. I am not sure if there's a RAR extractor included in UBUNTU. (i am using UBUNTU myself) Maybe you should try to install one. Or download from the RAR homepage (I think there's a UNIX version.) If you want I can check it out myself tomorrow and post a little how to... bye Stefan / AH
  2. Critical bug in LFN support. Crash files structures.

    So, i can reproduce this in MS-DOS with DOSLFN loaded and LFN enabled? This should make it easier for me to debug. Bye Stefan / AH
  3. RegExp for replace empty lines ?

    Hi Avchent. NDN doesn't support something like this (yet?). Bye Stefan / AH
  4. Critical bug in LFN support. Crash files structures.

    Hi! And when does this happen? What actions are you taking before the system is damaged? I remember little files with strange names (random hi ascii characters) in several accessed directories. Are you talking about this phenomenon? I don't know when I will be able to test this out myself. Stefan / AH
  5. Critical bug in LFN support. Crash files structures.

    Hi again AdminZ. 1. you must be a bit mroe detailed. When does this happen? How can I reproduce it? Does this happen with or without DOSLFN? What DOS? 2. i am not sure why this is the case. Again, what DOS are we talking about? Stefan / AH
  6. new release: 2.30.4464

    Hi everyone. Sorry for the long delay, the next release will be out in time again - promised :) news: [*] 2006 -> 2007 [!] big thanks to GPFault for code, ideas and support in the latest LNX improvments [!] created a file for interfacing LINUX libc or other (shared) libraries on startup (statically linked) called linuxlib (libc.so.6 and libdl.so.2 for a start...) [-] D32 DOS: SysGetDateTime() wrong value returned for DayOfWeek (AdminZ/Garl) [A/V] -> the (new) code that used BIOS/PORT to get the data was not 100% compatible to the DOS code (was added to solve mouse crash of D32 in NT+) [*] LNX X: now interfacing Xlib if available [+] LNX X: [sHIFT-ESCAPE] minimizes/iconifies the console -> main3.MyApp.GetEvent(), depending on the used X terminal [-] LNX: vpsyslnx.KbdBuffer pipe was not freed on exit [V] -> vpsyslnx: added LnxPipeClose(), relocated KbdBuffer pipe creation at the start of KbdTerminalThread() and pipe close to the end [!] FILECHANGENOTIFY seemed to be disabled in the releases - sorry -> stdefine.inc still had it in the developing code section [+] added vpsyslow.SysLineBreak|SysLineBreak(CrLf|Cr|Lf) [V] [+] DBG commandline option, non-release builds only: DBG_NO_FATAL_ERROR_OUTPUT / DNFEO to suppress messagebox display on fatal error which overwrites write(ln) debug messages -> drivers6.ReportFatalError() [-] D32/LFN: EDR-DOS/LFNDOS didn't access CD drives [NC] (AdminZ) -> lWin95 code in lfn only tried the LFN functions, not DOS/SFN; [-] D32/SFN: lfn.lChDir didn't work in pure DOS [A] (AdminZ) -> SFN chdir call doesn't like directories like 'C:\TEMP\', wants 'C:\TEMP'; implemented PChar _RemovePathSep() into vpsysd32, used in vpsysd32.SysDirSetCurrent() [+] ini file saving/loading to menu Options: Save initialization file -> added cm(Load|Save)INI, dnutil.TDnApplication.HandleCommand() [+] added advance0.MemCmp(): used in filescol.CompareFiles() [+] global usage of drivers3.ConvertWSKey() to be able to select WordStar keys; was only used in ListViewer until then -> drivers3.ConvertWSKey() checks the event for evKeyDown itself -> setup: added to Options.Configuration.Misc Setups.Keyboard Setup dnini: loaded/saved to [Misc].KeyboardOptions -> drivers3.WordStarKeys and drivers3.ws* constants removed, added commands.kbd(UseWordStarCursor|SwitchHomeEndPage) -> ConvertWSKey() removed from TListViewer.HandleEvent(), added to: microed6.EditorHandleEvent(), fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent(), dbfview.TDBViewer.HandleEvent(), dialogs.TInputLine.HandleEvent() -> added driversr.CtrlToArrow() to: fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent(), dbfview.TDBViewer.HandleEvent() -> removed special windows hotkey code for editor (ebfWindowsBlockKeys) -> this enables to choose between WordStar cursor control OR standard WINDOWS keys like [CTRL-C/X/V] (clipboard) or [CTRL-A] (Select all) -> removed a lot of synonym commands for cmSearch(Again|Reverse) in phones, editor, viewer, dbviewer, spreadsheet [*] improvment to stringsx.SStr(): size of S 40 -> 50 {G} [*] bugfix in eraser.DelShowProgress(): Using size of Desktop in write {G} [+} added timedate.GetMonthFromString() KEYBOARD [*] [CTRL] on release, not press, this solves several keyboard combination problems like when copying the current file name to commandline when [CTRL] is also the quick search hotkeys (naX) [-] W32: some keyboards do not return a charcode for [ESC] when CAPSLOCK is on; the fix for this in vpw32kbd was bad [V] (Adam Lubszczyk) -> Shiftstate = CAPSLOCK_ON -> Shiftstate and CAPSLOCK_ON ... [+] LNX X: the keyboard is read from X-events FILE PANEL [*] [left/RIGHT] din't work in panel if panel names were maxed (ctrl-0) -> adjusted file panel size checks in flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.CommandHandle().kb(Left|Right) [*] W32: LINUX 'cd' -> home feature also for windows -> vfs_driv.TDrive.HandleCmdLine(): WNT+ uses environment string %UserProfile%, W9x uses %WinDir% [-] the fillers between the drive chars used the FD/REMOVABLE color, now use the frame color [A] -> flpanel.TDriveLine.Draw() [*] improved default file mask highlight data (BmW/Garl) -> groupsfm.CreateGrpIni() [-] mouse wheel didn't move scrollbar marker (OArkh) [A] -> flpanel.TFilePanel.HandleEvent() didn't redraw the Scrollbar after move [*] removed commented/unneeded GetEmpty/MakeTop methods from vfs_* [-] Crashes in big resolutions (> 255 / 2) on... [?] - [TAB]: * vfs_driv.TDrive.GetEmpty() did not check the size left in the drawbuffer -> GetEmpty() now gets a new paramter (BufLen) with the remaining size of the buffer * flpanel.TSeparator.Old(W|X) were not updated on startup of NDN which caused wrong calculation and writes across the draw buffer boundaries -> dnutil.TDNApplication.Init() broadcasts cmVideoModeChanged after loading the desktop - moving right in the file details (details > panel size): * vfs_driv.TDrive.GetEmpty() did write before the drawbuffer -> GetEmpty() now skips columns with result length < 1 [-] error message when renaming the desktop file in dnutil.TDNApplication.SaveDesktop() was never displayed because fileio.RenameFile1() used DosError instead of IOResult EDITOR [*] LNX: file lock like in DOS/WINDOWS doesn't work -> implemented flock() usage in vpsyslnx.SysFileOpen() but LINUX is not able to do a simple 100% lock on a file for all write operations until the lock is released again - another big "-" for LINUX -> changed stOpenRead into stOpenWrite in microed.TFileEditor.LockFile() [*] keyword completion: the current word (pattern) is not used in the comparing process anymore, which improves the completion process -> namecomp.KeyWordCompletion() returns only the pattern data if no keywords are provided, this is used in micro_3.EdCompleteKeyWord() to modify the pattern so it won't be included in the comparisson data [-] editor copy to clipboard: it appended spaces to lines in horizontal block mode like in vertical mode if the position on the last line was higher than the line length [A] (Dandv) -> micored3.EditorGetSelection() checks for EdOptions.VertBlock when inserting lines [-] block/selection draw was randomly off or wrong [] -> microed7.EditorDraw() had code which corrected the start/end of the first/last block line always to the EOL if the cursor was > EOL -> moved to microed7.EditorDraw().BlockDraw(), simplified, shortened and improved MOUSE [*] LNX X: added new mouse enabling method for xterm and company [V] {P} this makes it possible to use available mouse server modes depending on the X-terminal -> standard drag and drop operations like in DOS/WINDOWS now work -> sending oldest to newest en/disable sequences to the terminal in vpsyslnx.SysTVInitMouse()|SysTVDoneMouse -> mouse wheel works [+] LNX T: mouse now fully works in real LINUX terminals -> gpm needs to be running (visible/moving mouse cursor on screen) -> added gpm.pas which interfaces libgpm.so.1 (if it exists) -> libgpm.so.1 is loaded dynamically -> added LOAD_DYNAMIC define to gpm.pas, static loading at program start code is also included but commented -> gpm.pas used in vpsyslnx.SysTV(Init|Done)Mouse and SysTVGetMouseEvent -> mouse wheel support was added but is untested since my wheel doesn't work in LINUX console (someone please verify this...) [-] D32/NT: mouse still crashed in extreme cases (FILE FIND and mouse moves or always in fullscreen) [A] -> vpsysd32 mouse code now polls the mouse instead of using the handler, slower but works 100% -> vpsysd32.NT_MOUSE_POLL define to signal the new code [+] Menu =.Reset Mouse command: reinit mouse -> added commands.cmResetMouse, used in dnutil.TDnApplication.HandleCommand, which calls drivers.(Done|Init)Events() -> useful when starting drivers while NDN is running INFO PANEL [-] crash when trying to open the disk information panel [CTRL-L] [A] -> infopane.ReadDizFile() referenced an empty PString to PTextReader if no data provided in Options.File Manager.Setup.Directory/File Descriptions DNEXEC/EXTERNAL VIEWER/EDITOR DNEXEC.EXECUTEFILEEXT/LOCAL_GLOBAL_MENUS [*] LNX: improved the [F2] user menu with more useful commands (reboot....) FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] DELETE: deleting directories always used the SFN [A] (GPFault) -> eraser.EraseFiles() used ExistFile() for directories, which always failed, now using fileio.Exists() for all checks COUNTRY SETUP/LANGUAGES [*] - improved english help topic - added [ALT-BACKSPACE]: reset to standard hi-ASCII chars -> setups.TUpperTable.HandleEvent() [-] Upcase table was not correctly initialized [AC] (Adam Lubszczyk) -> removed stringsx.InitUpcase(), stringsx.UpcaseInited -> corrected stringsx.UpperTableToCaseArray() [*] improved handling of UpCaseString/CountryInfo.UpperTable in dnini -> moves instead of for..do constructs TURBOVISION: VIEWS/DIALOGS/MENUS/OBJECTS [-] ASCII-TABLE: char insert into an inputline deleted the content [A] -> added asciitab.AsciiTableActive boolean to signal that the ascii-table is active, used in dialogs.TInputLine.SetState() [*] inputlines now understand [CTRL-A] -> dialogs.TInputLine.HandleEvent() [*] consistent usage of '...' in menus (selecting this menuitem opens another window) COMMANDLINE [+] commandline supports [sHIFT-DEL] and [CTRL-X/C/V] operations (see WordStar news) -> cmdline.TCommandLine.HandleEvent() ARCHIVES [+] added UHARC archive support (AdminZ) -> unfortunately UHARC is not feature compatible to the major archivers, f.ex. try to archive from a directory with adding relative paths [*] added arc_arj.TArjArchive.MustReread(), for arc types that need to read the screen output of an archiver -> used in vfs_arcv.TArcDrive.HandleCommand() and vfs_find.FindFiles.ScanDirectory() Stefan / AH download: http://ndn.muxe.com/beta
  7. new release: 2.30.4464

    Hi AdminZ. 1. i will answer this in the other thread 2. i have added this to my todo list Bye Stefan / AH
  8. 2 Todo List

    Hi Garl! To confirm what? like: "do you really want to rename the file xyz?" I don't know if this is really useful. Ah! Now I understand. If you hit ALT-F6 instead of ALT-F7 accidentely? Well, this never happened to me. If you hit ALT-F6 without reading the dialog content and realizing that you are renaming instead of searching you will also hit ENTER on the confirmation dialog. Any other user thoughts on this? have a nice weekend, Stefan / AH
  9. NDN propaganda

    Thanks a lot as always. NDN should be a bit more popular than it is by now. Hopefully 2007 :) Have a nice weekend. Stefan / AH
  10. Copy files with refresh/skip mode

    Hello! Yes, it is no bug, and IMO an unnecessary feature/option. Therefore I haven't added it to the TODO list (yet?). Bye Stefan / AH
  11. Editor Mark Line Bug ?

    Hello Avchent. I didn't test the old versions of NDN because this is no bug: CTRl-K H does not unmark - it HIDEs or SHOWs the block. I don't know what was different in the old version, but this is the correct behaviour. Best regards, Stefan / AH
  12. new release: 2.30.4464

    Hi! True, sorry. I have corrected the link. Thank you. Stefan / AH
  13. new release: 2.30.4464

    Hi! @Flox: let me know if you find any way to reproduce this error @Din: thank you & i think it's a very good idea Bye Stefan / AH
  14. Question on a Viewer

    Hi! Since the XMAS release files can be loaded automatically on change. But it is not perfect yet (and i forgot to enable it correctly in the XMAS release). With the last release do the following setup: Options.Configuration.System Setup.File Change Check Timer 1-5s Options.Configuration.Editor Setup / Viewer Setup [X] Always reload Now files will be loaded automatically, if you want to be secure look at: Options.Configuration.Confirmations [ ] Reload a file in viewer/editor and [ ] Handle modified files on reload The file position ill not automatically change , NDN tries to set the view to the same position as when closing the file. Would you like an option to always set the file view to the end of the file? Stefan / AH
  15. How work with network?

    Hi! I hardly use the network part, I only did it for Necromancer. I will not put to much work into this feature at the moment because it is windows only. I added the authorisation to the TODO list. The MOVE bug from UNC drives is fixed for the next release. Bye Stefan / AH
  16. Editor Encode DOS WIN KOI

    Hi! This is built into NDN, and to be true, I never use it. I don't even know if the conversion is correct (the WIN conversion definietely doesn't work correctly for me, it is probably baed on russian characters...). It cannot be redefined (at the moment). I will look and test if it can be made definable in the ini file/country setup. Yes, only display seems to be translated (is this different in viewer?). XLT support IS planned for the editor too. In fact I just have ben tihnking about this recently. Maybe it will be in the next release (at the moment i am going thru the todo list and try to do everything possible). Best regards, Stefan / AH
  17. new release: 2.30.4464

    Hi Flo! Of course it would be no problem to make this option, but 1) i don't know any reason why a user wants less information in the copy dialog (question i have to ask myself: how many user will use this option?) 2) this will NOT speed up the copy progress at all I am pretty sure. most time is spent reading/writing files. you might want to try the old 2.15.4000 release: http://ndn.muxe.com/download/ and compare if this version is faster than 2.30.4464 I am sure the copy process can be optimized, but I doubt that it has to do with the progress display. Ah, I see, there is also a File Wizard for Windows. :P Let me know of your tests with 2.15... bye Stefan / AH
  18. new release: 2.30.4464

    Hi FloX. Thanks for your nice words and bug report. The error message is custom made by the error handler in NDN. But I think this should be possible with every average text window library. 1) Do you mean to only draw one progress bar showing the total copy progress? Do you think that this option would be useful? 2) The D32 version in Windows NT/2K/XP is MUCH slower than the W32 version. This cannot be solved because of the way DPMI32 works in NT based Windows'. Maybe you want to try the W32 version and compare it to File Wizard again. best regards and greetings from bavaria, Stefan / AH
  19. NDN Interface Design

    Hi! I have something like this already in the todo list: + Adjust automatically the column widht with the largest filename. (naX) I have also seen your report, I put it to the todo list too. Thank you, Stefan / AH
  20. Vote and donate (slightly off topic)

    Hi! I've just got the news. Thanks a lot to every voter. Let's see if this will help NDN development!!! Bye, Stefan / AH :)
  21. NDN Interface Design

    Hi AdminZ! 1. Menu items with "..." mean that there's a dialog coming after the item has been selected. "" means that a command is executed. But I just saw that this is not consistent in all the menus. I will correct this. Sorry, but I will not remove the "..." because it makes sense and it's a common practice in all GUIs. :) 2. I know that there are some problems with the clock positioning. But I didn't have the time to look at this yet. Thank you as always, Stefan / AH
  22. Vote and donate (slightly off topic)

    Hello Din! Thank you for the vote and nice words. :) Unfortunately there are still 7 votes missing until we have a chance to get into the official ranking. We need 20 votes. :) Bye, Stefan / AH PS: a new release is overdue, I know, but it will come very soon!
  23. System Error: Disk is not ready in drive E: (2->2)

    Hello again! I am very glad that all problems seem to be gone, because of your reports! Thank you. nice idea, put into the todo list... There's no big system in my version numbering: 2 - simple major number 3x - this is what i change when there are REAL big news x0 - not so big changes which deserve a new number or simply if the last ???? number is > 9999 :P 4200 - everytime I compile NDN this number is automatically increased by a little tool i wrote some years ago and this tool also updates the compile time etc. 4200 is a coincidence :) have a nice weekend Stefan / AH
  24. System Error: Disk is not ready in drive E: (2->2)

    Hello again AdminZ. once again a test release for you (and other interested users): http://ndn.muxe.com/templates/uploads/files/ndn_d32_lfn.rar I) Both problems appeard because LFN-SFN-fallback changes were not complete (maybe there's more missing...). It works now. II) The DOS call of ChDir does not like paths like 'C:\TEMP\', it wants 'C:\TEMP'. This archive bug also appeared in MS-DOS which allowed me to debug quicker). About DOSLFN: It is a cool software, BUT does not feature 100% compatibilty to WINDOWS' LFN behaviour. In WINDOWS you will always get results with the LFN DOS calls, even if there's no LFN entry. If the WINDOWS call fails, the SFN call should fail too. DOSLFN does not do this, that's why I needed to do the fallback code. A good example is your initial bug report in this thread about not changing to CD in LFN mode. DOSLFN should change to this directory even if it doesn't support LFN as long as the target path is valid. This is not bad for NDN, because this way every new OS should work, even if not 100% compatible to MS-DOS/WINDOWS. So, I am waiting for a new report, this time without bugs :) (so i can start working on other things...) Have a nive Saturday, Stefan / AH
  25. NDN crashes when the path column is wide

    Hi Din! The crash should be gone in the next release (I've fixed this 3 weeks ago). The size of one panel line (total size of all columns!) is limited to 255 characters. Thanks for your interest and report, Stefan / AH