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new release: 2.30.3829

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Merry Christmas to everyone!


I hope the last release in 2006 will satisfy everyone of you.


See you in 2007. :)




[!] Merry Christmas to everyone!

[*] HGL improved the XML (Dandv) and TcL data

[*] renamed dnotify to notifyd

[*] moved updview.TUpdView.SetUpdTicks(Sec) to views.TView.SetUpdTicks(Sec)

[*] fileio.GetFileTime() opened files which didn't work if a file was locked;

now uses fileio.GetFileTimes() internally which uses FindFirst/Next

[+] PCRE 7.0: multiline (not only LF) support, new options

multiline support might need more work on the NDN side

[*] Name completion: [TAB] to confirm selected keyword/name in completion

dialog like [sPACE] and [ENTER]

-> added kbTab handling to namecomp.TNameComp.HandleEvent() and


[+] type "exit" to exit ndn (stonehead)

-> dnexec._ExecCommandLine(): commandline check for exit

[*] added mouse wheel: scroll through months

-> calendar.TCalendarView.HandleEvent()



[-] W32/LNX: erase/copy files only refreshed with the autofresh code (BmW) [A]

-> AutoRefresh/CTRL-R or any other reread cannot be allowed to the panel

where the operation happens (the SOURCE directory)

-> removed flpanelx.TFilePanelRoot.ChangeLocked from

fltools.CM_(EraseFiles|CopyFiles|Dropped): the reread happened

inside the drive erase/copy code, therefore no reread was possible like

in previous versions -> moved the ChangeLocked code into the drive code



[-] line swap only worked on shortstrings [A]

-> microed6.EditorHandleEvent.cmSwapLine used a shortstring instead

of an ansistring

[*] added code to en- and disable StoreUndoInfo() in sub functions

-> TFileEditor.StoreUndoEnable()|StoreUndoDisable()|StoreUndoDisabled

[+] swap words command

-> added micro_3.EdSwapCode() which handles Lines and Words, used in


-> commands.cmSwapLine, ALT-F8/ALT-SHIFT-F8

-> Alternate swap: words with based on whitechars

-> added a Swap menu with normal and alt swap

[*] added syntax highlight macro commands (edcom.dnr): SwapLines, SwapWords(Alt)

[-] Horizontal blocks, block delete (DEL, CTRL-DEL) in overwrite mode did not

insert spaces but behaved like in insert mode (with bad undo/redo) (erno) [A]

-> micro_1.EdDeleteBlock() now handles overwrite mode with horiz. blocks

-> micro_2.EdMakeUndo() (EdConvert4Do) created unsuitable udDelBlock Redo

data and micro_2.EdMakeRedo() did not handle overwrite mode for

horizontal blocks

[+] selectable line number display: every line, 5th, 10th (Vladimir Bochkarev)

-> added commands.edlnEvery(5th|10th)Line, used in microed7.EditorDraw(),


[+] added 2 operations: Goto Next/Previous Paragraph

-> added commands.cmFind(Next|Prev)Para, corresponding macro commands

-> modified micro_3.EdFindParagraph(), added micro_3.FindParagraph()

-> added a (temporary!) hook of the ALT-LEFT/RIGHT keycodes in


-> hotkeys: [CTRL-ALT-LEFT/RIGHT] [CTRL-P Q/W]

-> added both to the Editor Menu.Paragraph

[-] char/word count used shortstrings instead of ansi strings [A]

-> micro_3.EdCountCharsWords() got the strings from the collection via

.At() and not .AtString()

[-] CTRL+<first_key> <second_key> combinations didn't allow any input but

keypresses after the <first_key> [DNOC] (GPFault)

-> microed6.EditorHandleEvent().ConvertKeycodeToCommand() gets all

inputs and handles non-keypresses too



[-] writemodify().CantWrite() msgbox were invisible (desktop locked) []

see TV MessageBox() update

[-] killed modified flag even if it couldn't write to file [DNOC]

-> fviewer.WriteModify(), HandleEvent().cmSave using Retry/ok/Cancel

[-] switching to editor couldn't be cancelled when file couldn't be saved [DNOC]



[+] detect file changes and reload file (internal viewer and editor only)

-> added notifyf, stdefine.FILECHANGENOTIFY, commands.cfHandleModReload

-> internal editor and viewer only (requires cmReload)

-> Off/1-5 second configuration in Options.Configuration.System Options

-> added confirmation: check modified flag on reload (viewer, editor)

Options.Configuration.Confirmations."Handle modified on reload";

enabled by default

[-] the can't write error notification lost file changes since it couldn't

abort the previous save operation (reload...), it continued after

pressing OK [DNOC]

-> continue asking for retry until user chooses ok/cancel in:

editor: microed6.EditorAskSave(), microed2.EditorSaveFile(As)(),


viewer: fviewer.TFileViewer.WriteModify()

-> see TV messages.CantWrite() updates

[+] operation: goto file [sHIFT-ENTER] like in FIND VFS

-> sending cmFindGotoFile with dnapp.GlobalEvent() from:




-> added microed6.EditorHandleEvent().cmFindGotoFile, menu entry "Goto file",

edcom.cmFindGotoFile/GotoFile macro command

[+] option to sort bookmarks after position

-> added commands.cmSortBookmarks [CTRL-0]

-> microed6.EditorHandleEvent().cmSortBookmarks





[-] syntax highlight did not display black (Garl) [A]

-> highlite.InitHighLight.GetCurrentColor() used 0 as signal that no color

was found, but 0 == black -> changed signal to $ff

-> removed usage and commented highlite.InitHighLight.LoCaseColors

[-] crash if multiline comments exceeded internal conversion buffer size

(Dandv) [NC]

-> highlite.InitHighLight().AppendString() copied more data than the

given buffer size was

-> see the updated help for the actual buffer size (Dan!)



[*] messages.MessageBox() will check and handle locked Desktop internally;

removed all manual locked/lock/unlock checks (fviewer,microed6,vfs_arcv)

[*] improved messages.CantWrite() to receive the button setup

-> added (commands|ndn.dnl).dlRetryButton

[+] added objects.(TPoint|TRect).Swap()

[+] added views.GetMaskedEvent(var Event: TEvent; Mask: Integer) to get

custom events, like Mouse AND Keypresses - see TView.KeyEvent()



[-] FTP: adding a new FTP server to the list didn't save options and first

2 timeouts (Garl) [A]

-> vfs_ftp.TFTPDrive.UseFile().cmXEditFile overwrote the first values

in the TFileRec.AddData storage; added HostDlgAddData() which

is used in cmXEditFile and cmEditFile



[-] context menu & help -> help didn't disappear [A]

-> contextm.p_OpenWinMenuInTV() used (for some reason) P.Execute() and

helper code instead of the views.TGroup.ExecView() code; hopefully

i introduced no problems with making this change



[-] help window open, non dialog, open dialog, open help -> help window cannot

be closed anymore [A]

-> added helpfile.THelpWindow.CanBeInserted(), used in

helpfile.THelpViewer.HandleEvent().cmHelp and


check whether we are allowed to use the existing window or we have to

open a new one



Stefan / AH


download: http://ndn.muxe.com/beta.php

(even if the beta page is not yet updated don't worry, the links point to the new version already)

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