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Everything posted by AngelsHolocaust

  1. new beta: 2.15.8058

    Hi *! np GPF. :) for some reason the resource compiler did use the D32 data from the resources while compiling, therefore the option show keycode was don't use lfn in the system setup i have uploaded an updated W32 archive Stefan / AH
  2. Hi dan! although i will never use it it sounds like a nice idea Stefan / AH
  3. Colors in editor

    hi gpf! 1. sorry, fixed 2. true, removed 3. a. good question ... done! b. i am not sure what the exact reason for this behaviour was, but i think it is a good idea. it can happen pretty quickly that no character of the current line will be highlighted (comments f.ex.) 4. i think the user itself should handle such problems 5. do you mean that RegKeyWords1-8 should use the highlight colors from the color setup? and, RegKeyWord color (comment|string|symbol|number) should use the color setup colors for comment, string ...? btw, in your ndn.hgl update you also redefine numbers with RegKeyWords can you tell me why? Stefan / AH
  4. NDN can't copy entire folders to FTP?

    hi dan! ftp-vfs does not support deep copy of directories yet it only creates the directories about the second problem, i just saw that changing the directory via '..' or CTRL-PGUP makes some problems i will check it out... Stefan / AH
  5. need some features for editor

    Hi zakker! if i mention options, you should look in the menu OPTIONS.CONFIGURATION.EDITOR SETUP for them, ok? 1. the problem is that these keys are already used and at the moment there's no possibility for users to change that i can either make an option for these keys (like clipboard keys) or you can download http://ndn.muxe.com/fclick/fclick.php?ad=17 and change edcom.dnr yourself to support the keys you want btw, ALT-BS is also quite common in the windows world :) 2. see above, it is already used but, you can use CTRL+K O or CTRL+Q O to do that also look at CTRL-INS and SHIFT-INS 3. option: [TAB] block move and, disable OPTIONS.CONFIGURATION.INTERFACE.SHIFT-TAB for window switch also enable Dual [ALT+<>], so you can move blocks with ALT+CURSOR KEYS if you use this with shift it works like TAB/SHIFT-TAB 4. disable Persist. Blocks and enable Overwrite Blocks (russians love these options :) 5. see 4. 6. enable Smart [HOME] NDN will select the start of line or the beginning of text each time you hit HOME again 7. good idea, i will add this to the todo list i think ALT should toggle the current block mode to the opposite one thank you Stefan / AH
  6. new beta: 2.15.7883

    Hi * new beta news: GENERAL [*] the make files now create target paths for the resource/help compiler (else they fail creating the language files) [*] added tex,mpeg,wmv to highlight groups (groupsfm) TURBOVISION: VIEWS/DIALOGS/MENUS/OBJECTS [+] added SubTitle to views.TWindow|TFrame [+] views.TListViewer now shows list information in the subtitle, like '4 / 54' (in histories f.ex.) [+] Inputlines: up/left (select previous) and right/down (select next) now work in all dialog objects that don't override these keys (GPFault) -> added to dialogs.TDialog.HandleEvent kb(Up|Down|Left|Right), removed from THexLine and TButton [+] Inputlines: added insert date/time shortcut: "DOUBLE" [CTRL-ENTER] and [CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER] (Garl) -> dialogs.TInputLine.HandleEvent: added kbCtrlEnter and InsertAtPos function (replaced 3* same code) [+] Inputlines: one time undo: [ALT-BACKSPACE] -> dialogs.TInputLine: added UndoData, (Set|Get|Clear)Undo [-] Dialogs: State not correct when returning from [CTRL-O] (Dandv) [DNOC] -> Dialogs.TDialog options didn't contain ofSelectable anymore, since views.execview cleared it, added option views.ofDontClearSelectable [-] interface.Shift-Tab still switched views: inherited dialogs (BMW) [A] -> added views.TView.GetObjectType, now used in main3.kbShiftTab DIRECTORY TREE [-] Crash after 2*opening trees in a row (BMW) [A] -> tree.TTreeView.Done: crash if freeing the collection -> only DeleteAll EDITOR [-] line numbers: marking with mouse didn't correctly calculate offsets (Vladimir Bochkarev) [A] -> micro_3.EdHandleMouse using TFileEditor.ShowLineNumber_Len correctly [*] switching the lines via [CTRL-F1] is now saved to the ini file [*] highlight current line number (Vladimir Bochkarev) [-] SmartPad/ClipBoard statusline didn't work (Dandv) [A] -> changed the constants (english) and resource files, now work like editor [-] last PgUp/Dn fix should have only prevented move of the whole view if at the BOF/EOF, not the cursor (Necromancer) [A] -> microed6.EditorHandleEvent.cmPgUp|cmPgDn [+] Mark word based on whitespaces and not break chars (copy URLs etc) -> added micro_3.EdMarkWord.WhiteSpaces boolean, commands.cmMarkWordAlt, hotkey [CTRL+Q O] FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] AGAIN: creating directories in ROOT dirs didn't set cursor on target (Vladimir Bochkarev) [A] -> D32/W32: fltools.CM_MakeDir -> LNX: filecopy.CreateDirInheritance returned 0 if created in root VIRTUAL FILE SYSTEMS (VFS) [-] LNX DRIVE: didn't display '..' in directories which names were < 3 -> vfs_driv.GetFilesColl checked multiple times for length > #3, added vfs_driv.MinRootDirLength (also changed once in filecopy.CopyDialog) [-] FIND: "books books books Books gbook" pattern "*book*.*" was not found with "[X] LFN only" option (Necromancer) [A] -> fileio.InMask (InFilter) searches for files with extension when looking for *.* (uses * to find all files), trailing ".*" are removed in vfs_find.FindFiles [+] W32 added ***SIMPLE*** Network VFS, ID ':' -> added: vfs_netw, UNC support to lfn.zlFSplit (NewFileRec) and lfn.lfSplit, strings.NewStrEmpty FILE PANEL [-] LNX: show driveline info showed garbage when switching to process, temp or ftp drive [A] [-] New Quick Rename with trailing \/ crashed (Dandv) [A] -> fltools.CM_RenameSingle: GetName returned '' in this case! [-] LNX didn't display names with \ or : [V] -> vpsyslnx.DoFindFile didn't allow those chars -> disabled all VP-FileSystem specific code in vpsys(low|lnx), added define: vpsyslow.FSUNIX_ALWAYS (faster operations?) [-] LNX didn't handle files with \ and : [AV] -> \ fileio.RemovePathSep, vpsyslnx.SysFileExpand checked for '\' -> : disk.LnxVirtualDriveID was ':', changed to '?' DNEXEC/EXTERNAL VIEWER/EDITOR DNEXEC.EXECUTEFILEEXT/LOCAL_GLOBAL_MENUS [*] disable GUI exec check for archiver code to solve problem when using a GUI archiver, ndn will wait until it's finished (Dandv) -> added (commands.cm|dnexec.em)ExecStringWait, dnexec._ExecString CheckGui boolean LFN [*] replaced lfn.lFSplit with zlFSplit (support for UNC paths) http://ndn.muxe.com/beta.php Stefan / AH
  7. Philosophical question on bugs

    Hi Dan! I think "complex" software is never bugfree (this includes glitches, inconsistensies, bad implementations of certain operations or features, etc...). And, from this point of view, people (like you) will always find bugs. :) Look at my todo-list-problem: the more i work on reducing it's size by adding new features or removing (even the strangest) bugs the longer the list grows, either because i create new bugs or i (you) have new ideas or find a new (old/related?!) bug. i hope i can have a small list by the end of the year but i remember hoping that too 2 years ago :) Stefan / AH
  8. regex file Highlight

    hi do the previous versions support standard wildcards AND reg ex wildcards? i don't think so you can enable regex in fmsetup.convert mask to regexp but, this doesn't work with standard wildcards Stefan / AH
  9. alt+home in file panel

    hi! it does work in D32/W32 (current builds) in W2k (just tested) Stefan / AH
  10. regex file Highlight

    hi! did previous versions support it? i tihnk no Stefan / AH
  11. FATAL: NDN deletes archiver list file too soon

    of course not :P NDN doesn't care for the exe type of the program in this case anymore and will wait for the termination of the executed file Stefan / AH
  12. FATAL: NDN deletes archiver list file too soon

    hi! there were quite some problems with executing, which i all fixed ("note pad.exe" "a gb c.txt" or LFN in external view/edit in 7104!) the archiver gui check is a side effect i will disable this effect for archivers Stefan / AH
  13. FATAL: NDN deletes archiver list file too soon

    hi! this is no bug, in fact, NDN behaves exactly as it should you are calling a GUI program to handle the archives, NDN detects that and returns to the commandline after executing, deleting the files it created. this works better than ever with the new version (obviously) the only solution would be not to delete the files at all or to delete them before executing new programs although, it's not nice or, we could disable this feature for certain execution actions, like archivers but, some users might want this behaviour Stefan / AH
  14. new beta: 2.15.7555

    hi *! some nice improvements and bugfixes this week, so i thought i should release it ?????? v2.15.7555 DPMI32/WINDOWS/LINUX 24-02-06 ????????????????????????????? CLIPBOARD [*] D32/W32 several problems with the internal and system clipboard * "show text buffer" always showed NDN.CLP (GPFault) [NC] -> microed2.OpenClipBoard only did SyncClipout, now also does SyncClipIn (this also creates a missing NDN.CLP - still crashes?) * improved the system menu structure a bit -> added clipboard submenu * if the system clipboard is empty NDN will use the disk clipboard -> added commands.cmEmptyClipBoard, winclp.EmptySystemClipboard * regardless of CTRL-C or CTRL-INS, if "use system clipboard" was off it never copied to system clipboard, this also turned off the "Autosave clipboard buffer" effect -> removed winclp.UseSysClip (checked anyway inside clip functions) -> added special bool value to functions to signal sysclipboard usage in winclp; now it's even possible to have 2 independent clipboards * D32 _SysClipCanPaste didn't work as the windows function: it only checked if clipboard was available, not if it contained data -> now checks if data is available * D32 maximum system clipboard data was 64*1024-1 bytes and allocated buffer was not deallocated on exit -> winclp._SysClip(Copy|Paste) can now use up to 1024*1023 bytes (if available) and (de)allocates it at runtime FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] creating dirs didn't set the cursor to created dir correctly [A] (Necromancer) -> fltools.CM_MakeDir: was only tested with single char directories [-] LFN rename errors were not correctly displayed (LFN could not be read completely) [NC] -> Single-Rename: names weren't cut -> improved messages.CantRename: cut to 70 chars (was 40), display 'file' or 'directory' -> CantRename now used in filecopy, fltools [*] improved copy progress (not perfect): (Garl) * add percentage to 'Overall progress' part * use read/written files AND file count to calculate percentages REGULAR EXPRESSIONS/PCRE [*] added pcregexp.TpcRegExp.RunTimeOptions for options set by the caller [*] added pcregexp.TpcRegExp.SearchOfs to let PCRE handle the complete string and the start offset into the string itself EDITOR [-] RegEx search pattern="^NDN" or "NDN$"/Subject="NDNNDN" found both NDN; '^' (BOL) and '$' (EOL) matched inside lines too (GPFault) [NC] -> microed5.SetRegExOptions and stringsx._BackSearchFor use PCRE_NOTBOL and PCRE_NOTEOL [*] regex search now can match empty lines (^$) -> microed5.EditorSearch: S[X] returned nil, if X was out of range, therefore PCRE stopped the search -> added PreviousD to check if the current position equals the last (else cursor would always stay on empty line) SYNTAX HIGHLIGHT [-] RegKeyWords using leading spaces didn't work correctly [A] (Dandv,GPFault) -> Highlite.Highlites.CheckEmpty optimization removed all leading spaces: now disabled if RegKeyWords are used [-] RegKeyWords: 'big' fix, all possible regex keywords should now work * using ^ inside of '()' weren't handled (GPFault) [NC] * lookahead/behind didn't work '(?<!\\)\$[a-z]+' [NC] (Dandv) -> Highlite.TRegKeywordCollection.SearchIn now receives full subject and uses the new pcregexp.TpcRegExp.SearchOfs [-] colorkeywords search was not correctly working (Garl) [A] -> highlite.TKeywordCollection.SearchIn didn't compare length if I=K FILE PANEL [-] dragging totals (from free space) showed wrong file count [NC] (Garl) -> flpanel.DragTotals used panel count instead of selection count [*] Make list file displayed a unusable warning before overwriting existing list files (Garl) [NC] -> filelist.MakeListFile uses messages.FmtFile to create the msg before calling MessageBox DIRECTORY TREE [-] copy/move from tree crashed (Garl) [A] -> filecopy.CopyDialog didn't check for nil-owner when trying to add the passive filename to history [-] PFileRecs weren't initialized correctly, resulting in crashes when disposing (copy/move/delete) -> filling with zero after startup [A] [*] commented PTreeReader in dnutil.TDNApplication.InitCommandLine (didn't do anything) [-] open tree, close ndn, restart -> crash: tree@1628 [NC] -> dnutil3.TDataSaver saved/loaded too much and into wrong position, coincidentely into tree.DrvTrees, now uses 2 separate sequences to load fviewer.(LastViewerBounds|LastViewerDeskSize) [*] tree.pas: removed all hard coded DeleteAll/Dispose PCollection code since it's already done by Dispose(<ptr>, Done) (FreeObject) [*] tree.DrvTrees initialization is now done in tree only, removed from dnutil and only visible to tree code DBF VIEWER [-] crash when trying to view memo field (Garl) [NC] a) dbvfiew.TDBViewer.HandleEvent.ViewMemo ASM byte swap code didn't save ebx: removed ebx usage and improved the code B) fviewer.PNFileViewer.Init now uses Quickview if it is given a Stream ARCHIVES [-] newer versions of 7Z.EXE don't always show compressed file size in their listing, so NDN didn't display these files (Vladimir Bochkarev) [A] -> archiver.ReadArcList: skipping last read after PSize if no more data DNEXEC/EXTERNAL VIEWER/EDITOR DNEXEC.EXECUTEFILEEXT/LOCAL_GLOBAL_MENUS [-] D32/W32 (NT) exec: various problems with LFN * cmdline: executing 2 LFN enclosed in "" (f.ex. "note pad" "a b.txt") resulted in cmd.exe not finding file "note" [NOC] (Dandv) * ext viewer/editor didn't handle LFN (see above) (Dandv) [NC] -> W32 dnexec._ExecString now always encloses the complete line into ""; cmd.exe probably removes the first and last '"' -> D32 now always tries to get the SFN for the filename -> removed global dnexec.(ExecutingExtFile|Params) HISTORIES [-] wrong color of (un)marked items in edit/view histories (Dandv) [NC] -> histries.TTHistList.IsSelected used wrong data to check if selected get it here: http://ndn.muxe.com/beta.php Stefan / AH
  15. In Editor, Shift+End selects invisibly

    hi dan! im really sorry, but even with your editor options this doesn't happen i will try now with v7104... no, nothing did you maybe hit SHIFT-DEL? as a nice side effect of my last CTRL-INS "improvement" (did anyone notice? probably not because most of you crazy people seem to use persistent blocks!!! :P) SHIFT-DEL also looks for the next/previous keyword and cuts it into clipboard automatically this only works if no block is open (and, obviously most of the time a block is open in persistent block mode) Stefan / AH
  16. cmdline user and time modes

    hi! a) D32: hm, i have no problems sarting programs under command.com with start (using w2k) although there are less options (no max etc) B) D32: also have no problem to start any gui programs in w2k the new version (tonight or tomorrow) will have a better exec behaviour, which hopefully fixes this the rest will be looked at when i get to it :) Stefan / AH
  17. Dump/hex mode bugs

    hi! i won't rewrite it completely, the design is fine work on the viewer was the first thing i ever did in NDN (was/is unusable to me in the source i got, or in the other DN branches) i know there are many bugs concerning inserting/deleting bytes, after all i did major code changes the past years, and i had to support many circumstances, it will improve, promised :) your bug reports are welcome Stefan / AH
  18. In Editor, Shift+End selects invisibly

    hi dan! not producable here Stefan / AH
  19. RegKeywords regexp ^[^=] doesn't match leading spaces

    hi! i wish i could fix them as fast as you find them. i searched the past 2 days for a nasty bug (exists since oct 05) open tree panel (drive C in my case), close ndn, restart -> crash reason: (totally unrelated, and of course another bug) desktop read/write code loads viewer bounds and viewer desk size, but loaded 8 bytes too much and into a wrong position, coinicidentely, EXACTLY at position for drive C into the tree table, which uninitialized the entry and crashed NDN Stefan / AH
  20. NDN 2.15.6292 doesn't place the cursor on new directories

    hi! a) the edit file history problems is really not important enough to mention it every time dan :) B) the dir placement bug was fixed 1 hour after i released 7104 (as always...) in fact the new code had 2 bugs, which i fixed separately, because i only tried to create dirs with one character the last time before the release if you try 1\2\3\4 or 2\12321\543534\ it should work Stefan / AH PS: i try to release a new version next weekend
  21. Ways to stop an FTP transfer

    Hi Dan! there is a custom handler, but the only "problem" with it that id doesn't dispatch the complete event tree just keys and mouse (but not the button -> no S/SPACE/click works) as soon as i restart working on FTP i try to solve all these problems NOTE: i know the ftp file copy/move issues, but i want to implement a universal copy code, which can handle every VFS the same way, i don't want to implement the whole code again for each VFS, so itll take some time (concurrent copy etc.) Stefan / AH
  22. Uppercase, lowercase in editor.

    hi adam! this is still on my todo list but, i could not find the reason for it the last time i tried to fix it thanks for the new text doc Stefan / AH
  23. Option: Store viewer position not work

    hi Adam! i will add your wish to my todo list Stefan / AH
  24. RegKeywords regexp ^[^=] doesn't match leading spaces

    hi *! after quite some work on regex issues i think i have fixed these and all other possible bugs concerning RegKeyWords yesterday night so please don't post any new RegKeyWord bug reports until the next release (VERY soon!) :P greetings, Stefan / AH PS: did i ever say that the new forum is many times better than the previous one?
  25. new beta: 2.15.7104

    hi *! GENERAL [!] LNX: this release contains quite some updates, most new code ideas were taken from the C-Turbo Vision project. Thanks to the authors. Also thanks tp J.B. Lethbridge who helped a lot to improve NDN LNX the past months. He rewrote menu, archive and more inis for LNX and tested a lot. [*] added SysTVGetTTYName (moved GetTTYName from NDN source to RTL); this can now bypass MC etc. [*] files in distro archives are converted to lowercase to solve some LNX inconsistensies (J.B.Lethbridge) [*] LNX: improved vp/source/rtl/(_rtl|sys/makesys|bldrtl) -> now correctly compiles RTL in LINUX [*] LNX: now uses "/tmp/" as temporary drive/dir after checking Temporary Dir in Options.Configuration.System Setup (main2.InvalidateTempDir) [-] replaced the '$' of temporary and internal files with 'X' (J.B.Lethbridge) -> '$' is used and interpreted by LINUX shells [-] LNX removed usage of '@' and/or 'Echo off' in several files [-] LNX X mouse hung after a screen resize and random starts [V] -> vpsyslnx.SysTVDoneMouse didn't reset the file handles [+] created basic HGL definition for shell files .sh and added .sh to highlight groups -> conflicts with Perl hgl definition (*.SH), the user should decide what to use [*] LNX drivers5.SystemError improved -> now uses correct line draw characters -> correct mapping of LINUX <-> NDN error messages [*] When no screen savers selected and F12/=.Screen Rest is hit, the Screen Saver Setup will be opened -> added SetupActive to dnapp.TProgram.InsertIdler, to prevent multiple calls to the setup when the idle time passed (Stack overflow...) [+] Screen Savers: 0 (savers disabled) is now the default value [*] additions to the EXT and HGL files {G} [*] removed several unnecessary pal files, they looked too equal to already existing ones [*] cleaned up/improved source directories and make/config files -> now adds new linux config files from "\bin\all.lnx\" to the LNX archive -> created one compile script for compiling and resources/help * LNX renamed to 0mk.sh, improved, removed 0mk/0mkrh * W32/D32 combined 0mkrh and 0mk, removed tools\#mkrh -> cleaned up ndn\source [*] commented dnapp.HintString (obviously unused in all DN versions) [*] added keymap.TCodePageDetector.CheckChar (used in CheckBuf) [C] [*] deleted duplicate CSS highlight definition and added new HTML macro (Dandv) [-] interface.Shift-Tab also switched dialogs (BMW) [A] -> main3.kbShiftTab checks for TypeOf(TDialog) [*] W32/LNX extended the windows titlebar length to 255 (Dandv) [*] vputils.GetTimemSec uses SysSysMsCount which is faster than SysGetDateTime TURBOVISION: VIEWS/DIALOGS/MENUS/OBJECTS [!] added views.ofDontStore: used in TGroup.Store|IndexOf; views with this flag will not be stored to disk [+] objects.TStream.Peek(): read but don't advance pointer [+] Dialogs.RadioButtonsE: scrollable RadioButtons of "unlimited" size LANGUAGES [-] LNX: Alt-F12 didn't work -> dnutil.ChangeLanguage checked for 'HLP' instead of 'hlp' -> dnutil.ChangeLanguage upcased filenames COLORS [-] color changes weren't saved automatically (J.B.Lethbridge) [A] -> colorsel.ChangeColors() didn't set ConfigModified anymore SCREEN/VIDEOMODES [*] LNX: now uses VCSA to handle screen (size, cursor) -> no direct writes (yet), because of font problems -> TIOCLINUX subcodes 8/9 won't be supported, since they only worked in kernels 1.1.67 (28.11.94) through 1.1.91 (12.2.95). -> 1.1.92+ () supports VCSA -> also tries to open "vcc/a" if vcsa failed (untested!) KEYBOARD [-] LNX XT: now [ESC] works like in D32/W32 [V] -> using poll() to check wether more keys can be read, if not -> [ESC] [-] LNX T most keyboard shortcuts now work, except for the really special ones (CTRL+SHIFT is not reported by "older" kernels) [V] -> added vpsyslow.KbdPatch flag: Patched, Unpatched, Unpatchable TrmKbdInit/TrmKbdPatch/TrmKbdUnpatch [*] W32 Ctrl was constantly reported to NDN, but should only once after press until next release and press -> drivers.GetKeyMouseEvent: added CtrlReleased [+] Double key presses are reported now (unused yet) -> added drivers.TEvent.DoubleKey FILE PANEL [-] CTRL+[] didn't work correctly [A] -> dblwndx.TDoubleWindow.HandleCommand [+] implemented [ALT-SHIFT-TAB] for backward window switch -> dnapp.TDesktop.HandleEvent.cmNext2 [-] QuickView crashed NDN (views@1403) [A] -> fviewer.TFileViewer.SetState: Bookmark was used in QuickView [-] crash if no highlight group definition for directories present and switching to FTP VFS [A] -> filescol.GetFileType() didn't initialize PC before usage [-] the compare option 'Compare time (new) was selecting older files (Tomasz) [A] -> filescol.TFilesCollection.Compare: used >= instead of <= [+] option to en/disable restoring of temporary files -> Options.File Manager.Setup.Restore Temporary Files -> old fmoF4EditInArc removed and replaced with fmoRestoreTempFiles -> [F4] is now always file edit [+] restore temporary files to archive/FTP after edit in (db)viewer/editor -> TTmpFView code added to fviewer (THideView inherits from TTmpFView), microed*, dbfview -> added stdefine.RESTORETEMPFILES (to signal the new code), advance0.TempFileSource, object tmpfview.TTmpFView (handles temp files transparently) -> added vfs_arcv.arc_StoreFile, vfs_ftp.ftp_StoreFile -> KillAfterUse code is now obsolete, commented with RESTORETEMPFILES -> reload and editor<->viewer switch also work on temporary files -> use option 'Restore Temporary Files' to en/disable restoring -> added [sHIFT-F11] to force restore (added cmRestoreFile) -> confirmation dialog before restoring: added dlRestoreFile, Options.Configuration.Confirmations.Restoring files after edit -> added information on Temporary file status to (db)viewer/editor info lines -> temporary files don't appear in the histories [-] Active/passive lists were not created correctly (Dandv) [A] -> flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.GetUserParams created bad paths [+] LNX Added a few more system directories to drive selection -> /tmp, /proc/<pid>, /etc [+] [CTRL-0] always maximizes the columns to the panel size -> vfs_*.GetParam adjusts sizes for param=10 to Owner^.Size.X [*] LNX better (unfinished?) file modes (links) support -> added stdefine.UNIX_RIGHTS: signals FTP and/or LINUX -> 50% less work when reading directories -> unix modes should now be correct for disk VFS (find problems?!) -> show link dest in the info panel: ' -> <name>' [+] new Sort option: selected files (Eugeniusz Kosek) -> added commands.smSelected/dlSortSelected; updated help, resources [-] flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.CommandHandle.evMouseDown sent scrollbar change on right mouse click (select) 2 times if CurPos <> ScrollBar.Value [DNOC] [*] "" handling to Quick Rename, Spreadsheet (SHIFT-F11) (BMW) -> dnstddlg.TFileDialog.GetFileName and fltools.CM_RenameSingle handle "" [-] File Manager.New Manager Defaults: sort by isn't used for new FM (BMW) [A] -> flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.Init didn't use PanelDefaults.Sort [*] renamed FM Setup."New Style Panel" to "Show > on column divider" (BMW) [*] renamed Panel Options."New LFN" to "No extra LFN line" (BMW) [-] Highlight groups.Modify Item color selection was not created when "Show dialog markers" was enabled (Basil/2, GPFault) [NC] DBF VIEWER (thanks to Garl) [+] F8/Mouse_RMB/LMB - Change CodePage (DOS/WIN) {G} -> by default show codepage=DOS (DBViewer^.DBFile^.CodePage=$00) [*] Added check for if DBFile=nil to prevent crash after restoring files [+] displays type and size of current field on border (Adam Lubszczyk) {G} [+] support for DBF files with Character length >255 symbols {G} -> can edit only first 255 Symbol {G} [+] resizeble DBF structure window (F2) {G} [+] dBASE Version 7 structure support {G} [*] update status bar(TDBIndicator) {G} [+] new key F6 - View header (Tech Info) {G} [!] work with memo still have bug !!! fix coming soon {G} FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] copy dir/file on itself crashed (J.B.Lethbridge) [A] -> fileio@821: checking for empty string [-] D32 copy to archive used LFN even if Arc^.UseLFN was false -> vfs_arcv.TArcDrive.GetRealName improved [+] [sHIFT-F5] to copy single files, SplCom -> [sHIFT-F7] (Garl) EDITOR [-] macros not correctly working [A] -> resource\ndn.dnr: play 9+0 were mixed up [-] LNX Smartpad line draw with incompatible chars (J.B.Lethbridge) -> added '~' to NDN.DNL (english) [*] [PGDN],[CTRL-DOWN] doesn't scroll over the EOF anymore [NC] [+] Mark Paragraph Option: mark text between 2 blank lines (J.B.Lethbridge) -> added micro_3.EdFindParagraph()/EdMarkParagraph(), cmMarkParagraph -> Shortcut ^K*G, Highlight macro MarkParagraph, menu entry, help [+] Added microed6.EditorAskSave method to ask for Save etc. [-] "Auto Justify" looped endlessly on an empty WorkString [NC] [-] * the menubar was stored to *.dsk [DNOC] * on each new store it was stored again, w/o removing the old (multiple objects of menubar in memory!) [NOC] -> added ofDontStore [-] AutoWrap kept wrapped space at start of the new line [NC] (J.B.Lethbridge) -> micro_1.EdSplitString() [-] from edit window, trying to open non-existing file with [F3] crashed (J.B.Lethbridge) [A] -> microed.TEditWindow.SetState: only draw if state is enabled [-] Editor Search corrected screen position badly on forward and backward search (various problems fixed) [DNOC] -> MicroEd5.EditorSearch [*] improved microed2.WriteBlock [-] fixed editor macro commands : ScreeBottom (edcom+help), removed CtrlHome and CtrlEnd from help, StartSearch cmd was missing in edcom (GPFault) [A] [-] Mark Paragraph/All sometimes didn't work if already opened block [A] [+] Smart BookMarks, which move when a line is deleted/inserted -> added (sblocks|bigarray).(TCollector|TBlocker|TArray|TBigArray).IndexOf, microed.TFileEditor.(MarkPosLines|UpdateBookMarks|ResetBookMarks) [-] incompletely marked lines in horizontal blocks didn't respond correctly to (un)indent (GPFault) [A] -> micro_4.(EdDoTab|EdDoTabBack) [*] Wrapping Character is now space only, which seems correct for every case [-] crash on big files: 196604 lines=3*2^16-4 ok, more lines crashed on exit (GPFault) [] -> bigarray.TBigArray.Done wasn't correctly working, now FreeObject on every CurNode -> added 2 other bug fixes by [C]: bigarray.TBigArray.AtDelete|DeleteTo [-] system clipboard didn't copy "empty" blocks (>= 1 line) (GPFault) [A] -> winclp.__SetWinClip: now only exits on Size = 0 FILE COPY/MOVE/OPEN/CREATE/DELETE [-] LNX copy/move directories/files added '.' (J.B.Lethbridge) [A] -> lfn.lMakeName().EnhWildcards didn't remove '.' from generated filenames [*] when creating paths like '1\2\3' the cursor wasn't set to '1' -> fltools.CM_MakeDir DNEXEC/EXTERNAL VIEWER/EDITOR DNEXEC.EXECUTEFILEEXT/LOCAL_GLOBAL_MENUS [-] LNX '%3' now correctly works in QuickExec/UserMenu/Extension file (J.B.Lethbridge) -> usermenu.QuickExecExternal/ExecUserMenu: %3 replaced with $$3 [-] LNX files w/o 'x' rights are not executed anymore -> added flpanelx.ExecFile_Rights, used in dnexec._ExecFile to check for (S_IXGRP or S_IXOTH or S_IXUSR) [-] LNX NDN.EXT when executing popup, cancelling still execeuted the file (J.B.Lethbridge) -> exit after a non succesfull _SearchExt() in dnexec._ExecFile() [-] D32/NT: cleaned up the whole RunFast/RunbyHalt/Int$2E exec mess [NC] -> removed: NeedCommandCom, RunByHalt, _Loader/SwapExec(Prepare) -> D32 now always executes by halt (no more crashes in NT+) VIRTUAL FILE SYSTEMS (VFS) [*] FTP: files, copied from FTP, now have the date of the FTP server -> vfs_ftp.TFTPConnected.CopyFiles@1133: SetFileTimes [*] ARC: moved the Extract to operation from [F4] to [sHIFT-F2] -> [F4] will always Edit [+] All: VFS' can decide themselves now if a string (path) matches them, so already opened drives/connections can be better reused -> added vfs_driv.TDrive.MatchesDrive() which checks if a string (path) matches that drive -> used in flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.CommandHandle (cm(Find|Remove)_Drive) -> FTP (f.ex.) compares RealName *and* the host string [-] FTP: MkDir didn't set cursor to created directory (Dandv) [A] -> vfs_ftp.TFTPConnected.MakeDir didn't return full path in CreatedDir [+] ALL: drives now handle the generation of the file mode/attribute string -> added vfs_driv.TDrive.GetAttributeString(), used in flpanel.TInfoView.Draw.fmiAttrOnSeperator [*] FIND: handles "" in the search masks (removes them!) -> added stringsx.DelChar() (DB)VIEWER/EDITOR [+] added Temporary file information to information lines: 't' if active, 'T' if active and file will be restored (== was changed) ARCHIVES [*] LNX: updated the archive sources with some LINUX specific commands [-] copying (F5) files to/from archive didn't work correctly if no list char was used (J.B. Lethbridge) [NC] -> vfs_arcv.TArcDrive.ExtractFiles/MakeListFile and archiver.MakeArchive.MakeListFile -> put all filenames into one "", not separately -> or didn't "" filenames at all -> first file was written twice to the list -> directories were put to the list with '<dir>\*.*' [-] after cancelling the MakeArchives dialog [ALT-N] stopped working [A] -> archiver.ArchiveFiles set DefaultArchiver with ':' TVHC/HELP [*] put [bACKSP] (go back) to the statusline MOUSE [-] D32/NT mouse move crashed NDN [V/NT] -> probably crashed because NT does something wrong on the kernel side. too much calls to date/time DOS interrupt? replaced with BIOS/direct port calls in vpsysd32.SysGetDateTime -> unfortunately the mouse wheel seems to be unusable -> for now NDN is the only DPMI32 text mode program which has a working mouse in NT+ w/o polling (known to me!) -> the "Turbo Pascal mini-FAQ" says that NT+ has problems with 16-bit far callbacks for the mouse handler and suggests polling instead of ISR; i guess my fix proves them wrong!? [*] renamed Options.Configuration.Mouse.Standard Cursor to Hardware Cursor [*] LNX/W32 hardware/software cursor support like D32 -> using drivers.ShowMouseCursor for all targets -> D32: removed doubled mouse code from drivers, adjusted vpsysd32 accordingly (where possible) VIEWER [-] View+QuickView: NDN executed open-new-window confirm if same file (LFN only) (GPFault) [A] -> fviewer.cmFindView now ignores QuickViews -> LNX comparing case sensitive vs. DOS/W32 http://ndn.muxe.com/beta.php have fun! Stefan / AH