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new beta: 2.15.9289

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hi *!


sorry for the long delay.

not too much news for this release, the world cup keeps me busy :)


i am preparing for my final exams in july, so i won't be able to do a lot

in the next month. but i hope i still can release something at the end of




[*] D32 removed specific code from NDN sources and moved it to RTL

-> drivers.SysTV.*Mouse

[-] LNX: palette load from menu didn't work

-> removed usage of dnstddlg.GetFileNameMenu.LngMixCase

[-] LNX: if VCSA couldn't be read no desktop BG/error message was shown [A]

-> vpsyslnx.OpenVCS didn't return -1 on error, we check for < 0 now

[+] W32: run/minimize/close to system tray: code by Vladimir Bochkarev

-> added traycons, trayicon, dnapp.QuitForced, commands.cmQuitForced

-> added usage of Abort to gauge.DispatchEvents*

[*] added C# data to ndn.ext, ndn.hgl, hgroups

[+] XX(En|De)code support (very similar to UUEnc) (Rugxulo)

-> quite some work on: uucode, resources, english help

[*] LNX: extended 0mk.sh to compile RCP only

[*] added defines for several resources so they won't be compiled if unused:


(reduced data by several kB)



[-] CTRL-O with AsciiTable didn't set status correctly on return [A]

-> asciitab.TASCIIChart.Init: now using the new ofDontClearSelectable

[-] click on last entry on statusline highlighted incorrectly (GPFault) [A]

-> menus.TStatusLine.DrawSelect did draw additional data

[*] when clicking menu separator menu does not close anymore

-> menus.TMenuView.Execute does nothing anymore on a sep. click

[*] THugeMenuBoxes scrolled whole view if view was not on position 0

-> changed menus.THugeMenuBox.Draw, menus.THugeMenuBox.BeyondTop,

added menus.THugeMenuBox.Delta

[+] added a "multi dialog"-dialog with example (dialmult/dialmuex)

-> unused yet

[*] added TCollection.IsValid which checks itself for nil or count > 0



[-] crash if trying to view a file containing only one $0a (Dandv) [A]

-> fviewer.TFileViewer.CountLines



[+] english: added help on XLT files, updated help on spreadsheet



[-] FTP: some directories were still parsed incorrectly because partial

strings were trimmed left and right (<date> <name> became <date><name>) [A]

-> vfs_ftp.TFTPConnected.GetFilesCol

[-] FIND/BRANCH: crash if changing sort order to unsorted [A]

(Eugeniusz Kosek/GPFault)

-> collect.QuickSort was not able to handle list with equal elements,

implemented a quicksort from java source with trimedian method.

also added a sorting unit and extended this with several sorts



[*] window x-sizes dependig on the screen size (Garl)

-> histries.GetDialog



[+] set cursor to end of inserted data {Z}

-> added option, commands.edeMovetoEOB, changed microed3.EditorInsertBlock

[*] [HOME] at BOL and [END] at EOL clear selection {Z}

-> microed6.EditorHandleEvent.cmHome/cmEnd



[*] file attributes on multiple files now also have a current button {Z}

-> fltools.CM_SetAttributes and resources



[+] copy/move: added a ignore file mask inputline {Z}

-> filecopy, commands, resources, vfs_arvd

[+] added Refresh files button to copy confirmation dialog (Eugeniusz Kosek)

[*] English resources: improved the button layout in the copy/move dialogs

[-] LNX: delete didn't handle symbolic/soft links but the target (GPFault) [A]

-> eraser.EraseFiles checks if file is a link

[-] move to "a \" didn't work (Dandv)

-> filecopy.CopyDialog removes these trailing spaces



[-] LNX T: QuickSearch ALT/CTRL key presses were not generated [A]

-> changed vpsyslnx.KbdTerminalThread to generate ALT/CTRL keycodes

[+] LNX T: added code to clear CAPS/NUM/SCROLL lock states



[-] 7z: archives in dir with spaces were not read (Vladimir Bochkarev) [A]

-> arc_7z.T7zArchive.GetFile puts target filename into "" if needed

[-] ZIP: some archives looped infinitely in the detection code (Dandv) [A]

-> archdet.ZIPDetect breaks the loop if 2 times same position was found

[*] LNX: "Use long filenames" was unused and therefore commented



[*] RCP did not handle IFDEFs in enum-types in commands.pas

[*] better information output when compiling resources



[-] W32/LNX: CTRL-O, default cmdline mode not reset after exec (GPFault) []

User modes are reset to default but not correctly displayed and

Timer mode stayed after exec

-> added cmRereadInfo message to usermenu.TUserView.HandleEvent.cmTotalReread

[*] Cmdline setup: "user mode #1" inputline now uses %comspec% instead of

command (GPFault)

[*] LNX: User mode #1 inputline now contains an example line



[-] RegKeywords could not override Comment(Start|String) [NC]

-> added RegKeywordsColl.IsValid check to highlite.Highlites


download: http://ndn.muxe.com/beta.php


have fun

Stefan / AH

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