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new Release: 2.15.4000

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hi all!


this is an anniversary release.

i have now been working on NDN for 2 years, and i hope i will be able to continue like this, the todo list is still long :)


i hope you have fun with this.


thanks to Necromancer and Daniil (webmaster)

thanks to all supporters and users


until the next release :)

Stefan / Angels Holocaust







[+] added icons to the archive (ICO subdir) {G}


[*] added DisposeStr to all PChars created by stringsx.PasStr()

[+] AutoCad AutoLisp/Dialog (LSP/DCL) highlight data (Vladimir Bochkarev)


[-] scanning for comments: scan from the "end" of the list to find longer

comment IDs first (LISP: ; -> ;|) (Vladimir Bochkarev) [DNOC]

-> same solution as used for the Keywords


[+] W32 Context Menu support: WinMenuKey/Alt-A & ALT+RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON (MiB)

-> COPY and CUT disabled, because it doesn't work stable (crashes) when

trying to insert objects that were copied with NDN (somehow connected

to OleFlushClipboard and IContextMenu)

-> TEXT MENU: SendTo folder limited to 256 entries

-> CTRL+WinMenuKey/ALT+RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON opens a Windows Popup

(like right mouse button in explorer), this is recommended for better

copatibility if text popup does not work correctly

-> SHIFT+WinMenuKey/Alt-A/RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON opens the current directory

as target

-> OPEN WITH not supported (yet?), but works when you open the windows


-> TEXT MENU: some apps somehow don't work correctly, i have yet to find

the reason why (example: IZARC)

[-] CTRL-LEFt/RIGHt on Driveline in e:\ (<> E:\) not correctly working [A]

-> UpCase character that compares with Driveline

[-] non-empty cmdline and pressing ctrl-shift-enter wrote char (Garl) [A]

-> flpanelx._CheckKb.kbCtrlIns: added check for Shift

[-] cannot run executables from network paths (CMD.EXE problem!) (Dandv) []

-> flpanelx.pas._gotoext: executing files on UNC-Drives with path

-> new option: File Manager.Setup."Always execute !:!\!.!"


[*] Ctrl+[ or ] did not quote pathnames (Dandv) [NC]

[-] D/W32: couldn't create directories on UNC drives (Dandv) [NC]

-> filecopy.CreateDirInheritance now handles '\\x\y'


[*] "cd c:\dir\file.txt" changes directory AND sets cursor to file (Dandv)

-> added GotoSingle to flpanelx._DoChangeDirectory

[-] browsing archive with mouse: '..' SetCursorPosition not working [A]

-> flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.CommandHandle now uses kbEnter instead of

kbCtrlPgDn when changing dir


[*] Right mouse button double click doesn't execute files anymore


[-] Find: files over 2GB showed '?' in the file information (Dandv) [NC]

-> size was not read from TQUAD but LONGINT (Searchrec: FullSize vs Size)


[-] Dnexec.ExecuteFileExt._SearchExt didn't handle '%' in filenames correctly

(Dandv) [DNOC]

-> '%' in batch files need to be doubled


[+] W32 winmenu key: scancode 93 -> KeyCode $8b00



[*] dialogs.TCluster:

- MouseWheel event selects wheeled object (Boxes/Buttons)

- Option to select wether mousewheel/cursor wraps in buttons/boxes

-> Options.Configuration.Interface.Don't wrap Buttons/Boxes

[-] Div-by-0 crash when moving in non-extended CheckBoxes (Dandv) [A]

(Ctrl-C, Ctrl+C in the file panel)

-> dialogs.tCluster.HandleEvent.MoveSelShift: didn't check if Count == 0


[-] FTP editing entry and hitting enter saved the FTP-URL in selection

inputline context

-> hsServer == hsSelectBox = 111; -> 165;


[-] deleting from archive didn't squash ("...") LFN (Dandv) [NC]


[-] highlighting bracketpairs in same column and highlighting current column

didn't work (no bracketpair highlight) (Vladimir Bochkarev) [A]

[-] when replacing a complete line NDN crashed [A] (Dandv)

-> removed an "optimization"



[*] when copying/moving one file the selected file in the passive panel is

added to the history of the inputline at position 4; press 3 times down

to select it (AndyRay)


[-] LFN not fully displayed in title (Necromancer/Vladimir Bochkarev) [DNC]

-> views.TTitleStr was string[80] -> string

[-] Scrolling down with "Page Down" stopped randomly depending on the wrap

mode and the file (not fully loaded) (Dandv/AndyRay/Vlad. Bochkarev) [A]

-> TFileViewer.CountDown & vmText used Size.Y-1 -> commented -1

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hi again


a) i have uploaded a ZIPPED version of the last LINUX build too



B) shortly after releasing build 4000 i saw some more little bugs with the context menu which don't appear in your archive downloads whatsnew.txt

the most evil one would be the crash on opening the CM over a filename with (f.ex.) russian characters, i am working on this at the moment - sorry


have fun

Stefan / AH

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