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new beta: 2.15.5814

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Hi *!


This is the last release for 2005.

There are a lot of changes and fixes in this release, i hope everyone will like it.


I wish everyone a nice 2006!


Stefan / AH






[!] D32: now using Dos32A 9.10 (Dirk Fingerhuth)

[*] make: now runs version update AFTER succesful compile

[+] ScreenSaver keyboard shortcut (=.Screen Rest): F12

-> assigned Editor/Viewer switch to F11

[*] InterfaceData.ShadAttr is now String[3]

[*] Screen Grabber: left mouse button now marks, RMB copies to clipboard

and added SHIFT handling to [CTRL]-PGUP/PGDN

[-] Clipboard: was never saved to disk (SystemSetup.Autosave buffer) [A]

-> winclp.SetWinClip()

[*] removed 1 of 2 existing PHP definitions from NDN.HGL (Dandv)

[*] improved dnutil3.ShowTimeInfo -> (Time: Longint)

[*] added commands.vmDBase = 99

[*] LNX: converted 2 more internally used filenames to lowercase in flpanelx

and main2 (J.B.Lethbridge)


[+] added Keyboard Macro documentation to the helpfile

[*] finished help on editor higlight macros


[-] fixed shortcut conflicts in replace dialogs


[*] now shows infoline when other window is active (Dandv)

[-] bookmark border was not changing when dragging or not active [A]

[-] corrected the working of the viewer "New Style Opening" option [A]


[*] now shows infoline when other window is active (Dandv)

[-] Search didn't mark first match when "[ ] Found string = block" [A]

[-] UnIndent with Tab/Backspace in Overwrite mode didn't work [DNOC]

-> improved micro_4.EdMakeBack

[*] create/edit new file: handles filenames in ""

[-] Trailing spaces were cut from VertBlocks (marking over EOL) (haman) [NC]

-> added Strg() to microed3.EditorGetSelection

[*] when in line drawing mode [F5] switched back to block mode but also

switched the block mode itself

-> now only switches back to old block mode

-> microed6.EditorHandleEvent.cmSwitchBlock

[*] SaveAs now shows the current filename in the inputline instead of *.*

-> microed2.EditorSaveFileAs

[*] Block (Un)comment now also uses CommentStart to get the block comment

string, not only CommentString [A]

[-] cmClose on Ctrl-K D didn't work [A]

[*] when Editor Menu was selected couldn't switch windows [NC]

[-] Margins: if '-' was the last character on line it was removed every 2nd

line (Vladimir Kolyadin) [NC]

-> micro_4.EdFormatBlock: commented not working/bad code handling the '-'

[+] Option: Alt. Word delete => delete left/right word behaviour works

like going to left/right word

[-] Calc. block value [ALT-INS] didn't work if a whole line was marked [NOC]

-> micro_4.EdCalcBlock

[*] moved cm(Un)CommentBlock, cmMoveBlock(Up|Down|Left|Right) into


[*] when copying a block to a new position [CTRL-K C] the clipboard was used

-> clipboard not changed anymore

-> moved code to micro_1.EdCopyBlockTo

[*] quite some changes to keyboard shortcuts, most to remove conflicts and

create better Wordstar compatiblity

* [CTRL-B] conflicted with [CTRL-B ?] hotkeys:

ASCII-Table : [CTRL-B]

Change Block Mode: [CTRL-B V] -> [CTRL-K M]

Justify Paragraph: [CTRL-B J] -> [CTRL-P J]

Right " : [CTRL-B R] -> [CTRL-P R]

Left " : [CTRL-B L] -> [CTRL-P L]

Center " : [CTRL-B C] -> [CTRL-P C]

* insert commands conflicted with wordstar hotkeys

Insert Time : [CTRL-Q T] -> [CTRL-P T]

Insert Date : [CTRL-Q D] -> [CTRL-P D] (goto EOL conflict)

Insert Version : [CTRL-Q V] -> [CTRL-P V]

* clipboard sync changed

Sync Clip In : [CTRL-Q I] -> [CTRL-P I]

Sync Clip Out : [CTRL-Q O] -> [CTRL-P O]

* added wordstar hotkeys:

Goto start of file : [CTRL-Q R] (reverse search conflict)

Goto end of file : [CTRL-Q C]

Open character map : [CTRL-P 0]

Save file : [CTRL-K S] (sort block conflict)

Save file as : [CTRL-K T] (mark word conflict)

Print Block : [CTRL-P K]

Del to start of line: [CTRL-Q DEL]

* changed hotkeys:

Sort block : [CTRL-K S] -> [CTRL-P S]

Mark word : [CTRL-K T] -> [CTRL-K O]

* completely removed hotkeys:

Replace : [CTRL-R] (Page Up conflict)

Reverse search : [CTRL-Q R] (goto start of file conflict)

[+] readded LJustify, LCenter, LRight, LLeft: used in highlight macros on

single lines

[*] improved the editor highlight command handling:

* moved the command macro strings from macro.pas to the edcom.dnr file

* removed doubled EditCommands code from rcp and microed(2|6) -> EditCmds

* microed2.LoadCommands now used in microed2.EditorLoadFile

* removed cmCenter and cmBlockPrint (free editor command)

[*] Comment/UnComment now work w/o blocks on current line

[-] Block Move [ALT+DOWN] moved block up [A]

-> micro_1.EdMoveBlock: special treatment for Blockmove [CTRL-K V]

[-] replace didn't correctly handle insert escaped (\) characters [A]

[-] Undo Bug: "[ ] Clear undo on Save", Change a file, save, undo to the

last possible operation cleared the modified flag -> change not saved

after exit (Dimases) [NC]

-> added TFileEditor.WasSaved to signal previous save operation

-> file only modified by undo/redo will always have the modified flag

[*] SmartPad: zoom now toggles into the standard SmartPad size too

-> added SmartPad zoom to microed.TEditWindow.Zoom

[+] capitalize option to Create/Edit New File (dlgOpenEd)

[*] Mouse double click cycles 3 mark modes on double click: word, line, none

[*] completed the highlight macros: DelBlock, FilePrint, Paste, Cut, Copy,

Close, Undo, Redo, WindowsCopy, WindowsCut, WindowsPaste,...

(please see the online help for a complete list)

[*] Renamed editor macro SpecChar to AsciiTable, SwitchSave to SwitchAutoWrap

[+] "Copy Block" without a marked block marks and copies current word

[-] LNX: draw line code characters corrected

[-] marking a word and cursor already on first character of the word didn't

show the block [NC]


[-] FTP: didn't go to last specified directory (Dandv) [A]

-> /a/b now works like /a/b/

-> vfs_ftp.parseftpurl

[*] FTP Root: ftp host entries now have the directory attribute

-> no '.' is added when copying names to cmdline or clipboard

[+] FTP: added basic ftp commandline cmds


[+] Menu option to clear all histories, added dlEraseHistories

[-] Losing of commands should be fixed (Dandv) [NC]


[+] added a CSS highlight definition {D}


[-] several bugs fixed: (Eugeniusz Kosek)

* div -> integer division, / -> floating point division [NC]

* ! == && || didn't work as logical operators [NOC]

* sqrt(0) returned Error.x<0 instead of 0

* (-4)^0.5 didn't show Error.x<0

[+] added frac: 1.6 -> 0.6


[-] changing the time separator in country setup didn't work correctly

without restarting NDN [A]

-> gauges.HandleEvent: getting the timesep after cmReboundPanel


[-] copying filenames to clipboard didn't work correctly when the cursor

was positioned over '..' (Dandv) [A]

-> copied information for '..' for every selected file

-> removed references to Curpos in MakeFname()

[*] renamed fileio.GetSName to GetNameNoExt and added AddPoint parameter

Remove doubled operations:

* fileio.JustFilename with fileio.GetName

* fileio.JustPathname with fileio.GetPath

* fileio.JustFilenameNoExt with fileio.GetNameNoExt (was GetSName)

* flpanelx.GetSName with fileio.GetNameNoExt

[*] flpanelx.SelectExt improved:

* removed G1/G2 number compare -> added bool to compare by name or ext

* now partially uses quicksort data

[*] commands history not disabled when outside filepanel [DNOC]

-> moved dnutil.cmHistoryList to cmdline

[-] executing file from archive with extension file didn't use temporary path

(Dandv) [A]

-> added TempFile usage to usermenu.MakeString, which will be used

instead of the filerecords to handle the current file

[*] renamed "options.file manager.setup.[ENTER] execs in archives" to

"[ENTER] executes in VFS"

[+] extension file now can also be used with FTP files

[-] FIND VFS highlighted drive F in the driveline (Necromancer) [A]

-> flpanel.TDriveLine.Draw now ignores the FIND VFS

[-] [Alt-F1/F2]: LFN with spaces parsed from environment didn't work [A]

-> advance0.lGetEnv() deleted all spaces: added DelSpaces bool

[*] better error message for Desktop file errors:

-> differentiate between version/reading errors

-> using erCantReadDesktop, erDesktopError, erInvalidDesktop

[-] using #26 as cutting indicator didn't work becaues NDN stopped reading

the ini file at that position (Vladimir Bochkarev) [V]

-> RTL: added HANDLE_EOF to system.pas

-> disabled handling of the EOF character, shouldn't be needed

[-] Alt difference didn't work correctly (Eugeniusz Kosek) [NC]

-> old behaviour used any [ALT] + [left/RIGHT SHIFT] to select the panel

-> now behaves as descirbed in the help file

[-] DriveMenu: RMB click showed Rename while [ALT-V] didn't [A]

-> TDriveInfo was case sensitive when comparing driveline characters

[*] File Operations now also work in Temp Drive

(but changes are not visible in the temp drive itself, yet)

[+] added Switch case to File Operations

[+] readded 3 original DN "Make Listfile" options [ALT-L]:

* Store path names to list file (Eugeniusz Kosek)

* Autodetect necessity of path names

* Do not use Long File Names

[*] Quick search updates:

* added "Quick search by name" help to the file panel setup help

* added Quick search help topic

* multiple '*' cannot be entered anymore (advance0.DoQuickSearch)

* Quicksearch string is now always visible in the panel

[*] while column size change Info Divider wasn't updated

-> flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.RereadLName also draws InfoView

[+] capitalize option to MkDir (dlgMkDir) and Quick File Rename (dlgRenFl)

(Vladimir Bochkarev)

[*] Directory Compare: "New" Option "Compare time (new)" (Tomasz)

-> this was the default working of the "Compare time" option (until i

changed it): selects files with EQUAL or NEWER time, not only EQUAL

-> filescol.TFilesCollection.Compare, added cpdTimeNewer

[+] center panel divider on double click (Dandv)

-> flpanel.TSeparator.HandleEvent; added ChangeOwner();

[*] Zoom now also switches to default mode (visible cmdline)

-> dblwndx.TDoubleWindowX.Zoom, max. of 3 modes possible:

Maximum, Default, user defined (must be different size than first 2)

[*] [CTRL-[]] now also supports [ALT] to get short file names (Dandv)

-> added commands.kbAlt[LR]BRacket: dblwnd.TDoubleWindow.HandleCommand

and dblwndx.TDoubleWindowX.HandleEvent

-> flpanel.TFilePanel.HandleEvent.cmGetName

[-] QuickSearch: '+' couldn't be found (Vladimir Bochkarev) [NC]

-> '+' was used as wildcard for numbers in filenames, now uses '<'

[-] could not use +|<> in wildcards when selecting files ([KEYPAD +]...) [NC]

-> filecopy.SelectDialog: removed PValidator

[+] option to quote filenames when copied to clipboard (Dandv)

-> commands.fm2DontQuoteClip to flpanelx._CtrlIns

[*] commented cmPushName and all corresponding code since it was unused

[+] [CTRL-SHIFT-[]]: Make Left/Right panel same as other panel (MiB)

-> added dblwnd.HandleEvent.CtrlL/RBracket shift handling,


flpanelx._ChangeDrv(IgnoreCurrentDir: Boolean)

[+] added option to deny closing of last file manager window (Necromancer)

-> added commands.fm2CloseLastFMWin,

Options.File Manager.Setup.Close last FM window


[-] LNX ARC/TEMP/PROC/FTPRoot 2*Reread [CTRL/ALT+R] crashed NDN

-> disk.TDriveInfo.Update didn't clear IOResult before reading mount

info, resulting in 0 found drives

-> improved error checking if Drives = nil or Drives^.Count = 0

-> this also fixed crash after rereading an archive (J.B.Lethbridge)

[-] View archive with File.View.As Text/Hex/Dump/Disasm always opened the

archive as directory (Necromancer) [A]

-> dnutil.TDNApplication.ViewFile now always opens files internally if

the given viewmode is valid

[-] crash if opening file to view as Hex [A]

-> dnutil.TDNApplication.ViewFile set the Viewmode w/o calling DoHexPos

-> added fviewer.TFileViewer.SetViewMode()

[-] Extracting archives to passive panel, when on '..' in active panel

showed trash in archive line [A]

-> fltools.CM_ArchiveFiles: didn't initialize string

[+] show Label/disktype when changing drive via [CTRL-LEFT/RIGHT] (MiB)

-> Driveline - Volume ID (not LNX) - Path - Type

-> new Option: Options.File Manager.Setup.Show Driveline info window

[-] loading desktop error: viewer with tempfile, exit NDN, restart [DNC]

-> dnutil.TDNApplication.LoadDesktop stopped reading when S.Get returned

nil (= Object type), but, a failing constructor of the target object

also returned nil -> desktop read failed

-> added objects.TStream.LoadObject(), also used in TStream.Get()


[-] palette load didn't update full screen : Frame/Separator/Scrollbars [NC]

-> readded "OLD" DN code to memory.pas: DoneMemory (FreeCache...)

-> now a reset is not necessary anymore when loading or changing colors

-> TGroup.Redraw should now fully work again

[-] Options.Configuration.Colors: Cancel didn't restore old colors [DNOC]

-> colorsel.ChangeColors restores old pal on cmCancel

[*] Color dialog: renamed Timer to Clock


[+] added TGroup.RedrawForce(), TGroup.RedrawForced and cmRedrawForce;

2 possible operations (1 is used right now):

1) memory.DoneMemory to clear TGroup buffers to force update

-> buffers need to be allocated newly, faster on my p200 than 2)

2) using new message cmRedrawForce

-> don't use DoneMemory to enable full Redraw

[+] Dialogs: Mouse wheel, not over an object, selects next/previous selectable

objects in the dialog (like [TAB]/[sHIFT-TAB])

[+] added a debug function: TView.GetViewName()


[-] LNX: MkArc/ExtArc didn't correctly execute command strings (J.B.Lethbridge)

-> dnexec now swaps every LINUX cmd string to a script/batch file


[*] now also stores Shiftstate1 and 2, which should (in theory) simulate all

possible hotkeys

-> added gauges.TKeyMacros.GetKey(), improved PutKey(), all SmallWord

code was converted to Word

[+] macros will be repeated as long as the user holds [CTRL] (/haman)

-> main3.MyApp.GetEvent

-> works only after a keyboard macro was called 2 times in a row,

else macros will be repeated too fast

[*] show <MACRO> when playing -> gauges.TClockView.Draw()

-> moved local main3.MacroPlaying to gauges

[*] >MACRO</<MACRO> string blinks every second (normal<->inverted color)

-> added gauges.TClockView.SecondChange

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