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Everything posted by dandv

  1. No-way! this is insane. /haman Are you a bugfinder or not?
  2. The NOD32 antivirus and NDN

    Well they responded to another bug report from me, asking for more information, so I guess they would care. Anyway, you can submit NDN.EXE to them for analysis (from the GUI of the antivirus) Dan
  3. Alt+Home extension menu on directories

    Yes, it is extremely simple, use '*' as the wildcard: * [ >1 Compare "!.!" with the passive panel correspondent wincmp.exe "!:!\!.!" "$:$\!.!" >1 FTP <!.!> to... <=my_ftp_account @perl d:\prg\perl\ftp.pl "!:!\!.!" %3 %4 ]
  4. It needs two or four extra useable characters for the line number info. When you have tens of thousands of lines in a file, you needs five digits to display them, so here is what you may get: ╚═══<·········>═DOS═[000·00]═CrLf═P)═2953:14632/613══▒▒▒▒ Notice that the last number should be 613NN, not just 613. And suppose the column position is greater than 10,000, you need an extra space for one digit. Bottom line (forgive the pun :-), the status bar could be dynamically adjusted to provide room for the maximum amount of digits it needs to display. That should not happen when you open the file, because you may paste some huge text. BTW, a nice touch to implement: when the editor/viewer are inactive (such as when calling Calculator (Ctrl+F6) from inside the editor/viewer), their status bar becomes a single line. This is useless, since its color also changes to reflec it's no longer active. And it's also frustrating if you need in Calculator to type some number from the status bar, like the hex offset in viewer.
  5. Copy to shared folder

    Confirmed, and the "Disk full" text is preceded by a $03 character. Also, if I copy to \\server\folder\subfolder, the free disk space displayed in that panel becomes equal to the free space in the panel with 1.txt. After I press Ctrl+R in the \\server panel, the free space is correctly displayed. Yep, the trailing quote fixed the problem on my system too (Windows 2000 Pro SP4 US English, NDN 2.15.4360). I can also confirm the last two tests: coppying to \\server\folder\subfolder and \\server\folder\subfolder\ works fine.
  6. I was an F9 fan from 1994 to around 2001, then I realized that Ctrl+Tab was more ergonomic, especially in the context of using Alt+Tab in Windows. PS: about time setting in Alt+E, yep, empty space should mean "keep existing time", just like in DNOSP.
  7. 1. View english.lng (22_123 bytes) 2. F4 to switch to dump mode 3. PageDown 4. Ctrl+Shift+PageDown 5. Del Crash: VER :Necromancer's Dos Navigator WIN32 mode ADD :v2.15.4084 (15-07-2005) ERR :D8h (216) ADDR:00454558 MSG :Access violation OSD :16 (106x61) SYS :WinNT FILE:e:\ndn\source\fviewer.pas(4603) MEM :803C080A7405FF45ECEBDB817DECFF00 (at CS:IP) CS :001B DS :0023 SS :0023 SP :D468 MEMm:70516000 MEMa:705395c8 Crash in a different file: 1. View english.hlp (155_432 bytes) 2. F4 to switch to dump mode 3. Ctrl+Shift+PageDown 4. Del Crash: VER :Necromancer's Dos Navigator WIN32 mode ADD :v2.15.4084 (15-07-2005) ERR :D8h (216) ADDR:004040f8 MSG :Access violation OSD :16 (106x61) SYS :WinNT FILE:e:\ndn\source\objects.pas(815) MEM :F3AA5F5BC20C0000538B442408837804 (at CS:IP) CS :001B DS :0023 SS :0023 SP :DDB8 MEMm:7050a000 MEMa:7053a548
  8. You have no idea how strange my bugs are. Take a look: http://forums.muxe.com/index.php?act=Searc...alluser&mid=287 I wasn't editing the file, I was viewing it. Yes, it happened on numerous other files. I just picked the lng because everyone had it and I didn't have to post a file somewhere.
  9. Unicode in Editor & Viewer

    OK, I've been working with various Unicode encoding for almost one year - I'm a software localization engineer. Unicode is really a set of abstract characters, e.g. 'A', 'b', '*' or '★', without any specific code assigned to them. In order to store a Unicode character in a file, you need to encode it. Two popular encoding schemes are: * UCS-2 (or UTF-16), which encodes a character in two bytes (the popular pattern refered to before: #char #nul #char #nul in UCS-2 Little Endian, or #nul #char, in UCS-2 Big Endian). The first 127 bytes happen to match over the familiar ASCII character * UTF-8, whch encodes a character in a variable number of bytes (1-3). Again, the first 127 characters are common with ASCII. Unfortunately, to display text in text mode, you store a byte at B800:offset and the color information next to it, so there is no way to display more than 256 characters at a time. So no chance for anything close to the real Unicode. I see two things that could be done: 1. if a (portion of a) file consists entirely of the "#char #nul" (or #nul #char) pattern (this corresponds to standard ASCII gratuitously encoded in UCS-2), NDN could display that portion stripping the null bytes 2. searching could have a checkbox to also search for the UCS-2 LE and UCS-2 BE encodings of the searched string. This is relatively simple to implement and quite useful for searching for strings inside EXE files Hope that helps, Dan Dascalescu
  10. 1. Select multiple files 2. Alt+E 3. In the "Date (D-M-Y)" field of the "Last write", type 11-11-2001 4. Press Enter. Notice that the date of the files did not change.
  11. 1. Have the following NDN.EXT entry for '*': [ >1 Test bug <=default_parameter @echo command "!:!\!.!" %3 %4 ] 2. Press Alt+Home on a file and pick the "Test bug" menu entry. 3. Notice that %3 and %4 have not been replaced with the values enterd by the user ("default_parameter" and the empty string). I guess this is connected to the '%' in commands issue which was fixed.
  12. 1. View a file in Dump mode 2. Try to enter a 0x01 byte by pressing Ctrl+B and Enter on the corresponding character. OK. 3. Try the same for a 0x00 byte. NDN won't insert anything. Hope that helps, Dan Dascalescu
  13. I've seen this since ages, in al DNs. What I did was type "del some_english_part_of_the_filename*" to get rid of the crappy file. Although I work in the software localization industry, I think naming files with anything outside the ASCII character set is a stupid idea. But that's just me.
  14. Panel splitter proposal

    Before NDN had directory histry accessible via Alt+LeftArrow, Alt+RightArrow, these key combinations would move the panel divider, making one of the panels wider and the opposite shorter. Now you have to drag the panel divider with the mouse. My little proposal is that when you double-click the panel divider, it should be centered, in other words the two panels should become of equal width.
  15. 1. In NDN 2.15.4325, edit a .pl file 2. On a line, type 255 'a' characters, then a bunch of 'b's. 3. Alt+F3 that line, then Alt+F4 it. 4. Notice the b's are gone. This is NASTY if you had real code after the 256th char. Hope that helps, Dan
  16. I find it very useful to change only the date of the files and not the time. For example, I use a script to set the time of MP3 files to their duration (so if an MP3 is 3 minutes 40 seconds, its timestamp is 3:40:00). When I have an album of MP3s, I want their times to stay like I set them, but all the dates to be set to the date of the release of the album.
  17. The first set of quotes is mandatory and it specifies the string to be displayed in the title bar of the CMD window, i.e. an empty string. Here is my entry: avi,mpg,mpe,mpeg,wma,mpa,asf,mov,wmv,m1v,wmv,mp3,ac3,wav,mid { start "" "!:!\!.!" }
  18. 1. In ndn.vwr, make sure you have an entry for, say, jpg 2. View a JPG file in NDN in dump, hex or ASM mode 3. Press Insert. NDN will insert a 00 byte, exit the internal viewer and launch the associated external viewer. If you don't have an NDN.VWR entry for the extension of the file you're inserting into, everything will be ok.
  19. Current: Writing helpfile

    Cool! A better help will make new users find their way in NDN and will enable them to use many little-know features. For example, I've only recently discovered Ctrl+F10 in viewer to show all characters, including CR/LFs! Pity you won't code much, the Ctrl+C bug is annoying, but have a nice trip!
  20. Have a file called 'file1234.bug' and another one called 'file12345.bug'. In NDN.EXT, create the following entry: bug [>1 Menu item 1 Â Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 Â Â >1 Menu item 1 Â Â echo menu item 1 ] Press Alt+Home on both file and notice the difference in speed, which is proportional to the number of menu items. I'm very curious as to why this happens! My wild guess is that some macros like %X are expanded beforehand? If you have files with LFNs in the current dir, pressing F2 to launch the user menu will also be very slow (3 seconds on a 3.2GHz machine for building a menu from a <5k file) Hope that helps, Dan
  21. Alt+Home menu SLOW on LFNs with 9+ characters

    Here it is: http://home.arcor.de/stasis/ndn.mnu
  22. Alt+Home menu SLOW on LFNs with 9+ characters

    Uhm, nope: The same menu (F2) takes longer if you press F2 over a file with more than 11 chars vs. a file with less than 11 chars. Well this didn't happen in 2.15.3822.
  23. Infopanel proposal

    Nice idea. I'd further separate the drive details from the directory details: Current directory: E:\DNOSPW 31 files with 1,813,873 bytes 4 subdirs Current volume: Type: disk/UNC/etc. 1,676,017K total bytes 147,718,144 free bytes Volume label: WORK Serial number: 223D-1806 --> this also doesn't exist on UNC paths, you still need to make a check File system: FAT
  24. 1. Compare two directories with only the Size and Contents options checked. Notice that the files in the active panel are not selected. 2. Press Tab or click in the passive panel. The files in the active panel will be selected. I tried to place an animated GIF here but the stupid forum complained that "Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed". You can find the demo at http://home.arcor.de/dandv/bugs/ndn/Ctrl+C...39;t_select.gif Worse, the selection in the first panel is displayed but not actually working: a) if you try to copy the selected files, only the file under the cursor will be copied B) in the "status line" you won't see the total size and number of selected files, untill you press Ctrl+R Dan
  25. Timestamping suggestions

    I have a few ideas for NDN when editing the timestamp of a file: 1. Allow entering only part of the time and zero the missing parts. E.g "18:03" for "18:03:00", "14" for "14:00:00" 2. Same for date, but only use the current year: "15.04" instead of "15.04.2005", but "15" is invalid. 3. Allow 2-digit years: "1.1.03" now produces 1.1.2051.