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New Release: 2.30.6778

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Hi everyone.


Not as much as i would like to have done but I am quite busy with my diploma thesis and looking for a job - maybe i can do more next time :)





[*] improved XML HGL pattern by adding "<?xml"

[+] added stringsx.WordDelete()

-> supporting short and long strings, left and right word deletion based

on custom, whitespace and standard break charsets

-> used in micro_4.EdDelWord(Right|Left)(),



[*] changed default '%TEMP' to '%TEMP%' in

Options.Configuration.System Setup.Temporary Dir (anbrx)

-> startup.SystemData.Temp

[-] vpsysd32.SysTVGetMouseEvent() suddenly crashed NDN: didn't save ebx [A]

[-] sk.__RetrieveDesktop() didn't read the stored DataSize but the

current sizeof() parameter, which is fatal if a variable size has

changed [NC]



[+] open file in editor/viewer on [ENTER] in panel (zlatan)

-> added 2 new Options.Extension file (NDN.EXT) options for this:

EDITOR and VIEWER in {}[] or ()

-> modified dnexec._SearchExt()

[-] D32/DOSLFN .EXT: doesn't work if DOSLFN enabled (GameHunter) [NC]

-> make sure you use a new version of DOSLFN

-> lfn.lClose() renamed the file before closing (?); this was incompatible


-> removed lText and replaced old lFile with new record and

merged all l*(File|Text|TAttr|FAttr) into single functions using new


[-] [ALT-HOME] was not working anymore [A] (Dandv)

-> flpanelx.PShootState was not filled in every case, moved to the

beginning of flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.CommandHandle()



[*] removed vfs_arcv.TArcDrive.Exec()

[*] added several options in the archiver setup:

- commands.asoLFN to signal LFN usage,

removed arc.TArchive.UseLFN

- commands.asoRedirect(Un)Pack to signal redirection,

removed arc.TArchive.Redirect(Un)Comp

- commands.asoShowCmdString to drop the archive execution string

to the command line

-> added archiver.ExecArchiveString()

- commands.asoForceUnixPathSep to use / instead of \ when extracting

files; used in vfs_arcv.TArcDrive.UseFile()

- commands.asoDontSeparateOptions to remove spaces between archiver options


[-] ZOO: directories and long filenames were not scanned correctly [DNOC]

-> arc_zoo.TZOOArchive.GetFile() now uses updated header data from

"unzoo.c" to correctly read the file headers

[*] ZOO: improved the startup options in the archiver setup



[-] open dialog, [CTRL-O], [ESC/CTRL-F4] and commandline fix from last

release didn't work correctly: opening a dialog (calculator f.ex.)

inside the user window didn't work since no data could be entered

in the dialog, return from dialog was hardly possible [A]

-> fixed previous bugfix in dialogs.TDialog.HandleEvent():

check for usermenu.UserWindowIsOn and dialog state improved,

now checks if the current view really is the dialog itself



[*] [CTRL-LEFT\RIGHT] combination key support {G}

[+] External *.XLT table support {G}

[*] KOI codepage Support (Options->Configuration->Editor setup-> Use KOI

keymap ) {G}

[+] View field in external window (like ViewMemo) {G}

[+] Paradox Date field support

-> added timedate.DaysInYear(Year : Integer) : Word; {G}

[*] Auto size GetInfo window by field name {G}

[*] [shift-F2] change CSV-File separator to users define (like ',' '/' ';' '|' ) {G}

[+] READ ONLY simply Support Paradox database file (*.DB) {G}

[*] Show Table type and version info in Structure window if file is empty {G}



[-] different cmd history behaviour: [uP] in user screen != [sHIFT+UP] in

file panel after execution (Zaimskih) []

-> cmdline.TCommandLine.HandleEvent().kbUp in UserScreen got a StrModified

unlike in FilePanel: added check for cmdline.Str <> '' which solved the


[*] [CTRL-BACKSP] was not working like in editor

-> replaced cmdline.Separators with Dialogs.BreakChars

-> using stringsx.WordDelete()



[-] D32/LFN: trying to copy directories created a LFN and then a SFN [A]

-> commands.deFileExists was 0, now 5

-> lfn.lMkDir() only checked for deNoError, now also checks deFileExists

[-] D32 COPY/MOVE: target file lost source file date/time (Eugeniusz Kosek) [A]

-> fileio.SetFileTimes() didn't use provided file handles but always

tried to open the path

-> SetFileTimes() didn't return valid error results

-> SetFileTimes() didn't support LFN

[-] D32/DOS COPY/MOVE: attributes were lost [A]

-> filecopy.MaxWrite(): attributes could not be set on open files;

moved the file times/attr set code

[-] LNX filetimes weren't set anymore [A]

-> filecopy.MaxWrite(): LINUX cannot set file times from handle,

always needs filename

* corrected LNX code in fileio.SetFileTimes()

[-] W32(2K)/LNX COPY/MOVE: File times of directories were not correctly

copied [A]

* filecopy.MakeDirectories().CopyI() correctly set the file times but

times are changed as soon as a file is written to that directory

-> moved directory times set process to finish of copy process


-> also moved the attribute setting there: directories are

created and attributes reset in case the dir already existed

[-] D32/W32 COPY/MOVE: file times of files were not set if the R/O flag was

set [A]

-> moved times set code before flag setting in filecopy.MaxWrite()

[*] COPY/MOVE: target directories were created 2 times [NC]

-> duplicate code in filecopy.FilesCopy().MakeDirectories():

CopyI() + CopyF()

-> commented lMkDir() code in CopyI()

[?] COPY/MOVE FIND VFS: copy preserving directory structure and

target directory stucture did not exist copy failed with error message:

Critical error on drive X: (3->3). (erno) [?]

-> this bug report must be of an old version prior to Zakkers

PrecreateDirs code, therefore removed from list



[-] RePatched: VFS -> DISK change via 'CD <path>' didn't work [A]

-> flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.CommandHandle()._DoChangeDirectory() uses

_DoChange() in VFS

-> _DoChange() paths like 'C:\a\' didn't work but 'C:\a' worked

-> moved RemovePathSep() code to beginning of _DoChangeDirectory(),

added additional check for provided '' strings

[-] FIND: "Find LFN only" and file name masks with spaces '* *' never matched

(Dandv) [N]

-> fileio.InFilter() removed all spaces from mask

-> added fTrim() to remove spaces from extracted masks

[*] FIND: did always insert files into the current window and not where the

search was started, this can be annoying in searches which need a long

time for the first match

-> added option Options.File Manager.Setup.Old FileFind panel handling,


-> vfs_find.FindFiles() additionally awaits the current panel (StartPanel)

and uses this is for search result if enabled

-> this is now the default find result panel handling

[*] FIND: vfs_find.AdvanceSearchData was not saved

-> handled by sk.__(Retrieve|Store)Desktop()

[+] FIND: exclude dirs from search (zlatan)

-> added to Advanced search data: Exclude Mask; standard masks only,

no regex

-> used in vfs_find.ScanDirectory()

-> added commands.hsFindExclMask



[*] added lFile.NameStr|Handle



[-] named pipes (S_IFIFO) were displayed with 'f' instead of 'p' [A]

-> fileio.(Create|Parse)UnixPermissionStr() now uses S_IFMT as mask and

'p' for linux.S_IFIFO

[-] it was possible to close a panel even if TFilePanelRoot.ChangeLocked was

set [NC]

-> added Changelocked check to TFilePanelRoot.Valid() in case of cmClose



[*] play is now interruptable by [ESC]

-> main3.MyApp.GetEvent()

[!] added option to turn off macros since they can be quite dangerous;

disabled by default

-> added Options.Configuration.System Setup.Enable keyboard macros

commands.ossUnused -> ossKeyMacros

-> main3.MyApp.GetEvent()







Stefan / AH

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Adam_L    0


Hi everyone.



[*] [CTRL-LEFT\RIGHT] combination key support {G}

[+] External *.XLT table support {G}

[*] KOI codepage Support (Options->Configuration->Editor setup-> Use KOI

keymap ) {G}

[+] View field in external window (like ViewMemo) {G}

[+] Paradox Date field support

-> added timedate.DaysInYear(Year : Integer) : Word; {G}

[*] Auto size GetInfo window by field name {G}

[*] [shift-F2] change CSV-File separator to users define (like ',' '/' ';' '|' ) {G}

[+] READ ONLY simply Support Paradox database file (*.DB) {G}

[*] Show Table type and version info in Structure window if file is empty {G}



Stefan / AH


Very thanks for new features in DBF Viewer

XLT, F3 on field and more


You add delete record by press simply DELETE key.

In my opinion it is danger.


I use DBF Viewer usualy for speedy view and search in dbf files

and may press by accident DELETE key.


May I switch off this feature in config,

or change to Shif+DELETE/Ctrl+DELETE (more ergonomic as Ctrl+D) ?



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Garl did these updates.

I suggested him 3 ways to handle this problem:


1) add a confirmation when deleting data from dbf files

2) ask for save when closing the file, like in viewer and editor

3) add an option to the viewer setup to enable delete


I am sure he will add something like this for the next time he sends me an update to the dbfviewer.



Stefan / AH

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dandv    0

Hi AH,


Thanks a lot for the new beta, and keep up the good work. I just discovered the keyword completion in the Editor and love it!


[*] improved XML HGL pattern by adding "<?xml"


How does that work? I also saw "<htm>" and "<td>" in the FILES section:

FILES *.htm;*.html;*.asx;*.htt;*.htz;<<htm>,<<td>


I tried creating a file that contained <td>, thinking the "<xxx" syntax mean maybe NDN scans the file for 'xxx', but there was no HTML highlight.


Also, Ctrl+E doesn't bring up the previous command line entry any more. Is there a setting for this?

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Hey Dan, nice to hear from you


Yes, the completion works nice, I hardly work without it anymore. :)



<<htm>,<<td> will work if the specified pattern can be found in the very first bytes of the file.

From the syntax highlight online help:


<pattern> = search the file for the specified content:

* normal search: pattern inside <>

* regex search: pattern inside ><


The internal editor will provide the first line,

while the internal viewer will provide Min(64, FileSize) bytes of the opened file to the highlight code.


Of course this is a bit limited, but it has to be efficient. Maybe I can make this user definable.


There is another bug that might be related to this:

Sometimes (not always!) HGL data is not read/found if it resides at the end of NDN.HGL.

Retry your <td> test again, if the limits above do match your test file.


For a regex example look at the shell script highlight definition.



Yes, there is:

in Options.Configuration.Misc setups.Keyboard Setup enable the WORDSTAR DIAMOND.

This will enable all hotkeys introduced in WordStar (see the online help).

Enabling this will disable standard windows hotkeys like CTRL-A,X,C,V,Z...


Thanks for your comments and all the best,

Stefan / AH

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