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Posts posted by BmW

  1. thanks!


    was: *.tmp;*.$$$;*.bak;*.~*;*.swp;*.{*;*.000;*.gid;*.fts;*.&&&;*.old


    new: *.bkp;*.tmp;*.$$$;*.bak;*.~*;*.swp;*.{*;*.000;*.gid;*.fts;*.&&&;*.old


    was: *.fli;*.smk;*.mid;*.flc;*.rmi;*.avi;*.mpg;*.mov;*.mod;*.xm;*.it;*.stm;*.s3m;*.mt









  2. Hey! Another people!

    Have you any ideas about this?

    many extensions is not in default list.

    please, write in this topic lists of extensions, thet you want to add! :)


    in russian:

    Ãàðîä! Ãèøèòå, ÷åãî äîáàâèòü.  ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ äîôèãà âñÿêèõ ôîðìàòîâ ôàéëîâ è ðàñøèðåíèé ïîÿâèëîñü, ïî÷åìó áû èõ íå äîáàâèòü?

  3. May be add some masks to default groups?

    For example:

    was: *.pif

    new: *.pif;*.lnk


    was: *.wav;*.mp2;*.mp3;*.voc;

    new: *.ogg;*.wav;*.mp2;*.mp3;*.voc;


    was: *.doc;*.txt;*.diz;*.reg;*.dbf;*.wkz;*.wks;*.wk;*.123;*.wk1;*.xls;*.wdb;*.htm;*.w








    may be you can add something?

  4. As soon as I tried it, I noticed that Alt+letters for quick search in File Managet behaves differently: you have to wait a number of ticks after you release Alt, and the start typing.


    Yes, I too have noticed it. Win xp sp2, ndn w32 last version.

    As I remember AH does not use fast search...

  5. win xp sp2, ndn w 32 v2.30.2830


    first view of any file (f3) without \n\r normal parsing (short files is shown in one line)

    second view - all ok

    clear history and you may view this bug again



    sorry, my english is worse


    À òåïåðü íà ðóññêîì - NDN ïðè ïåðâîì ïðîñìîòðå ôàéëà íå îáðàáàòûâàåò ñèìâîëû ïåðåíîñà è âîçâðàòà êóðñîðà \n\r â ðåçóëüòàòå îíè îòîáðàæàþòñÿ êàê ñèìâîëû è âåñü ôàéë ïîëó÷àåòñÿ â êó÷å.

    Ãðè âòîðîì ïðîñìîòðå (ïîñëå ïîïàäàíèÿ ôàéëà â èñòîðèþ) îòîáðàæåíèå âïîëíå íîðìàëüíîå.

  6. indeed, very strange

    i tihnk it only happens in del code



    looks like it happens in every red error window :(


    very strange - with russian language this bug is stable - from first time



    a: (or other letter, where is no disk)



    and ndn exit without reason


    if change language to english:

    first run - ndn exit after alt-f1+a:+esc

    second run and others - non stable, may be from first time, may be after some repeating.

  7. v2.30.0000 win32 winxp sp2

    NDN âûëåòàåò áåç îáúÿñíåíèé ïîñëå íåñêîëüêèõ ïîïûòîê óäàëåíèÿ çàáëîêèðîâàííîãî ôàéëà. Òî÷íåå êîãäà ïûòàåìñÿ óäàëèòü ôàéë, æìåì ignore, åùå ðàç ïûòàåìñÿ åãî óäàëèòü è æìåì ignore - â èòîãå ïîñëå 2õ-3õ òàêèõ ïîïûòîê ndn âûëåòàåò.


    NDN closes without any reason after some tryes of delete files. for example try to del ndn.exe from ndn :)


    ╔═════════════════ System Error ════════════════╗

    ║ ║

    ║ Sharing violation (5->16) ║

    ║ ║

    ║ [ Abort ] [ Retry ] [ Ignore ] [ Ignore all ] ║


    select "ignore"


    after some times ndn closes.



    very strange bug.

  8. hi!


    did previous versions support it?

    i tihnk no


    Stefan / AH



    for example v2.15.4000

    and all versions has r++ and a++ as defaul highlight setting


    a have not all versions and do not know, when this bug is appears 8-(

  9. ─════┤ v2.14.6873 DPMI32/W9x/LINUX 31-07-04 ├═══════════════════════════════─

    [+] ExecExtFile: (_SearchExt) AltHome == AltEnter (Dandv)



    seems like it is not work now.

  10. file panel bug


    w32 win xp sp2 rus


    press alt+t (wait while dir tree appears)


    alt+t again - ndn crash




    VER :Necromancer's Dos Navigator WIN32 mode

    ADD :v2.15.7555 (24-02-2006)

    ERR :D8h (216)


    MSG :Access violation

    OSD :16 (110x40)

    SYS :WinNT


    MEM :0FB60003C8038F630600003B4F147E1B (at CS:IP)

    CS :001B

    DS :0023

    SS :0023

    SP :CA10



  11. try SHIFT-F6 for Rename single :P



    Options -> Configuration -> Interface... [X] Old style file renaming


    and try shift+f6 again.


    New quick rename can move file to other path (rename 1.dat to d:\123\2.dat is possible)

    Old quick rename can not.


    May will be more logically:

    alt+f6 = quick rename (like in good old original DN)

    Shift+f6 = rename/move dialog for one file?



    v2.14.8168 DPMI32/W9x/LINUX 07-09-04


    [*] Shift-F6 is now always FastRename (removed Reanimator) (Elfy)


    Elfy, say please, for what we have 2 siplify hot keys for quick rename?

  12. It seems imposible to view file if it is a ZIP. Even if I change the extension

    (to "BUG" for ex.) it still fails. I have to change the header: remove the

    "PK" $03 $04.


    What does it mean "steel fails" ? Open archive like folder?

    it is not bug, it is feature

    May be you need to setup NDN:

    File Manager Setup -> [ ] [F3] opens archive ?


    or alt+f3 (if you have not external viewer)

  13. 1) implement Ctrl+Shift+Tab hotkey to make posibble to jump to PREVIOUS window.(Original Windows approach, for example FAR use that).


    2) to make Ctrl+Tab more inteligent:

    pressing Ctrl+Tab 1st time - Previous window,

    holding Ctrl and then pressing Tab - next windows.

    ( Opera browser approach - try it! - no need to press Shift!! )


    Why you can't use

    Options -> Configuration -> Interface... -> [X] Don't switch in file-panels

    [X] SHIFT-TAB for window switch



    ctrl+tab (or tab) - next(non filemanager) window

    shift+tab - prev (non filemanager) window

  14. It is original DN behavior.


    >Maybe origin should be always ignored when scopr is "selected text":


    No, It will cause loss of functionality


    >(make 3-position radio button: Block,Entire scope,From cursor)?..


    No, It will cause loss of functionality and will be very unusually.


    >Or if "autodetect scope" is set, set origin to "entire scope" when block is selected?..


    This will be good!

    But if anyone always use "selected block" and "from cursor" combination

    (with [X] Autoscope detect) - it will be very annoying to him(her)



    Hey, users! Anybody use "selected block" and "from cursor" combination

    with [X] Autoscope detect option ?

    I do not use.

  15. >> move #1 and #2 to Panel Options.

    >hm, i would only move #1 to FM Setup

    >both options are "global" in my opinion -> same for all file manager windows


    Oh... Yes, of couse.


    > #3 rename to "LFN in separate line" and change its action accordingly

    rename, ok, but what do you mean with action?

    >is it's current operation wrong?


    (sorry, my english is worse, try to correct 8-) )

    hm... "New LFN" means "no LFN in separate line"

    if change name to "LFN in separate line" - it must be changed to reversed.


    [X] New LFN = [ ] "LFN in separate line"

    [ ] New LFN = [X] "LFN in separate line"


    May be rename to "no LFN in separate line" ?


    [X] New LFN = [X] "no LFN in separate line"

    [ ] New LFN = [ ] "no LFN in separate line"


    >changing of operations is always critical, since many users might use "New LFN" already


    they whill be unchek "LFN in separate line" in (1) variant

    or do nothing in (2) variant

  16. i'm agree with you about LFN. I have some doubts about this 'bug'.


    Thanks for specification about shift+f5. May by this bug can be a feature

    - switch between windows when diolog is opened (???)


    In file manager it`s a new feature in 2.15.5814:

    [+] added option to deny closing of last file manager window

    Options.File Manager.Setup.Close last FM window


    Oh! Sorry. It is not a bug, it is a feature!
