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System Error: Disk is not ready in drive E: (2->2)

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AdminZ    0

NDN 2.30.3866b:


Don't accessible cdroms under EDR-DOS 7.01.08 WIP (17.12.06). From command.com and VC (Volkov Commander 4.05) cdrom accessible. EDR-DOS very nice DOS, possible best? - litle, fast, support FAT 32, more free low memory about 630KB in configuration below! Have Task Manager, best choice for boot fdd.


Comment: From this configuration under DOS can get FULL access to FAT16/32, NTFS, ext2/3 with support LFN and national symbols on HDD, CD and USB!!! Under LZ-DOS (IMHO MS-DOS io.sys compressed) all work ok, but it don't have multitasking. Composition for FDD boot disk 1.68MB included LZ-DOS and EDR-DOS, have Win32 archivators support. NDN don't have support archivator UHARC by Uwe Herklotz (best compression from all archivators), but I patched ndn.prg from UFA to UHA and litle change archives setup ;)


DConfig.sys (config.sys for EDR-DOS)




ECHO EDR-DOS Startup Menu

ECHO ════════════════════




ECHO Enter a choice (1 or 2) [default after 10 seconds - 1]:




HIINSTALLLAST=A:\DOS\DOSLFN.COM -c+ -z=A:\dos\cp866uni.tbl



































Autoexec.bat (common for LZ-DOS and EDR-DOS)


@echo off

a:\dos\xmsdsk.exe 65536 /y

a:\dos\mb.exe rd=dos(check ld)

md %rd%:\Temp

set ramd=%rd%:\

set tmp=%ramd%Temp

set temp=%tmp%

set vc=%ramd%vc

set ndn=%ramd%ndn




if "%bcdw_cdrom%"=="" a:\dos\bcdw_pth.com

if "%bcdw_cdrom%"=="" goto l1

set bcd=%bcdw_cdrom%:\

path %ramd%;%ramd%hx;%ramd%ifs;%ramd%usb;%ramd%ndn;%ramd%vc;%temp%;%bcd%dos\arc;%bcd%dos\util;a:\;a:\dos

goto l2


path %ramd%;%ramd%hx;%ramd%ifs;%ramd%usb;%ramd%ndn;%ramd%vc;%temp%;a:\;a:\dos


if "%OS%"=="DRDOS" goto l3

copy a:\command.com %ramd%>nul

goto l4


copy a:\drdos\command.com %ramd%>nul


set comspec=%ramd%command.com

copy a:\dos\uharcd.exe %ramd%>nul


uharcd.exe x a:\vdisk.uha

copy a:\bt\*.bat %ramd%>nul

call %ramd%m.bat




@echo off



echo Select symbol and then press enter:


echo f) File System mount: NTFS, ext2/3.

echo u) File System umount: NTFS, ext2/3.

echo d) USB-HDD mount

echo s) Mouse with wheel support

echo n) Necromancer's DOS Navigator

echo v) Volkov Commander

echo k) Keyrus load

echo r) Keyrus unload

echo h) HXLdr32 & hdpmi32 load [Win32]

echo x) HXLdr32 & hdpmi32 unload [DOS]

echo t) Task Manager for DR-DOS

echo m) This Menu


echo Dos Utilities: sys, bcdw, mb, dos, doslfn,

echo keyrus, ctmouse, ctload, xmsdsk, uharcd.

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Can you create and provide me with an image of this fd so i can try to boot it with grub on my system?

(I don't have a floppy drive...)



Stefan / AH

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AdminZ    0



UHARC [460KB] ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack/uharc06b.zip

My 911 ISO (truncated) [1471KB] http://irman.at.tut.by/ubd.uha



So as you don't have real FDD I truncated my ISO included FDD image EDR-DOS.

Choice 3rd position LZ-DOS & EDR-DOS.


ATTENTION! Emulators like MS Virtual PC 2004 and Innotek VirtualBox don't work right with my FDD image so as:

VirtualBox 1.3.2 freeze when boot up EDR-DOS.

MS Virtual PC like and WinXP stupid - don't look to FAT attributes but think what FAT12 have 1.44MB only. Nessesary try patched M$ Virtual PC for remove this bug ;) My image have size 1.72MB diskette formated FDFORMAT 82 tracks, 21 sectors, 16 root entry for maximum capacity. If diskette formated 2M by Ciriaco Garcia de Celis then size do 1.8MB and boot.


FAT Boot sector

Offset Length Meaning

0x0 3 bytes Jump instruction

0x3 8 bytes OEM Name

0xB 25 bytes BIOS parameter block

0x24 26 bytes Extended BIOS parameter block

0x3E 448 bytes Bootstrap code

0x1FE 2 bytes End of sector marker

The BIOS parameter block and extended BIOS parameter block contains

the information:

BIOS parameter block for FAT volumes

Offset Length Meaning

0xB 2 bytes Bytes per sector

0xD 1 byte Sectors per cluster

0x0E 2 bytes Reserved sectors

0x10 1 byte Number of FATs

0x11 2 bytes Root entries

0x13 2 bytes Small sectors

0x15 1 byte Media type

0x16 2 bytes Sectors per FAT

0x18 2 bytes Sectors per track

0x1A 2 bytes Number of heads

0x1C 4 bytes Hidden sectors

0x20 4 bytes Large sectors

Extended BIOS parameter block for FAT volumes

Offset Length Meaning

0x24 1 byte Physical disk number

0x25 1 byte Dos: Current head

NT: Dirty flag

0x26 1 byte Signature

0x27 4 bytes Volume serial number

0x2B 11 bytes Volume label

0x36 8 bytes Filesystem ID


Necessary write iso to rw-cdrom and boot up from it.


To the point remember what NDN also don't look FAT attributes in images when unpack it - images truncate to 1.44MB. NDN also can't decompress uharc archives, but compress work good. For FAR MultiArc plugin I add UHARC section in custom.ini.




ID=55 48 41 06




List=uharc l -d2 -y %%AQ





Format1="zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dd-TTT-yyyy hh:mm:ss aaaa rrrrrrrr"

Extract=uharc x %%AQ @%%LQM

ExtractWithoutPath=uharc e %%AQ @%%LQM

Test=uharc t %%AQ

;Delete=uharc d %%AQ @%%LQM

;Protect=uharc p %%AQ

;Recover=uharc t %%AQ

Add=uharc a -mx %%AQ @%%LQM

Move=uharc m -mx %%AQ @%%LQM

AddRecurse=uharc a -r -mx %%AQ @%%LQM

MoveRecurse=uharc m -r -mx %%AQ @%%LQM




Comment: between zzz...zz dd-TTT-yyyy hh:mm:ss aaaa rrrrrrrr always 2 spaces.



NDN very like me, but for me and other VC and FAR users NDN (Borland?) keyboard shorcuts very uncomfortable.


P.S. I'm sorry for my bad English, I speak Russian.

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Unfortunately I cannot download the file, it doesn't seem to exist...


custom hotkey configuration is planned.


Your english is fine, most of the users that are active in here are from eastern europe/russia.


Stefan / AH

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AdminZ    0



I'm sorry it is my error - file name must be UBD.UHA. But I change now on server capitals UBD.UHA to small ubd.uha and checked download with old link http://irman.at.tut.by/ubd.uha - work ok. My package 100% viruses and trojans free. Configurable shortcuts - this very good sound, thank you.


I see in version 3915 you corrected error in search SHIFT+F7 in viewer HEX mode - in version 3866b need move cursor forward. Exist 3915 for DOS? - I add it to lzdos.ima from ubd.iso.

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Guest deus-ex   
Guest deus-ex

Hello AngelsHolocaust,

I just happen to browse the forums to check the current activities when I came acroos this thread. Regarding your download issues (which are now fixed thanks to AdminZ) I thought I provide you (all) with an download mirror for the file ubd.uha.


Hope you don't mind, AdminZ. I just wanted to be helpfull. ;)

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Guest deus-ex   
Guest deus-ex
Can you please provide me with a FDD-image?

It's inside the ISO, you'll just need to extract it.


Btw, is E-mail notification actually broken? I didn't receive any message regarding your post, i also checked my Spam folder.

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Hi Admin/deus!


@deus: hm, maybe it happened because I replied from work.

(which I usually never do....)



Booting from CD:

EDR-DOS: starting from boot screen immediately reboots my laptop

LZ-DOS: CD access works without problems


Booting from extracted FD image via GRUB4DOS:

EDR-DOS: works, but the unpacking process with UHARC takes AGES

about 20 minutes for the complete package

i could not yet test the CD access since it hangs often depending on the executed commands

the loading time prevents me from debugging quickly...

LZ-DOS: hangs up after choosing a boot option


I will do some more tests later, probably trying to copy the EDR-DOS/LZ-DOS stuff to HD...


Stefan / AH

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Guest deus-ex   
Guest deus-ex
@deus: hm, maybe it happened because I replied from work.

(which I usually never do....)

But the notify function shouldn't be affected by this at all, now should it? Anyway, maybe i didn't receive a message because i just registered yesterday.


This time notification worked, however. :)

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AdminZ    0

2 Deus-ex:

I don't mind what you clone my CD.


2 Stefan AH:


I don't know full worked emulator - all have several bugs, but MS Virtual PC have best compatibility from emulators, but is not 100% and how I say above it work with 1.44 images only. About bug with cdrom support I write to you so as from command.com and VC CD discs accessible else I report for bug EDR-DOS developer.


For real hardware ubd.ima work ok exclude possible laptops so as its have non-standard memory allocation. For laptops need reconfigure boot up process, right option find experimentaly.


lzdos.ima possible extract from ubd.iso with WinIso, UltraIso, WinRAR, IsoBuster etc. This only have sense do if want write image to real diskette. In other case best choice write CD and boot from it. Of course possible extract files from lzdos.ima to hdd and try make this partition bootable. In this case need do this:


1. Easy. Unpack floppy to root directory of primary FAT16 partition. Partition *MUST HAVE* File System FAT16. Of course possible manipulated and with NTFS, no this a bit hard. About this way I write if need for you.

2. A bit hard. Replace in config.sys, dconfig.sys, autoexec.bat, \BT\*.bat all a:\ to c:\.

3. More bit hard. Replace in end of boot sector your partition name of boot file from io.sys to metakern.sys.

4. Very hard to ordinary user, but for programmer and advanced user it easy :) Copy BIOS parameter blocks (bytes 0x0B..0x3D) from boot sector partition to metakern.sys two times. First, to fourth sector LZDOS boot sector, and second to fifth sector DR-DOS boot sector.

5. Relax after work and before reboot :))) Remember what in master boot record (MBR) for this partition must be set active flag else it don't be bootable. This can do with fdisk.exe.

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I have found the error yesterday and I think it may be a DOSLFN problem:


accessing the CD-Drive with LFN API fails, SFN works.

I will rewrite the NDN-LFN code to fall back to the SFN code if LFN failed...


Maybe i can post a test version later today or tomorrow.


Stefan / AH

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Ok, here is the new D32 version with updated LFN code.

It works very well now (some other errors are gone too...).

This should have been done a long time ago.


Please test this version as good as possible.


To anyone interested in D32 development:

it is very helpful to provide me with a FD boot image, which can reproduce the error, so if you have a DOS

that is not 100% compatible to NDN please provide me with this...




thanks Admin,

Stefan / AH

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AdminZ    0

Dear Stefan,





For NDN 2.30.4024 I get next results:




1. For installhigh=c:\dos\doslfn -c+ -z=C:\dos\cp866uni.tbl CD Directories and files have short name with ~, navigation work, content files don't accessible.

2. For installhigh=c:\dos\doslfn -z=C:\dos\cp866uni.tbl CD Directories and files have short name without ~, navigation work, content files don't accessible.

3. Without doslfn [rem installhigh=c:\dos\doslfn ...] start NDN crashed with fatal error:

Exeption 0FDh at address 04135820

in f:\NDN\Source\rstings.pas

Line 55

Unknown Dialogs file format


NDN 2.30.3866b in case 3 start without problem.


VC work always in all cases.




1. For installhigh=c:\dos\doslfn -c+ -z=C:\dos\cp866uni.tbl] CD Directories and files have short name with ~, navigation work, content files accessible well.

2. Without doslfn [rem installhigh=c:\dos\doslfn ...] start NDN crashed with fatal error:

Exeption 0FFh at address 0413c3cd

in f:\NDN\Source\dnapp.pas

Line 1532

Could not open resource file


NDN 2.30.3866b in case 3 start without problem.


VC work always in all cases.





Passible say few words about:

1. UHARC support in NDN (compress work, decompress don't).

2. Unpack FAT12 images any sizes included with truncated free space and align to 512 bytes.


Thank you and good luck.

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Sorry for the delay, but I was busy on the weekend and am a little sick now, so work is a bit slower than usual...


I have another version for you to test: (it's the old link!)



This time there should be no problems anymore.

Note that it doesn't seem possible to get LFN from the CD-Drive, at least not on my system.

The names will appear as SFN.


uharc: ok, maybe in the next release

fat12: written to my LONG todo list, no promise if this will happen soon


hopefully now all bugs are gone!


Stefan / AH

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AdminZ    0

Hi Stefan,


For ver. 2.30.4139 D32 I get next results:





Well, view content file with F3 when loaded doslfn work ok now. But, when:



In VC copy|move worked.




F5Copy|F6Move file CD->HD|RD

Error: Could not open file



F5Copy|F6Move file CD->HD|RD

Error: Can't write


For both EDR&LZ-DOSes:

F5Copy|F6Move file HD|RD->HD|RD

Example for bug generation:

1. Copy file.txt HD->RD

2. Delete target file.txt on RD

3. Again Copy file.txt HD->RD

Error: Can't write


If doslfn don't loaded then copy|move work ok.


II. Archives support.



DOSLFN don't loaded.

Archive file c:\Directory with LFN\file.zip


Don't work F3View content file, ex. file_id.diz in file.zip. After press F3 on file_id.diz this file unzip to tempdrive root directory, but must extract to %TEMP%=tempdrive\TEMP. After unzipped file don't open automated in viewer.


If DOSLFN loaded then all work ok - file extract to tempdir tempdrive\TEMP and viewed.


Again errors spin around LFN support in NDN or this doslfn bugs?

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Hello again AdminZ.


once again a test release for you (and other interested users):




Both problems appeard because LFN-SFN-fallback changes were not complete (maybe there's more missing...). It works now.



The DOS call of ChDir does not like paths like 'C:\TEMP\', it wants 'C:\TEMP'.

This archive bug also appeared in MS-DOS which allowed me to debug quicker).



It is a cool software, BUT does not feature 100% compatibilty to WINDOWS' LFN behaviour.


In WINDOWS you will always get results with the LFN DOS calls, even if there's no LFN entry.

If the WINDOWS call fails, the SFN call should fail too.


DOSLFN does not do this, that's why I needed to do the fallback code.

A good example is your initial bug report in this thread about not changing to CD in LFN mode.

DOSLFN should change to this directory even if it doesn't support LFN as long as the target path is valid.


This is not bad for NDN, because this way every new OS should work, even if not 100% compatible to MS-DOS/WINDOWS.


So, I am waiting for a new report, this time without bugs :)

(so i can start working on other things...)


Have a nive Saturday,

Stefan / AH

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AdminZ    0


Now support LFN&SFN is good. Very, very nice work. Thank you, Stefan.


I have for you offer yet:


1. We change drive with Ctrl+Right|Left and selected empty removable drive, ex. FDD|CD and etc. we see window:


System Error


Disk is not ready in drive X:

[ Abort ] [ Retry ]



In this moment keep worked shorcuts Ctrl+Right|Left. This very comfortable for continue slide to drives.


And question:


2. What system to give build number you use? Example now build 4200, why this number?

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Hello again!


I am very glad that all problems seem to be gone, because of your reports!

Thank you.


nice idea, put into the todo list...


There's no big system in my version numbering:

2 - simple major number

3x - this is what i change when there are REAL big news

x0 - not so big changes which deserve a new number or simply if the last ???? number is > 9999 :P

4200 - everytime I compile NDN this number is automatically increased by a little tool i wrote some years ago

and this tool also updates the compile time etc.


4200 is a coincidence :)


have a nice weekend

Stefan / AH

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AdminZ    0

Hi Stefan,


1. After much detailed tests I see little bug - when copy file from CD->HD|RD size new created file is 0, but after viewed file or copy(create) second file in this directory size first file refresh to right value. This bug exist only when doslfn loaded.


I open new topic "NDN Interface Design" in "User's: Questions & Answers" and move to all offers about improved NDN interface.

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