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The Ndn Startup Message Is Overwritten By The First Command Run In Ndn

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dandv    0

When starting NDN in Win32 directly (by launching NDN.exe, not from cmd), NDN displays in Ctrl+O something like:


Necromancer's Dos Navigator v2.31.2699/WIN32.
Based on Dos Navigator by Ritlabs...
* WinNT (v5.1) detected, Process ID = 4092...
* PCRE Version 7.7 2008-05-07


When the first command is executed, say "dir", the output of that command will overwrite this NDN startup string, and the resulting combined output will look messy:


 Volume Serial Number is D051-6A602699/WIN32.                
Based on Dos Navigator by Ritlabs...                         
Directory of c:\prg\perl\mojomojo\lib\MojoMojo\Schema\Result
* WinNT (v5.1) detected, Process ID = 4092...                
2009-Jul-26  00:57    <DIR>          .                       
2009-Jul-26  00:57    <DIR>          ..                      
2009-Jul-26  00:43             2,407 Attachment.pm           
2009-Jul-26  00:43             1,725 Comment.pm


Can NDN somehow advance the cursor after it outputs this startup message?


Ideally, I would love to see scrolling for output in NDN (a scrollback buffer), because right now everything that's scrolled off the screen is inaccessible.

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Hi Dan,


I've actually fixed this yesterday.

This only happens if NDN has to change the screen size twice on startup.

The default console window in XP has a window buffer of 80x300 or something.

So NDN changes to 80x25 and then to your configured window size.


The scrollback buffer is on my todo list for quite some time, but....

Well, you know what I want to say. :)


All the best,

Stefan / AH

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