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New Beta: 2.31.0407

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Another month, another release.

I want to get back to the monthly release cycle, even if there's not much news,like this time.

But still enough to be released.



 [!] "Team member" update, removed inactive people
[!] corrected a directory level bug in the VP make batch files [V]
[*] renamed int64 to mathx, added idiv32()/div32() operations

[*] views.TView.GetColor() is now virtual
     -> used in dialogs.TComboBox and fviewer.TFileViewer
[*] made views Delphi compatible (Result)
     -> modified fviewer.TView.Focus()

[-] FTP: path change did not work correctly [A]
     -> vfs_ftp.ParseFTPURL() provided the FTP path with a leading '/'
[-] FTP: Change to root didn't work for DOS paths (F:/dir/) [A]
     -> vfs_ftp.TFTPConnected.ChangeRoot() now uses all data until the
        first '/' as root directory target
[-] FTP: MkDir didn't work in special cases if the server returned
     200 as response instead of the standard 257 [A]
     -> vfs_ftp.TFTPConnected.MkDir() also treats 200 as success
[-] FTP: fixed 2 potential crashes when the operation failed on connection
     loss in copying from FTP and erasing [A]
     -> vfs_ftp.TFTPConnected.CopyFiles().Copy() and
        vfs_ftp.TFTPConnected.EraseFiles().Erase() didn't check the file
        collection for nil in case of recursion, now using objects.FreeObject()

[-] vmDump/Hex/Asm: [INS] at EOF in not fully loaded files started to display
     random chars [A] (Dandv)
     -> histries.RestoreViewInfo() didn't correctly use the saved parameters,
        now does fviewer.TFileViewer.Seek(FilePos+BufPos) instead of only
[-] vmAsm: in special case no code was shown after a [CTRL-PGDN] [A]
     -> inside the line draw loop in fviewer.TFileViewer.Draw().vmAsm
        the FilePos was subtracted 2 times, resulting in end of data
        although there was data
[-] some files were loaded very slowly [A]
     -> microed2.EditorReadBlock() didn't correctly handle the buffersizes,
        now using FFSize instead of S^.GetSize()
     -> microed2.EditorReadBlock().CountLines() was moved into the main loop,
        duplicated code was removed
[-] vmText: files with size 0 couldn't be opened a second time except if
     deleted from history [A]
     -> fviewer.TFileViewer.MoveToOfs().SearchLines() hangs because MaxLines
        is zero in empty files -> infinite loop
     -> MoveToOfs() now doesn't do anything if the file is empty
[-] NDN loaded files very slowly in some cases (Dandv) [?]
     -> seems to be gone due to some previous bugfix
[-] QuickView: the viewer highlight was almost non existant (Garl) [DNOC]
     -> fviewer.TFileViewer.GetColor() uses the Desktop for color lookup
        instead of the file panel -> direct access to the base palette, which
        enables fully functional viewer drawing in file panels
     -> vmText/vmAsm: enabled syntax highlight in fviewer.TFileViewer.Draw()
[*] improved the viewer behaviour in quick view mode:
     -> fviewer.TFileViewer.ReadFile() didn't allow to reread a file
     -> moved keymap and crlf detection init to ReadFile()
[-] disabled kbShiftTab input, which wrote #0 into file [A]
[+] vmText/Asm: [CTRL-LEFT/RIGHT] to move the view left<->right,
     [CTRL-SHIFT-LEFT/RIGHT] now adjusts the buffer position
     -> added fviewer.LocationInfoLength|vmAsmHexLength|vmAsmCodeLength
        constants, fviewer.TFileViewer.LongestLine
     -> modified XDelta code in
     -> added XDelta handling to vmAsm drawing in
[-] Quickview didn't remove files from the notifier list [A]
     -> fviewer.TFileViewer.ReadFile() now deletes the old filename from
        the notifier list
[-] Quickview: Scrollbars didn't work, also resulted in crashes when scrolling
     down [A]
     -> fviewer.TFileViewer.ReadFile() now calls Awaken() to update the
        scrollbar size
[*] renamed fviewer.TFileViewer.Lines.NewLen to AltLen
[*] improved/corrected the search position handling in case of backward search
     -> fviewer.SearchFileStr() correctly calculates the search start position
     -> fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent().ContinueSearch() correctly calculates
        the next search start position after a match
[-] search crash on G:\Music\C.O.B._-_B.CROM.rar for mp3 [DNOC]
     -> views.TScrollBar.GetPos() calculated bad values beginning with
        certain sizes which crossed the max. positive Longint value
[-] long load on opening after start G:\Music\C.O.B._-_B.CROM.rar [A]
     -> microed2.EditorReadBlock() (old code) didn't handle the buffer/file
        sizes correctly (no init with filesize before maxsize check)

[-] In Editor.New file loading zero sized files were opened but not closed,
     which resulted in locked files [A] (Garl)
     -> fileio.TTextReader.Init*() didn't close opened files again when
        an error occured, f.ex. if the file was empty

[-] D32: CD-Drive detection didn't work [] (Radek)
     -> CD_GetFirstDrive() didn't correctly return the first CD drive in
        the var parameter (wrong asm code)

[-] Crash when opening an archive which produces an error (no files f.ex.) [A]
     -> vfs_arcv.ArcViewer() disposed P without checking for nil


Download: http://ndn.muxe.com/download/


Have fun,

Stefan / AH

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