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Everything posted by dandv

  1. Can't Undo after Save in Edit

    Hi AH, And glad to see you back! In my opinion, saving ON/OFF settings as bits in a double word makes it very hard for the user to alter anything, and is also prone to more than 32 settings in the same group. While having a bunch of settings like Setting1 = ON Setting2 = OFF ... SettingN = ON would result in a large NDN.INI, a possibly better solution woulbe to have such settings encoded like: Editor settings = BkspaceUnindents, !Autoindent, ConvertTabs etc. , where '!' ('not' in C) means the setting is negated. Best regards, Dan
  2. (press Enter, with the cursor placed right after the ':' sign) 1) Paste this text into a normal new Edit window, starting from column 1. 2) After pressing Enter at the end of this line, type three spaces and DEL: 3) OK, now you have an indented line. To see Autoindenting, press Enter: 4) If the cursor is on column 4, Autoindent worked. Go to step 5. 5) After pressing Enter at the end of this line, press Backspace: 6) If the cursor is on column 1, "Backspace unindents" work. Now press Enter: 7) If the cursor is on column 4, then you reproduced the bug :-) Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  3. The AltTest version also crashes: Exception 0D8h at address 00498749 in E:\NDN\SOURCE\flpanel.pas(1194) TCollection.Error: Code=-1 In Hope this helps, Dan PS: what was clicking on the free space supposed to do?
  4. How to reproduce: 1. Create a file with the following contents: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbb cc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbb cc 2. View the file in NDN, in wrapped mode (NOT word-wrapped; the wrapping status icon should be '>=<' 3. Search for 'bbb cc' 4. NDN will find the first match. Ctrl+L won't advance to the second match unless you change the wrapping mode. Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  5. How to reproduce: 1. Alt+F1, Temporary drive 2. Alt+F1, Process List The bug can also be reproduced with Alt+F2 and by performing steps 1 and 2 in reverse order. Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  6. It would be useful if Alt+F5 were available from anywhere, for example because the user might want to see some information left on screen by the last executed command. Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  7. The ndn.ext entry for *, { @start "!.!" }, has the nasty side effect that you cannot enter an archive stored inside another archive because you'll "start" the inner archive. Even after deleting the NDN.ext entry for *, how DO YOU enter an archive inside another archive? Since this bug seems (maybe remotely) related to the NDN.MNU bug, sorry it has been fixed in the release AH is about to upload (you can close the topic in that case). Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  8. F2: Menu

    Yep, a new build would be nice! I downloaded the AltTest version, unpacked and ran NDN.exe but it crashed within one second on my WinXPSP1 (had to delete ndn.dsk). Dan
  9. F2: Menu

    I can confirm this on WinXPSP1, NDN 2.14.5055 BTW, where can I download this Alt Test version? A related bug is that Quick launch 1 (Ctrl+Shift+F1) doesn't work due to the setting in dn.xrn: >[1 cmd That seems to be a setting for OS/2, and if you change it to >1 cmd It will launch cmd.exe. Regards, Dan
  10. NDN will display a blank viewer window after viewing a file with an external viewer. How to reproduce: 1. In Options -> External Viewers file, add exe: dir !.! 2. View with the external viewer (F3 or Alt+F3) any .exe file 3. The "viewer" will execute quickly and you'll get the blank window. 4. The bug won't reproduce if you view the same file again without viewing another file in the meantime or restarting NDN. Hope this helps, Dan
  11. When I run the command line "cd \network_path\here", NDN correctly changes the active panel to the network path and shows the remote files, but the free disk space is displayed as "-1 bytes". This has the nasty side-effect that you won't be able to copy anything to a network path! Example: cd \\\transfer (probably you have to login to that folder first by opening the "\\\transfer" from Start Menu -> Run. Can someone confirm this please? I already reproduced this behavior with NDN 2.14.5055 W32 on Win2KPro and on WinXP SP1.
  12. With all NDN clipboard encoding bug

    I tend to agree with dimases here: If "Use system clipboard" is enabled, NDN will convert certain extended ASCII characters to standard ASCII (notably the line drawing characters). Is there a way to disable this? DN OSP doesn't make this conversion, which is fine, for example, when you copy SmartPad chunks. In NDN, they'll end up like: (--NDN-- 31.05.04 18:13:48 ------------------------------------) instead of the original (──NDN── 31.05.04 18:13:48 ════════════════════────────────────) This conversion problem appears even when you copy inside NDN. Besides that, the Windows application which the user will paste text in could be set to use a "terminal" font such as Lucida Console, so the characters will look as intended. Maybe this automatic coversion should be made optional. Regards, Dan
  13. The Find dialogs from the Editor and the Viewer have the same shortcut for He~x and Regular E~xpression. Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  14. 1. Define an NDN.HGL entry for some filetype, e.g. *.PL, to contain StringFlags 3 (this should consider \" and \' as " and ' respectively). 2. Edit a file matching *.PL 3. Type the following line: before "a\"b" after Notice NDN highlighting correctly the quoted string and the text around it. 3. Delete the 'b': before "a\"" after Notice NDN highlighting 'after' as part of the string. Maybe this is a remnant from Pascal-like quote interpetation, where two consecutive quotes are collapsed into one quote? Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  15. NDN Win32 crashes with an access violation in flpanel.pas (line 768) if the total width of a column display mode exceeds 256. 1. Options -> File Manager -> Column defaults -> Find 2. Edit mode 1 to column types "NP" and widths "100,157" 3. Get some results in the file panel 4. Switch to mode 1 (Ctrl+2, Ctrl+1) Hope this helps, Dan Dascalescu
  16. 2_14_5055 DPMI32 bugs

    1. Random Smartpad filename when opened from a dialog box: Open a dialog box (e.g. Configuration -> System setup, press Alt+Q, type something, press Escape and notice NDN asking for a weird filename to be save, when it should not ask at all. Plus, if you press ESC, you won't return to editing the SmartPad, but you'll just LOSE changes. 2. Configuration -> Interface -> 4 dig. Year: Doesn't work for ^Q,D and Smartpad separator Its help entry lists a wrong hotkey: Ctrl+Alt. It's only Ctrl. 3. Ctrl+G and Alt+G seem to do the same thing Both recurse through subdirectories 3. Alt+Space doesn't activate the system menu (I disabled its handling by Windows from the .pif settings, of course) 4. Highlight groups: *.mpg in two groups *.it repeatedly '*' doesn't match anything (tested as wildcard for Directories; *.* worked) Hope this helps, Dan -- Do You Yahoo?! NO, THANK YOU! Get rid of ads and banners in e-mail with Proxmail! http://proxmail.notlong.com