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New Beta: 2.30.7187

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Hi all!


Again sorry for the delay. I will start to work on 5.11.2007.

This should put my work on NDN back to more regular time frames.




[*] improved the Options.Configuration.Global setup dialog

-> moved duplicated Inputline code from setups.GlobalSetup() to




[-] '$#' macro characters in file names were not correctly handled [A] (Garl)

-> usermenu.MakeString() now restores the 3 macro characters after

all replaces have taken place

[*] Options.Save/Load desktop didn't save histories

-> added dnutil3.(Load|Save)Histories to


[-] disk size on panel frame was missing first space (and '<' of file mask

display) [A]

-> flpanel.TDriveLine.Draw() wrote one frame char too much, added -1

to Size.X-for-loop

[*] file extensions > 3 characters are better handled in the advanced filter dialog

-> changing columns of the ListBox inserted into ndn.dnr.dlgAdvancedFilter

according to fit the largest file extension

-> added MaxExtensionSize to fltools.CM_AdvancedFilter().GetMaskSelection()



[-] LNX T: fixed the Linux kernel bug "remaining cursor on screen" when

writing directly to VCSA files [Y]

-> Options.Configuration.Misc setups.Operating System.Direct Screen writes

now also controls the VCSA access for the cursor position

-> vpsyslnx.SysTVSetCurPos() rewrites the previous cursor position in the

Linux console, if enabled (Operating System.Fix VCSA cursor bug)

-> added vpsyslow.tSysOptions.soFixVCSACursorBug

-> added commands.os* Operating system setup options, according to




[+] added history load and save to the main menu History

-> added commands.cm(Load|Save)Histories, History.(Load|Save) all Histories

-> renamed and moved microed2.LoadCommands() to microed2.LoadEditorCommands()

-> added histries.CleanHistoryAtExit() to histries.LoadCommands()



[*] Inputline: toggling on/off if the complete line is already selected

-> modified dialogs.TInputLine.HandleEvent().cmMarkAll



[*] toggle on/off "Mark all text" if already all selected

-> modified microed6.EditorHandleEvent().cmMarkAll

-> modified fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent().cmMarkAll



[-] Double (B) field show fix {G}

[+] Alt-F6 - Edit current field name {G}



[*] left/middle/right mouse buttons didn't behave consistently,

should be like in the internal editor:

left = move cursor and mark, middle = move cursor only,

right = use the ruler, moving cursor should also work when crossing

the current window bounds with pressed mouse button

-> editor: nothing to do, but removed unused

microed.TFileEditor.RulerVisible and corresponding code

-> viewer:

* fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent().DoBlock() uses mbLeftButton

* added ruler usage to fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent() in

the evMouseDown block

* commented MouseInView() usage in fviewer.TFileViewer.HandleEvent() in

the evMouseDown block and using >=/<= for the boundary checks

-> dbviewer:

* commented MouseInView() usage in dbview.TDBViewer.HandleEvent()

* added ruler usage to dbview.TDBViewer.HandleEvent() in

the evMouseDown block



[+] undo unmarking of blocks: restore an unmarked block

-> non-persistent blocks only

-> added microed.udUnmarkBlock (micro_1, micro_2, microed, microed4) and

microed.udNoModifyOperation[], used in microed4.EditorStoreUndoInfo()

[+] option: force newline at EOF (ANSI C)

-> added commands.ebfForceNewlineAtEOF and editor highlight option


used in microed2.EditorSaveFile(As)(), operation in microed2.WriteBlock()

-> default for C/C++ in ndn.hgl

[*] navigate the cursor/screen with the middle mouse button without marking

-> micro_3.EdHandleMouse() only enables marking when using left button

[-] Replace operation: "[ ] Show Replacement" didn't work correctly as the old

view wasn't fully restored [A]

-> added OldPos handling to microed5.EditorSearch()

[-] Replace operation: "[ ] Show Replacement" cursor move (left, right, up, down)

after operation start moved the file position to last replace [A]

-> added microed.TFileEditor.ScrollTo() to if option off microed5.EditorSearch()

[-] Block move in overwrite mode overwrote text (zlatan) [DNO]

-> micro_1.EdMoveBlock() ignores microed.TFileEditor.InsertMode

[-] pasted bracket pairs did not highlight without cursor move (GPFault) [A]

-> microed3.EditorInsertBlock() now updates microed.TFileEditor.WorkString

at the end of the operation

[-] Editor menu->Main menu switch with mouse didn't work (2 * 10Menu) [A]

-> commented the reference to cmMainMenu in menus.TMenuView.Execute()

and menus.TVideoMenuBox.Execute()

[-] LNX: "Open file under cursor" (SPF) didn't work with paths like "~/..." [A]

-> vpsyslnx.SysFindFirst() didn't correctly replace a leading '~/' with

the actual home directory

[*] search for empty matches/lines in normal search

-> commented the microed5.EditorSearch() check for empty search strings

-> added custom check for empty strings on empty buffers to

stringsx._SearchFor() and stringsx._BackSearchFor()

[-] goto previous/next paragraph unmarks blocks [A]

-> removed micro_1.EdBlockOff() from micro_3.EdFindParagraph()

[+] Operation: Delete empty lines in block [CTRL-P Y]

-> added Editor menu "Block.Delete all empty lines", hgl macro command

DelEmptyLines, commands.cmDelEmptyLines, code to micro_1.EdHandleBlockCmd()



[-] stack overflow crash if path is too long after appending \ and *.* in special

cases (Eugeniusz Kosek) [DNC]

-> stringsx.AddStr() didn't check the length of the string it tried to add to





Stefan / AH

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