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Few bugs

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AndyRay    0

1. Some time on files with size about 1 Mb I can't scroll more than 51-52%. I just push F3 on such files, then F2*2(to enter warp mode) and than only PgDn. I think that exist limit about 512 Kb. It is repeateble bug. If you want I can send you 2 files that I have. Warp mode is ">W<". in ohters modes all ok.


2. In warp mode >W< or >=< when I push PgDn and then PgUp I don't reach line in text where i was before. I think that it is bug in line counter.


3. I view log files with size more than 30 Mb rather frequently. They are opening very slowly. What shoul I do?




Upd: I'm openening(F3) my log file and taskmng show(I/O Read Bytes) me that ndn.exe has read about 2Gb(!!!). File size is 30 Mb! And I think that ndn.exe can't read 2Gb from disk during 30 sec (60Mb/sec it is good speed but when I copy from this disk to another it is only 30 Mb/sec). What happend???


Hmm... (Idea): Ndn read this file many times, and windows cache it in memory therefore speed about 60 Mb/sec can be reached...

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1. ok, found that bug on the first file i tried, it starts to scroll down again as soon as you go one line up and then press pgdown again


2. all things in viewer happen in runtime, as long as a file has not fully been loaded ("F" in the lower left corner of the window frame), it may be hard / impossible to always have the same result in wrapped modes in the current code/viewer structure


3. that shouldnt be, NDN only reads the amount of size of the file that is entered in CONFIGURATION->VIEWER->BUF SIZE, maybe the size is too big ($10000 is the default value, $8000 the min value)


MAYBE, this is because of you are reading the logfile over a network!!!

try this: turn off FILE MANAGER->SETUP->F3 OPENS ARCHIVE OR open the logfile with ALT-F3, which also should avoid the archive code


the archive detection can be very slow, this is a well known problem and exists in all DN branches

i have already made a little note in the WHATSNEW.TXT todo section under ARCHIVES about this


last possibility is to turn off the syntax highlighting


thank you

Stefan / AH


PS: i've read all other recent reports, but there was no need to reply


PPS: new release end of June

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AndyRay    0

1. I've found this way too :)


3. Nothing can help me :( Syntax higlight is off, Alt-F3 insted F3, file on local hdd and viewer buff is $10000. 30 sec to open and about 2Gb of data read by taskmng.

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AndyRay    0

Also one bug with viewer:


1. Create new file (Shift-F4)

2. Write 10 lines "a\tb\tc" where \t = Tab button

3. Save this file

4. Exit this file

5. View this file by F3. I see a\nb\nc\na\nb\nc\n and so on. (\n - new line, or end of line in C)

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hm, no, sorry, cannot reproduce this!!!

does this always happen?

maybe it doesn't happen with some other viewer options?


Stefan / AH

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