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Everything posted by AngelsHolocaust

  1. new beta: v2.14.9988

    hi! and another one, as long as i have time... :P FILE PANEL [-] Alt-Shift-Ins (ScreenGrab) didn't work [A] (Necromancer) {A} [-] W32 FILE OPERATIONS (Alt-Shift-F6) on multiple files showed error screen even if no error occured (Necromancer) (first file ok) [NC] {A} [+] FILE OPERATIONS now also handles current file if 'ALL SELECTED' selected and no files in panel are selected {A} [-] rereadlname didn't fully update the new filerec.lname [A] {A} [-] when desktop not focused, view file as DB/spreadsheet crashed -> Event.InfoPtr = nil (Vadim) [NC] {A} [-] cmViewFile/cmViewDBF/WKZ and others weren't disabled when NDN loaded up with another window than FilePanel {A} [DNOC] -> TDNApplication.LoadDesktop now disables sfActive for every window [-] fixed crash in new position code (BMW) [A] {A} [-] now all new drives should save the cursor position [A] {A} EDITOR [-] CTRL+K, [a-z] hotkeys did not work -> use scancodes not charcodes [NC]{A} REGEXP [+] added a RegExp setup to choose pcregexp.defaultoptions and enable RegExp by default {A} VIEWER [-] RegEx search didn't start the search after 'Find'-dialog [A] {A} CLIPBOARD [-] W32 NT copying to clipboard didn't work [VA] {A} (BMW) http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_d32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_w32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_lnx.rar Stefan / AH
  2. Selected text lost on Ctrl+PageDown in editor

    hi! of course, including P was marked i quoted only a part of the second line because you said that i should make sure to copy a line w/o CRLF also no other results with the tracks from the html page Stefan / AH
  3. Setting time/date to multiple files doesn't work

    hi! ufa, i forgot completely to add code for multiple files :P thanks Stefan / AH
  4. Selected text lost on Ctrl+PageDown in editor

    hi dan! i tried using the text! the result is 1. Select these two lines and copy them to the Windows clip with the first line completely marked (until end of screen) and the 2nd marked until the p of clip pressing ctrl-pgdn doesn't change any of the marked text maybe there are some other important options that affect the bug? Stefan / AH
  5. Plugins

    hi! Plugins are disabled because they didn't work in the sources i got last year, and i had no time to work on plugins additionally, there are no parts of NDN that i would like to put out into a plugin. all modifications i do/plan are quite small when i do them inside NDN, but if i make a plugin a lot of code will be repeated in that plugin (which i don't like) maybe plugins will appear again someday but, would they be used by anyone at all? Stefan / AH
  6. Short strings and short filnames in descriptions

    hi dan!! 1) don't say it is WRONG, because it is not, its just not perfect! you mentioned 2 good points with outside copying and CD burning (although i cannot verify the Cd burning) but, an example for SFN: how do you want to find a LFN if you are in DOS? (and please, do not answer me with something like "noone uses dos anymore" :P) also, we should look if there is a standard regarding BBS/DESCRIPTION FILES , and we should follow that (no matter how old it is), additionally i suggest an option to toggle LFN/SFN description handling 2) although i doubt that many ppl need descriptions of length > 255 (hehe, just speaking about myself) i also think we should be able to handle longer strings thanks Stefan/AH
  7. Several "How to" questions

    Hi Basil! if you add $ to the end of the search pattern then it only selects lines without 10035 ((?!10035).)*pktfail((?!10035).)*$ Stefan / AH
  8. new beta: v2.14.9988

    hi! yes, the editor stuff is still unfixed, it is still in my TODO LIST in ah_news.txt (backspace was fixed on sunday) the directory bug in archives is fixed since the last 2 betas (only existed in the beta before the last 2, i just checked the current _w32 archive for this) the other filepanel bugs are new, thanks Stefan / AH
  9. new beta: v2.14.9988

    hi again! for some reason the _W32 archive still contained the 1985 version please, download again to get 9988 Stefan / AH
  10. Shift+Alt+Insert has died

    Hi! nope, nothing else messed up and this was fixed yesterday you are becoming slow Dan :) Stefan / AH
  11. Negated character classes - a mess

    hi! 1. you forgot to add that this only is true for the VIEWER! this has been fixed 2 hours ago ;P 2.-4. these all work fine in editor some don't work in viewer because MULTILINE is not enabled - but even then still not working correctly though i assume there is a little problem with regex result handling as you can see i haven't touched the viewer in some time because panel and editor keep me busy Stefan / AH PS: did you get the email regarding the team?
  12. new beta: 2.14.1985

    hi again! sorry for 2 releases in so short time, but the last one was a bit too buggy [*] hgroups.ini files removed from the archive -> created at first start [-] stringsx.1442 (still) crashed when doing Block-capitalization [A] FILE PANEL [-] Archive contents shown incorrectly: filescol.compare bug [A] CmpName -> CmpFullName [*] LNX CurrentPaths should be correct now [-] W32 many files selected, exit, restart -> crash [N] filescol.tfilescollection.load init correction [-] W32 Quicksearch with pqsCaps didn't work (CAPS + Key) [NOC] [*] Removed '/' as tree hotkey from QuickSearch (Elfy) [-] if the order of the previous directory changed the new dir pos algorithm didn't work anymore (sort order, deleting/adding files/dirs) (BMW) [A] [-] fixed some problems with filename display (Align/Show extensions, Show > in name/extension (BMW/Necromancer) [NC] [*] dblwnd.tdoublewindow: old Alt-Left/Right -> Alt-Shift-Left/Right (move panel separator) KEYBOARD [+] created keyboard.pas [+] Added code to clear Caps/Num/Scroll lock states: D32/W32 NT EDITOR/VIEWER [*] closing editor/viewer disposed regexp search data [A] EDITOR [-] ctrl-shift-enter crashed (DelFileRec too early) [A] SCREEN/VIDEOMODES [+] W32 Shift+Escape minimize/hide window (MiB) CLIPBOARD [-] large clipboard data wasn't handled (Necromancer) [DNC] winclp.__setwinclip.Size:=$FFF0 http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_d32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_w32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_lnx.rar Stefan / AH
  13. new beta: 2.14.1985

    hi! it should be 9985 (because it went to 2.15.0xxx and i want to make the next official release 2.15, so i had to change it by hand and made a mistake :P) Stefan / AH
  14. new beta. 2.14.9914

    hi! whatsnew: [+] StringsX.FormatStr: added binary/octal conversion [-] Sizes > 2GB weren't displayed correctly: ?/-xxx [NC] (BMW) added fix for files with max 4GB (DOS D32!) (TFileSize = Longint, (TOS)SearchRec.Size = TFileSize) [+] W32/LNX/OS2 added LargeFileSupport: support for files <= 63-Bit filesize [+] using vp2.1.279 (LNX LargeFileSupport) [-] in several Strings control-chars (^C) were displayed: [A] dlFile, dlNoFilesFound EDITOR [-] SmartBackIndent didn't use line 0 for indent information [A] (Basil/2) [-] Ctrl-K, ?+# == []\ only worked with CTRL-K pressed or not at all [DNOC] (Elfy) -> edcom.dnr didn't support scan but only charcodes [+] found and added an unused feature: cmChangeCaseblock; Ctrl+K, ?' [+] change char case for one word/line: CTRL[-Shift-]-?' [-] crash if capitalize block, stringsx.1442 [A] FILE PANEL [-] Crash on empty panel (0 files) and enabled Quicksearch [NOC] [*] adjusting size of columns with mouse/ctrl-alt-left/right was slow -> added ReReadLName which only rereads display data [+] added Creation/LastAccess date/time to FileRec/FilePanels -> removed the Year/Sec/FDate fields and add packed date/time fields -> changed smDateTime -> smLastWrite, added smLastAccess/smCreation -> sorting of Last Write/Last Access/Creation Time (Alt-B/S) [*] NewFileRec: changed the T.Size/PSize handling [-] FindFile: String search with advanced options searched files even if advanced options didn't match (dandv) [NC] [-] D32 create dir in LFN dirs didn't update panel (Garl) [A] [-] AltF1/2: ~ display problems in LFN paths (Elfy) [A] Drivers.MoveCStr now treats ~~ as ~ [+] Cursor Position stack to save previous directory positions [DNOC] try: enter an archive ('..' should not be seen in the filepanel) and leave it again (with new NDN and any of the previous DN's) [-] Alt/Ctrl-difference ON : only changes right panel (Serega) [NC] -> needed Shiftstate2 for Left/Right Ctrl/Alt [*] Panel Options (Alt+S) -> Attribs on sep"E"rator (Dandv) [+] Ctrl-End: move to first non-directory file (MiB) [*] flpanelx._CtrlHome: new code using new DriveInfo.GetPath/GetDrive func. LNX: first goes to the root of the virtual directory, then to / SCREEN/VIDEOMODES [-] W32 startup crash if screenmode.x/y > 190/133 [A] (BMW) [-] setting default videomodes to 1/2 were not updated until exit menu and reentered (kirpantin) [A] KEYBOARD [-] W32 Keyboard CTRL-release problems [AV] (Necromancer) [+] added SysTVGetShiftState2 (separate left/right Alt/Ctrl keys) FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] copying dir into same dir and renaming it also renamed all files into the same name (filecopy.copyfile.1187) [A] [*] Added Owner assignment to fltools.GetCollection [*] Erasing didn't update marked files in FlPanel like Copy/Move -> cmCopyUnselect REGEXP [-] PCRegExp.GetReplStr returned empty string if length(ARepl) == 1 resulted in editor replace bug if string was replaced by a character (Elfy) [NC] [-] PCRegExp.CheckRegExp: '\' handling fixed [NC] (Elfy) -> "\\(something)" parsed incorrectly = "Missing terminating bracket" [-] PCRegExp.CheckRegExp: *+?{} quantifiers not preceeded by something crash NDN (Dandv) (should not be allowed -> error msg) [+] changed PCRE v3.7 (29.10.01) -> v5.0 (13.9.04) (pcre.org) (these are news for the pcre code, not if it works in NDN!!!) - new escapes: \C (UTF8 only) - assertions: (?=x) (?!x) - lookbehind assertions: (?<=x) (?<!x) (?>x)... - conditional subpatterns: (?(condition)yes-pattern) (?(condition)yes-pattern|no-pattern) - (?R), (?number) - \G : It is true when the current matching position is at the start point of the match. - new classes: [:x:] with X == alnum letters and digits alpha letters ascii character codes 0 - 127 blank space or tab only cntrl control characters digit decimal digits (same as \d) graph printing characters, excluding space lower lower case letters print printing characters, including space punct printing characters, excluding letters and digits space white space (not quite the same as \s) upper upper case letters word "word" characters (same as \w) xdigit hexadecimal digits - UTF-8 support (NDN: not enabled) - Added support for the \Q...\E escape sequence. Characters in between are treated as literals - "possessive quantifiers" ?+, *+, ++, and {,}+ from Sun's Java - Added support for named subpatterns. The Python syntax (?P...) is used to name a group. - Callout function, new escapes \C+ in addition, show current contents of captured substrings \C- do not supply a callout function \C!n return 1 when callout number n is reached \C!n!m return 1 when callout number n is reached for the mth time [-] pcre calling pcre_free crashed NDN: removed VAR; now the pcre internal error handling is used -> removed CheckRegExp; no more crashes? [*] added pcError: replaced errorhandling in vfs_find,fviewer,micro_4 [*] added pcInit: replaced RegExp-creation in vfs_find,fviewer,micro_4 LFN [+] W32 9x just saw that W9x also doesn't store directories like D32 -> enabled the directory storage code for W9x too [-] LNX CurrentPaths didn't work correctly [A] (disabled in this release, still not 100% right) [*] added zLFSplit from vfs_arcv VFS [*] VFS_Find: TTempDrive.GetDirInfo == TFindDrive.GetDirInfo FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] Shift-Tab didn't work in copy/move dialogs (Garl) [NC] [-] W32: Moving/Renaming a lot of files crashed NDN: QSort.Upname was not updated with the new Filename location [A] (Dandv/Necromancer) ARCHIVES [-] archiver.unarchivefiles.extrchar was String[10] -> shortstring archiver.makearchive.c was String[40] -> shortstring long options couldn't be used [NC] (Elfy) http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_d32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_w32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_lnx.rar Stefan / AH
  15. new beta. 2.14.9914

    Hi! - try deleting your config files (in case you installed the beta in the old directory) - try setting the screen size in the properties to 80x25 and try again (but this should be fixed) Stefan / AH
  16. bug/wish for find files

    hehe no problem Stefan / AH
  17. Can't unpack archive (Shift-F2)

    hi again! i forgot to add that archive operations are not treated as 'external files' so they dont use a batch file (i only commented ther echo to bat option...) i will add an option so users can see the archive string, ok? Stefan / AH
  18. Can't unpack archive (Shift-F2)

    hi nick! external files are always executed via batch file the option echotobat was replaced by Configuration.Interface.DontEchoExternalCommands and only inserts @ECHO OFF to the batch file the problem itself was easy to fix thanks again Stefan/AH
  19. Bug with columns type

    hi! this exists in all DN branchces DNOSP NDN v2.12 NDN v2.13 it is on my todo list! Stefan / AH
  20. WoWoW!

    hi ! uff, branch? ? license? hm, NDN does not have an up-to-date license guess i should try to work one out cvs tree? i hope this isnt required :P seems like we need to wait a bit until missing information is available?! Stefan / AH
  21. Moving many files may crash NDN

    hi! thanks, this is serious Necromancer already told me once about it, but i couldnt check.... seems like i need to make like 10.000 files for testing purpose :P Stefan / AH
  22. File find auto-* inconsistency

    hi dan!!! on one hand you are right BUT, i think adding the * is a solution for a quick file search if you just want to add a few characters and then shoot if you have the time to write 'something; somethingelse' it should be no problem to add a *, dont you think? :) to make it short, i would rather remove the auto '*' thing than creating code that would parse the line and add * to every section i am no friend of code that tries to tell the user what to do i hope this sounds logical :) Stefan/AH
  23. WoWoW!

    hi! why not it shouldnt do any harm to NDN :) Stefan / AH
  24. Cosmetic problems with Processes under Windows 2K

    hi! thanks for the comment!! i will fix the sort thing about the NT processes: some processes do not correctly report their status via the used API and because i cannot get their path i also cannot process size and time i wanted to do more information on each process anyway but i need to think of a better structure for the naming of the columns i'm not sure if i should start adding a new character for each columntype of each VFS thank you Stefan / AH
  25. Keyboard problem reveals phantom behavior

    Hi! hehe your bugreports give me a headache sometimes :P but this time: the feature re-appears in the next beta relates to the Ctrl+K,? editor key problems which i fixed last week thanks Stefan / AH