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Everything posted by AngelsHolocaust

  1. Ctrl+Shift+Tab

    hi! like, CTRL-TAB: window 1 -> window 2 CTRL-SHIFT-TAB: window 2 -> window 1? SHIFT-TAB already does what you want, maybe thats enough? (since 2.15 enable option in CONFIGURATION/INTERFACES!!!) i want to add that i'd like to do 'filename' completion soon and id like to assign it to TAB somehow, and the last combination left is CTRL-SHIFT-TAB CTRL-SPACE is another option, or, since i introduced SHIFT-TAB switch option in 2.15 i could also assign it to SHIFT-TAB (with CTRL-SPACE as fixed hotkey...) Stefan / AH
  2. Ctrl+Shift+End vs. Ctrl+Shift+PgDn

    Hi! actually they don't do the same CTRL+END/HOME moves the cursor within the current screen CTRL+PGUP/DN moves to the start/end of file same actions with shift mark the text you moved 'over' this is consistent throughout the whole editor Stefan / AH
  3. new RELEASE: 2.15.0000

    hi again! i have uploaded a uncompressed linux executable archive so this should work w/o problems now... Stefan / AH
  4. Don't abort on read errors, SKIP!

    Hi! good idea (as always :P) similiar thing is already on the list (+ ignore all option? (syserrorfunc)) i will add the ideas of keeping/deleting partial files i don't think it will be very easy to implement, as the filecopy routines are complex, and i definetely don't want to screw them up :T Stefan / AH
  5. new RELEASE: 2.15.0000

    Hi! one little note (besides the usual problems with my releases :P) the LINUX executable is also compressed with UPX but, it seems that it cannot find the resources because of that if you want to use 2.15.0000 please unpack ./NDN with UPX -D ./NDN and there should be no error anymore or, wait for the next beta (very soon!) Stefan / AH
  6. some bugs, pleas test it!

    OH NOOOOO!!! i just answered your email with exactly the same questions!!! next time only post or send email :P - no cd open/close bug here - temp panel after-deleting/moving-bug is already on the list - 1) SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT: USERPROFILE & HOMEDRIVE+HOMEDIR are probably the same 2) the path should work anyway, it is just a display problem 3)indeed, but after some tries it started to work :P - quickview (as well as most other viewer issues) have been fixed - filename length: known problem (im not guilty :P) - ALT-R should always reread the drives correctly i am no fan of automated actions in a program it should do what the user tells it to do but, if there's demand i will add it to the list and add it when there's time Stefan / AH
  7. Funny cosmetic bug

    hi! im open for a good idea on how to assign ctrl-up/down in these windows (alt-b/v, archive formats ...) Stefan / AH PS: for the curious, next release will be mainly viewer and linux related
  8. Unlimited editor line length

    Hi! and, how long will it take until someone complains about the fact that strings are only 2GB max in length? :P Stefan / AH
  9. Unlimited editor line length

    hi! the MaxEdStringLEngth is set to 32768 for some reason ill try and see what happens when i set it to the maximum of 2GB ??? ... NDN implement ... at ndn.muxe.com? so you mean website features??? if not then i don't see any sense in that part of your post: huge strings -> see above spreadsheet/reg ex -> wheres the problem in NDN? fully 32-bit -> isn't NDN 32-bit? Stefan / AH
  10. Command line handling in special file panels

    hi! yes, this is a little dumb -> to the list... hm, ? and * are shown in the Alt-F1/2 lists :) Stefan / AH
  11. NDN sometimes freezes 1-2 sec

    hi! i don't have network drives at home, but in university i cannot see any delay, but it is possible of course a lot of functions need to redraw the filepanel and, redrawing the filepanel also updates the driveline for this the drives 'connected' to the system need to be *parsed* possibly the delay happens there but, i cannot be sure there is no way to solve it because it is no *bug* and rereading drives on filepanel update is necessary maybe there are some things that can be optimized like not rereading network drives everytime Stefan / AH
  12. REGEXP

    don't worry, the problem has been solved i hope without any side effects i am always trying to solve problems as good as possible, and indeed, the problem is not completely solved i will investigate the internals of the problem when i have solved other heavier issues Stefan / AH
  13. REGEXP

    hi nick! > Problem exist with $8000 buffer, with $10000 buffer, with $1000 buffer, with $20000... Are you sure it's matter? yes, because it always exists at the buffer size, yes? im quite sure this is a part of the problem >He-he, are you agreed that problem exist? ) Good. Maybe you will do some explanation? It's curious. the answer is simple, but the solution isn't: HTML.HGL-File: Comment <! > MULTILINECOMMENTS in NDN are all parsed at loading time of the file, so all needed parts of comments (and of course all other highlight parts) can be handled as fast as possible when you edit the file now, in HTML files EVERY tag ends with '>' (in your bug report you already found the reason why NDN takes so long to load), and there are LOADS of them in big files, so NDN stored EVERY tag in it's list for comments and this takes a lot of time i have solved this problem by only counting actual parts of bracket pairs (only if a <! was found, include the next >) in the case of your HEAD13.HTM there are 16040 '>' tags but, bigger files (like Virtual Pascals windows.pas,550k,17000 lines) still need some seconds to load, because every line must be parsed this is the only place where i can make future optimizations i think hope this is enough explanation? thanks Stefan / AH
  14. REGEXP

    hi VIEWER!!! of course, look at ah_news.txt - problems with regex results display and advancing (Dandv) [] i thought we talked about editor the bug you describe (and DanDv did before in previous posts) has to do with the size of the buffer used to load the file at the moment it is fixed at $10000 (look in viewer setup), try setting it to $8000 and im sure you will have the same problems with 32k blocks again (what old version do you mean, my versions? or even before mine? because old NDNs used $8000 as standard size) i even think there are some problems with non-regex searches at this 'barrier' i need to work on viewer, but first i want to finish syntax highlight (elfy, the head13.htm loading problem is fixed) because there are some more issues i hope i can make the viewer working well for the xmas release sorry, i hope you will still use NDN :P Stefan / AH
  15. REGEXP

    Hi! yes, i set the extended flag by default because it enables comments inside RegEx' statements i may disable this by default if anyone of you prefers it ....hm, i will disable it anyway this remindes me... besides adding new code i need to update the help file(s) any volunteers for the english part? :P Stefan / AH
  16. REGEXP

    hi! i am using RegEx and i just made some little tests with a 550k/17000 line file give me at least a hint of what to look for there are only a few things left that do not work Multiline Search f.ex. RegEx is pretty bugfree from my point of view Stefan / AH
  17. new beta: 2.14.9995

    Ahoi! [*] modified RTL for CtrlBreakHandler to receive not only ctrlbreak [V] [*] W32 Smart Windows Box Close worked only for DPMI32 (Elfy) [NC] [+] W32 2k MouseWheel support: added evMouseWheel, mbWheelFwd/Bwd RESOURCES [-] Rus.Editor.Replace.ForAllCodepages was missing (Garl) [A] EDITOR [-] Switching from Editor to Viewer with non existant file showed invisible error msg (vfs_arcv.StdMsg.Desktop Lock) (Garl) [NOC] [-] loaded last line if empty with #32 (Elfy 062 [e]) [NC] [-] SmartBackIndent only worked correctly when a character was at cursor position, not with spaces etc. (Dandv) [A] [+] Option to select all text (Basil/2): Ctrl-K, A [*] Option 'Found Str = Block' and 'Scope: Selected Text' didn't work to- gether -> turned off when searching in block [A] (Basil/2) [-] W32 NT up/low/capcase line only with right ctrl/shift [A] (Elfy) [-] Alt-Shift-T unmarks persistent blocks [A] (garl) [-] after ctrl-shift-enter commandline wasn't cleared [A] -> Commandline^.Clear Str := '' [-] Search backward/forward and reverse highlighting didn't work correctly (Vadim) [NC] [+] Highlight corresponding brackets + Option to turn it off in NDN.HGL + using SearchBracketPair code: returns line, stringpos and stringlength + added line limit to EdSearchBracketPair (window height) + added new color to editor color setup: Editor.Highlight.Brackets [-] line changing keyboard movements did not update Workline [NC] [-] $ifdef... bracketpairs didn't work -> '$' not word [NC] [*] put the alt-left/right bracket pairs to the highlight file to add new BracketPairs (like: BEGIN;CASE END) [-] SmartTabs didn't work 100% [A] [+] show line numbers on left side: added ShowLineNumber_Len and Setup Option [-] Undo Enable/Disable StatusLine problems [NC] [+] count words/characters (Alt-F1): count from Selection or whole file CLIPBOARD [*] LNX winclp.__SetWinClip always added CRLF -> LF DNEXEC/EXTERNAL VIEWER/EDITOR DNEXEC.EXECUTEFILEEXT/LOCAL_GLOBAL_MENUS [+] Ctrl+Break to return to NDN after launching Windows applications (Dandv) added dnexec.bExecuting FILE PANEL [-] copying files from archives crash (Basil/2) [NC] -> TInfoView.Draw.dtArc-Code: IF ... and PF <> nil [*] improved TInfoView.Draw code (new bugs?) [-] FileAttributes on multiple files didn't work (Dandv) [A] SYNTAX HIGHLIGHT: [+] added BracketPairs to highlight file, new generalflag hoBracketPairs http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_d32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_w32.rar http://ndn.muxe.com/archives/_lnx.rar have fun Stefan / AH
  18. new beta: 2.14.9995

    hi! i have fixed the problem with the "SCOPE" (it was only indirectly connected to the scope option) the other problem seems that incomplete marked starting lines are not correctly handled i will fix this at home! what a question; i use NDN to work on all my projects (including NDN) of course :) Stefan / AH
  19. new beta: 2.14.9995

    hi! thanks for the gif it is the ORIGIN option if it is ENTIRE SCOPE then SELECTED TEXT seems to be ignored maybe you can try around with the options next time you find a bug to save me a lot of work ? :) thanks Stefan / AH
  20. new beta: 2.14.9995

    hi! 2. still cannot produce that bug everything works as it should are you sure you have selected SELECTED TEXT as SCOPE? Stefan / AH
  21. new beta: 2.14.9995

    hi again! correcting myself -> 1. this is not as easy as it sounds, because: a LARGE amount of NDN hotkeys in editor are in fact WORSTAR hotkeys, if i make an option to en/disable WORSTAR then i need to make it right: disabling ALL or NONE of the WS keys to make it short, use this page to look at the wordstar commands: http://www.wordstar.org/wordstar/tutorial/tutorial.htm Stefan / AH
  22. new beta: 2.14.9995

    hi! 1. maybe there should be an option like [ ] wordstar hotkeys because the CTRL-X/Y/Z/C/V/A/S/D/E/F/R/W are all used for cursor movement and, as you see, almost all of these keys have different meaning in modern editors 2. i cannot agree, it works fine here maybe some options problem? send me the options you have in your INI file under EDITOR DEFAULTS 3. i planned to add CTRL to mousewheel to scroll pages not just cursor movement (it is sad that it only works for the W2K+ platforms) Stefan / AH
  23. new beta: 2.14.9995

    hi! i have thought about it when i implemented it and enabling it by default was the best solution numbers and strings are enabled by default too Stefan / AH
  24. new beta: 2.14.9995

    hi! it can only be disabled in the HGL file (like numbers and strings) NDN.HGL GENERALFLAGS Num - bitfield: 1 - Case Sensitive ... 512 - No BracketPair Highliting Stefan / AH
  25. *_* finds all filename with ,

    hi dan! indeed interesting behaviour (even more interesting that you have found this ;P) if you copy the short filename of 'a,b.txt' to the commandline you will see that the ',' is substituted with '_' same happens with all other characters that are not allowed in SFNs windows seems to look for given masks in LFN and SFN in findfirst/next now, this only happens if a single mask is entered in the mask line (then the search mask directly can be given to the findfirst code) maybe there should be an option if you want to seek in the SFN or LFN for a match? Stefan / AH